How do you do it?
Generally speaking I like my company and I can tolerate and have an aptitude for my job even if I don't actually 'love' it. But over the past year or so the rate of tasks moving from my inbox to my outbox has slowed, and the rate of influx just keeps increasing. I'm getting buried. And the tasks I'm assigned are getting more complicated and require input from larger teams of people, some of whom are just not responsive. So some things just sit until I have time to actually focus on them and chase everyone down. I also have a boss who is constantly coming up with new mini projects, goals, development items, and whatever else.
I'm just getting tired, bored, and apathetic. Yesterday I had so much to do and I couldn't concentrate enough to organize my day or figure out how to prioritize, so I basically just wasted the day browsing online.
Anyone else in this boat? I don't see things getting better anytime soon.
Generally speaking I like my company and I can tolerate and have an aptitude for my job even if I don't actually 'love' it. But over the past year or so the rate of tasks moving from my inbox to my outbox has slowed, and the rate of influx just keeps increasing. I'm getting buried. And the tasks I'm assigned are getting more complicated and require input from larger teams of people, some of whom are just not responsive. So some things just sit until I have time to actually focus on them and chase everyone down. I also have a boss who is constantly coming up with new mini projects, goals, development items, and whatever else.
I'm just getting tired, bored, and apathetic. Yesterday I had so much to do and I couldn't concentrate enough to organize my day or figure out how to prioritize, so I basically just wasted the day browsing online.
Anyone else in this boat? I don't see things getting better anytime soon.