Need more Roman time.What's with all the Jobber entrances lately
Need more Roman time.What's with all the Jobber entrances lately
It's crazy people still want PUNK. I mean, besides Rocky and Austin I can't remember a wrestler being that over with the fans years later.
What's with all the Jobber entrances lately
Oh god are they really going to try and shout police brutality in this day and age?
Super Hobbit vs No Cardio :/
It's crazy people still want PUNK. I mean, besides Rocky and Austin I can't remember a wrestler being that over with the fans years later.
KO isn't a slammy winner.
Nothing else matters
So when is neville going to become a jobber to tbe stars?
I believe KO just took his jobHe already is.
What a start to raw
A dumb first block and now KO is jobbing to Neville
Great way to end the Year