Because we are literally fighting for the survival of our hobby as we know it. Gaas, agenda driven games and other bs is not what i consider real gaming. We are fighting for a return to good writing clean of wokeness and having likeable leads in our games and favorite hobby.I miss the days where everyone just talked about the intricacies of gaming on this forum.
While I believe you can still find quality discussions like that (which is why I’m still here), it’s quite obvious that the overall tone of the forum has shifted towards one of thinly-veiled political views. (And hey, that’s also just kind of the internet at large, so I don’t blame GAF for that.)
Remember Max Payne ? Ezio ? Geralt ? Marcus & Dom dynamic and hardships in Gears of War og trilogy ? Thats what we fucking lost, due to these fucking degenerates pushing their social commentary in everything with unlikeable characters and marvel style dialogue.