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Demon Front - Wow... This game looks familiar!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.






2 questions...

1. How do you rip of a game this blatantly and not get sued?
2. How does it compare the game it so blatantly rips off?

*Click here if the images don't show up.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
It's quite good from what I hear, but not MS good. Fairly recent game (2002).


Clone wouldn't even begin to describe this... Almost as bad as that one spy game that looks like MGS.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DCX said:
Clone wouldn't even begin to describe this... Almost as bad as that one spy game that looks like MGS.


Spy Fiction or Splinter Cell? :p

Tee hee, I'm kidding about the last one of course. I believe some of the people that were on the original MGS team worked on Spy Fiction as well.

This Demon Front game looks kinda cool, I might look into it one day.


I heart IGS, they're like the only company putting out CPS2-quality 2D sprite games on a regular basis.

Never played Demon Front but it easily looks better than any Metal Slug game past 3.


One of the IGS games I've played was Road to the Sword, an average-quality beatemup that's very reminiscent of Capcom's CPS2 D&D games.

Here's a review and some media of RttS http://www.insertcredit.com/reviews/road/

Another IGS game I've been looking for in arcades is Knights of Valor (another BEU, looks like a 2D Dynasty Warriors) but no luck so far..


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
There are some key difference concerning gameplay.

Each character has a pet/companion
There's a shield button
You can power up your weapons to let out an ultimate attack kind of thing.

Knights of Valor is the sh!t! btw.


Don't forget CT Special Forces, aka Metal Slug without the humor:


Even the GBA version of Lilo and Stitch owed quite a bit to MS:



Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Is this a PC game?

Arcade homie...

There are several IGS games I never heard of. There's a Knights of Valor 2, Knights of Valour 3 Kingdoms...

Damn, I assumed that the death of arcades would = death of arcade games. But in the last month I've discovered a slew of hot arcade games that I never knew existed...

Like this one:

Daraku Tenshi - Fallen Angels


igs.com.tw said:
IGS will launch the updated action game "The Gladiator" re-emerged the fashion of martial art. The innovatively combated scheme,friendly manipulation setting, the style character, and the most dazzling-slaughter mystification are approaching soon.

I'm all about the dazzling-slaughter mystification these days.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I have the Fallen Angels game. Shit's hot.

I've been looking at KLOV and other sites, and mapping out when I stopped going to arcades. At the time arcades were dying, there was a huge 3D push for home gaming. Consequently, many games went under the radar, and now I'm catching up.


Chili Con Carnage!
Don't forget CT Special Forces, aka Metal Slug without the humor

CT special forces rocks, it doesnt get enough credit. Ive had much more fun with it than any of the Metal Slugs tbh.
Grizzlyjin said:
Spy Fiction or Splinter Cell? :p

Tee hee, I'm kidding about the last one of course. I believe some of the people that were on the original MGS team worked on Spy Fiction as well.

This Demon Front game looks kinda cool, I might look into it one day.

I'm betting he means Spy Fiction. The layout and everything screams MGS rip off.
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