What is it?: Desktop Dungeons is a quick-play roguelike puzzle game that gives you roughly 10 minutes of dungeon-crawling action per serving. Choose from one of seven races, and over a dozen unique classes, as you tackle dozens of quests and challenges in the game's 15+ randomized dungeons. Make it out alive, and you can use your hard-earned booty to build up your kingdom, unlocking even more options.
Why should I care?: Besides being extremely addicting, Desktop Dungeons is a great intro to the world of roguelikes, curtailing some of the complexity of the genre without skimping on the difficulty. While the game mechanics seem simple at first, there's a ton of depth to be found as you start to master class strategies.
Having grown up on "Press A to Win!" games, I don't think I am ready for a roguelike: Starting is super easy. The community also has a great Wiki with beginner tips, class explanations, and other strategies. Find it here: http://www.qcfdesign.com/wiki/DesktopDungeons/index.php?title=Main_Page
Wasn't this a freeware game from like 3 years ago? Yes, the alpha was released as freeware. This is the final "retail" version though, hot off the digital presses. You can still play the freeware Alpha version HERE. However, the full game has been greatly expanded (both in terms of presentation and content) over the Alpha.
Platforms: PC, Mac, and Browser. Mobile versions coming soon?
How Much? $14.99 ($13.49 until Nov 14th, 2013)
Can I try a demo? Check out the Alpha - http://www.desktopdungeons.net/media/
No Steam. No Buy: Steam! - http://store.steampowered.com/app/226620/
Rock Paper Shotgun - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/11/08/impressions-desktop-dungeons/