acidviper said:
Can somone summarize the last ten minutes. I have to take a shit and the other prisoners are taking over the pin-pin.
From what point on?
Felicia set it up so that Mike's going to try and kill Paul Young. The last we saw is that Mike ambushed Paul at the baseball field and knocked him out. Susan attempted to trail Mike there, citing her expertise gained from trailing her cheating ex-husband. Of course, she ended up following the wrong car to its destination, interrupting a makeout session.
Gabrielle confronted Rex about what the crazy pharmacist (can't remember his name) told her, causing Rex to have another heart attack. While Rex waited downstairs (in mid heart attack, mind you), Bree took the time to nicely make the bed and get dressed and made up.
Tom got pissed off at his boss that Anabell was promoted over him, prompting his boss to not only fire him on the spot, but also reveal that it was Lynette's doing that caused him to get passed over the first time.
Gaby ended up walking away from Carlos in prison after refusing to "lie" to the police, telling them that she actually was having an affair, but just with somebody else (to get Carlos off on the hate crim charges).
That catch you up?
I guess no one else watches it, a chick turned me on to watching it, and its a really good show.
<raises hand>
It's one of the few shows that actually started out good and got even better as it went on. I just hope they can keep it going without running out of ideas. They've done some weird stuff so far, but none of it's felt TOO out there.