That was so cheesy lol, since when did they have humorous characters ala Borderlands?
Limited edition is gamestop exclusive.
They've shifted from having a sci-fi fantasy mystical feel to a much more generic, quirky action sci-fi feel. I don't have really as much hype for this.
It's Activision, it'll be on Steam
It asked me to be put on waiting list/email me thing
The bag in the CE looks like a fifth grader's home economics project gone horribly awry.
holding out for Destiny 3 now.
that will fix all the awful humor from Destiny 2.
CG trailer as expected. Very good I'd say.
Now watching it 200 more times.
Larger image of the CE
Is Cayde using a new hand cannon?
So is Blizzard.
The bag in the CE looks like a fifth grader's home economics project gone horribly awry.
You can't deny that's the tone. Look at the poster, even.
The signal is clear: less weird fantasy sci fi stuff, more basic space marines for the average cod player to self identify. Don't expect any nebulous enemies like "the Darkness" or concepts like the Garden - this time the enemy is clearly labeled, has a face and a name.
Did they always plan to make Cayde like this or did they take that one obscure line where he whispers and pleads "take me with you..." in the vanilla and ran with it?
Yeah that's because Amazon hasn't actually put the pre-order live yet.
GameStop has it up. No Target yet
"Our shit got blown up" Is seriously the best in-universe explanation they can come up with for having to start from scratch??
Fool me once...
The trailer's explanation for the loss of players' gear is pretty laughable.
So is Blizzard.
Then wait until you see gameplayI hate it so much when they announce all the shit that comes with the game and tries to convince you to pre-order without showing you a second of gameplay at the announcement.
Yeah that's because Amazon hasn't actually put the pre-order live yet.
GameStop has it up. No Target yet
Yeah, that's some weeb shit thereThat messenger bag is too cringey to actually use.