Destiny |OT♦29| The Season Finale
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
EDIT: Top of page hero we need for today's post-stream investigation.
Destiny |OT♦29| The Season Finale
Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
Destiny |OT♦29| The Season Finale
Sidearm kill Grimoire obtained says a lot about you. You're a man with a purpose. Not a particularly productive purpose, but a purpose nonetheless.WooooooooW finally max out the grimore it took a long ass time but the journey is done, all I have left to say is RUMBLE COULD GO TO HELL!
If people wanna Iron Banana this week/end I wouldn't mind saving this for next week.Weekend isn't that great for me, but depending on time I'll see if I can make it.
PSN :}Congrats! XBL or PSN?
If people wanna Iron Banana this week/end I wouldn't mind saving this for next week.
Just save all the trash armor drops you get guyswe need to go way down and shave off at least 49 Light.
EDIT: Top of page hero we need for today's post-stream investigation.
Do we have any idea when TTK will go live? Will it be at midnight EST or during the day?
Are we doing the separate twitch chat again for today's stream? Did I miss that post?
WooooooooW finally max out the grimore it took a long ass time but the journey is done, all I have left to say is RUMBLE COULD GO TO HELL!
Why? Isn't it fun to discover on your own? I am honestly torn about watching the stream.
Do we have any idea when TTK will go live? Will it be at midnight EST or during the day?
Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
WooooooooW finally max out the grimore it took a long ass time but the journey is done, all I have left to say is RUMBLE COULD GO TO HELL!
It would be really great if they could do midnight, but more than likely it will probably be in the middle of the day.
I'm inLet's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
the sidearm kills weren't that bad but the rumble wins buddy...WORST THING EVER,don't get me wrong I'm pretty good in crucible but the BULLSHIT that happens in rumble is ridiculous.Sidearm kill Grimoire obtained says a lot about you. You're a man with a purpose. Not a particularly productive purpose, but a purpose nonetheless.
Congratulations, sir.
Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
I'm totally down to crush salvage with you when it come aroundWay to go gunner. Next time salvage is up I'm hitting you up, so we can be grimoire buddies.
i sent you PM In case this gets drowned but I'd like to join. Just depends on the time.Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
the sidearm kills weren't that bad but the rumble wins buddy...WORST THING EVER,don't get me wrong I'm pretty good in crucible but the BULLSHIT that happens in rumble is ridiculous.
I feel like Destiny should pull a gears of war with a taken king commercial, and have it set to the sound of silence.
"Hello darkness my old friend...."
Will join you guys if you got a spot.Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
4. Kalamari. I haven't played much with you, but bonds will be forged in the madness.
5. Nami. Your crazy needs no explanation.
6. No takers for the moment but I'll maybe save this for Drizz in case he wants to join? We need a calculator present for commentary on how much damage everything does.
Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
How can you say Hunters aren't as useful during PVE, Stealth Hunter is probably the game's best medic. Can't tell how many times a Stealth Hunter has save my ass during Nightfalls.I'm speaking in terms of PVE usefulness.
Destiny |OT♦29| The Season Finale
Just have the appropriate level, I think Normal is doable with just legendary weaponry no need for specific equipment.I've never been on a raid with anyone before. You think I could join some of you guys sometime? Is there anything in particular that I would need right out of the gate in order to participate?
Has Bungie said anything at all about class rebalancing? The subreddit has several good discussions up today about how imbalanced it all is. I just wanted to know if Bungie has even mentioned it.
Let's crack open the Vault of Glass and bring back some memories of how challenging it was, once upon a time. Let's get our worst armor and bring our level down, in true Vanilla fashion to a level 29 wipefest. Time: to be determined, but this weekend?
1. Ocean. The scrubbiest vet in the game.
2. Fig. Her back is strong, and she knows the Vault well...but the Vault knows her.
3. Hawk. This birdman will take a seat in the noob's seat for once and watch hobgoblins Sherpa his dead body into the darkness. A Hawkmoon might cry in the distance.
3. Rodiard. This man's insanity has been proven time and time again - Hawkifying, boarding hypenaughts, and using NLB.
4. Kalamari. I haven't played much with you, but bonds will be forged in the madness.
5. Nami. Your crazy needs no explanation.
6. Rayray. You won't steal my kills here, I won't allow it.
I've never been on a raid with anyone before. You think I could join some of you guys sometime? Is there anything in particular that I would need right out of the gate in order to participate?
I have no idea what you are talking about! Me ks? kappa
Just have the appropriate level, I think Normal is doable with just legendary weaponry no need for specific equipment.
I'll try to get the raids going this evening.
I'm sure you can join us and someone who knows the raids and bosses very well can explain everything to you
As for the requierements I don't really know, sorry :-/
Hey what time is the bungie stream eastern time? Kinda forget
New avatar is dope.
I agree. I wish that they could just maybe show more footage of people playing PvP on the new maps and modes while they talk about development stuff and talk about feedback from the community. I just want to go in blind and be stunned for a moment at how awesome the dreadnaught is, rather than already knowing where everything is.They're showing more than just the strike. It will also be the hypenaught exploration. Honestly think Bungie is blowing too much of their load.
Anyone for PoE 32? Me and Sushi are on Round 4.
thanks bud2 PM.
I'm a level 32 Titan with legendary armor and a few legendary weapons. Going to be picking up something from Xur this weekend possibly and a legendary primary because I still have a rare primary.