Me and a friend wanna do it. Joining on you
Me and a friend wanna do it. Joining on you
Starting a Nightfall
in orbit, room for 2
psn thetylerdurden
I've got a blue chest piece that gives extra armour whilst using a solar subclass, I'm hoping that works in trials/IB
Been playing a lot of PvP for the first time today and finally get the Titan hate, I'd just taken C flag on shores of time, see B's being taken so move around to the sniping bit at the back of the map, Titan comes through the arch on B I headshot him, he launches a hammer across the map and I'm dead :d
Starting Nightfall as well, still need the dreadnaught fragment. Room for 2:
PSN: Dural_NL
Pls. Holiday is only putting out for Cayde.
Wow I wish inferno settings were standard across playlists in regards to special ammo spawns.
The game is suddenly not about people just charging you with shotguns and my K/D goes up like threefold.
I can't wait for the shit show of iron banner where it's the same garbage of running around with shotguns constantly.
Well, those are the same thing-That raid earlier was bollox.
Blights doing 0 dmg to oryx and teleporting us on first wave the fuck?
Please stop quoting that Imago Loop. It hurts every time.
what are people using their legendary marks for?
not sure what i should buy
already bought truth, thunderlord, red death, bad juju, hung jury, some other exotic gears from kiosks
any other hidden gems from the vendors?
Vendor 1000-Yard Stare.
FWC rocket launcher is meant to be good, as well as the New Monarchy machine gun.
Apple of Discord?
That's about it.
Hawksaw is good for pvp. Dead orbit scout isn't a bad buy either.
Quest, then once you equip it (normal sparrow) and have the item in your inventory you can upgrade it.
I have been to the lighthouse 15+ times but I can't do anything with swords
Can anybody help in completing this quest? Join rumble and kill each other? Lol
Oh look at Deo man, first no gun now he wants to do strikes pre-raid gear and only level 38 which is bare minimum![]()
He said he already had Hung Jury. Forgot about Hawksaw.
The vendor weapon foundry guns seem to be meant to give us something nice while waiting for God tier rolls. I have the Suros pulse and its stats are way better thany vendor hawksaw and it even has rangefinder. I'm all about that range after listening to the crucible podcast.
I have been to the lighthouse 15+ times but I can't do anything with swords
Can anybody help in completing this quest? Join rumble and kill each other? Lol
Its like the item you buy from Xur, its in the inventory and you use it when the sparrow is equipped.What item?
Thanks for the carry and shit!
HahahaI... um...
No Time To Explain!
Welp, the secret to how I easily won my 3 Mayhem Rumble matches is exposed, might as well share it with everyone else now.
Everybody out there using their supers and I am just here planting trip mines
Its like the item you buy from Xur, its in the inventory and you use it when the sparrow is equipped.
What happened to never using Gunslinger?
lol that's hilarious. I should try it sometime.
I don't have whatever item you're describing. How do I get it?
question to all PvP Warlocks.
Have you stayed on Stormcaller or have you reverted back to either Sunsinger or Voidwalker?
I have seen myself revert back to Blink happy Voidwalker dawning Voidfang Vestiments with Axion Bolt on respawn.
anyone else feel the same in PvP?
I don't have whatever item you're describing. How do I get it?
jesus christ, new OT already?
Anyone want to get a group going for a quick fresh Raid, starting asap?
Would need 4 more PS4