Only had enough time to play two cards tonight in Osiris. First card my friends and I got 7 wins before losing the streak. I wasn't too miffed cuz I got the Scout Rifle at least. The second card we got 8 wins and then we got totally demolished. I'm kinda miffed because in that last match I got shut down by snipers. I felt pretty powerless because the entire team sniped us from the tree in the courtyard and totally locked us out. I can't snipe at all so my one friend couldn't handle a 3v1 sniper stand-off and whenever my other friend and I poked our heads out for even a second we'd get killed. I wish the chosen map didn't favor snipers so much, but I dunno, I'm just mad salty right now since we'd been having fun up until that last match and then my friend who'd been sniping decided to play the blame game because we'd get picked off. Feels bad, man.