We've got a 3 man IB train going atm. Just started a match, but if you want to wait you can join us!
I got 4 people now so we can't do that lol
Have one spot left
We've got a 3 man IB train going atm. Just started a match, but if you want to wait you can join us!
I got 4 people now so we can't do that lol
Have one spot left
I got 4 people now so we can't do that lol
Have one spot left
question, in Instagram they revealed some Year 2 Exotic armors, 3 for Titan, 3 for Hunter but 2 for Warlock
what is the 3rd one for Warlock? is it the New Mysterio Helmet? the new Gauntlets? or the new Boots?
Still running the NF?
Meeeeeeee Pick meeeeeeee gat dammit lol
I got ignored by DGAF like a beggar in a bank lol
My bad, did a quick Iron Banner game. Message me when you're ready.Yup. Let's start!
Edit: You're in IB, hit me up later!
Is the helmet in the loot table for IB? Or can you only get it via rank packages?
Number 2 on the Wall of Shame. it's like i never left the game at all.
I think Afro left for even longer than I did lol Unless he came back before TTK
afro cheesed templar like twice and then sold his PS4
My bad, did a quick Iron Banner game. Message me when you're ready.
I left a day before TDB dropped and came back a week before TTK dropped.
I left a day before TDB dropped and came back a week before TTK dropped.
Lol. Fuck this no content game. Leaves one day before dlc.
Ah. I quit a few days after TDB dropped.
You left at a good time. Nothing good came from TDB
Waste management tier dlc
i left after doing a flawless run in VoG that was ruined when Atheon glitched. this was also around the time Deej said people are playing the game wrong on Twitter. He apologized for it but fuck that noise.
Deej. The community manager we deserve.
You up for Trails today? You too Mr Afro?
Final Round thoughDark Below wasn't that bad.
Final Round though
You up for Trails today? You too Mr Afro?
Probably not
didn't even know that was a thing until saladin sold the edifreet's spear. back then i was still using low rate of fire snipers, so i thought the high impact ones sucked - especially when they only had 3 bullets. first time i encountered it was a game on Rusted Lands. i was in the broken window by A heavy and I used TLW to jump shot someone on the bottom of the water tank. Both times he blained me in the face while i was shooting him in the air and i thought the guy was aim botting. Nope - it was final round.
funny thing is, if the same thing were to happen today, it'd be because the snipers are basically aim bots now.
uh the last time they released an instagram list, it wasnt the full listWarlock's aren't getting a new exotic yet, unfortunately.
damn ok
hey gap we haven't played at all this week. do trials with me and ape so i can convince you to fall into SW hype
What happened?i'm still raging from yesterday.
i'm still raging from yesterday.
i'm still raging from yesterday.
dude we're gonna have fun. just kick back and drink/smoke/whatever it is you do that's possibly illegal but allows you to cope with bs
I'll be up for a run in about 15-30mins. I'll shoot you a PSN message when I am on.
I'll be up for a run in about 15-30mins. I'll shoot you a PSN message when I am on.
That's nice an' all that they're fixing HC accuracy but what use will that be if my reticule is bouncing around like a chihuahua on crack because everyone will being using the newly buffed ARs?
Y'all know that feeling when you go to infuse something and you're hovering over the wrong thing and instead of infusing it you delete it? No?
Yeah, I did that to theIB machine gun
I think I need more sleep.
What happened?