What's the 5 Win Trials armor drop this week?
I really don't think so, especially on that map. That damage on a headshot sounds like it'd be on par with headshotting someone in a super, combined with range stop off to take it out of lethal damage. A headshot on most damage resistant supers is maybe something like 210, 220. Range fall off and a slight 1% damage penalty could explain the 172 if this were the case.I think its just the agressive damage drop off for snipers atm, once its out of a certain range, damage drops significantly. And that sightline is one of the longest one i think. That map is big.
Its certainly not because of light either way, could be a glitch too. If its the range thing, 2.1 will fix it.
Holy shit, these stats w/ Rifled Barrel.
AND Hawkmoon's range is getting nerfed? Yikes, why would I used Hawkmoon over this anymore?
Just saw your messageI'm down.
Psn LuckyDoobage
I'll join let's start a IB train need 4 moreAnyone wanna play some IB? PSN is firthy01
Anyone down for some trials or hm oryx?
Same here hm oryx ,I'd is lightsaberutI'll do hm oryx.
What's the 5 Win Trials armor drop this week?
I'll do hm oryx.
PSN is Vincentgrey
Same here hm oryx ,I'd is lightsaberut
Anyone doing trials? PSN Jafku
Anyone fancy doing some Trials for the bounties?
If we get further that's awesome but I'm not really bothered.
Kk 3 more for hm oryx
1. SmileyFM
2. Vincentgrey
3. Lightsaberut
Kk 3 more for hm oryx
1. SmileyFM
2. Vincentgrey
3. Lightsaberut
4. Angry_eric
I'll do hm oryx. psn is angry_eric
well if its lucky bullets proc (which is also getting a nerf) it can be better than TLW in CQB.
but yea Hawkmoon is basically dead next month.
So what changed in the game so far? I am planning to go back for the IB goodies
Anyone else?
Kk 2 more
I'm bringing my Titan. Give me 5 minutesFinished the raid with my alts and did IB and I have nothing to do. So I can help.
Psn skywalker_3li
Ps: shall I bring a titan or hunter ?
Kk 2 more
I'll do HM Oryx, PSN SonComet, signing on now.
I'm bringing my Titan. Give me 5 minutes
Okay just 1 more for HM Oryx!
Smily we are good this go,Skywalker wants to joinOkay just 1 more for HM Oryx!
Anyone else?
So we still need 1 more
Surely there must be one more Badass guardian who wants to participate in the most engrossing and above all, fair battle in the entire Destiny experience.
Smily we are good this go,Skywalker wants to join
Sorry but I quoted the wrong post XD sorry for the confusion.
As I said earlier in my prviews post.
Psn skywalker_3li
So we still need 1 more
First rank 5 package? 310 disc/str boots.
Second rank 5 package? 310 Sidearm.
Oryx isn't even this stingy.
Is dropping 175 legendary marks the only way to get a rare sparrow? Xur's uselessness has led me to buying a purple smoke trail that I can't even use.
I had two guys teabagging me and just me yesterday during an IB run with gaffers. fucking keros22 and that other guy whose name I can't remember cause he played for one match and left afterwards. But man it felt good handing keros22 6 Ls.Thanks for the Trials matches Todd and Afro! No Mercury, but I finally got the Trials ghost...Dis/Strat 307
Again...IB drops better gear than HM raid and Trials...whyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!!?
We also faced a really solid team that teabagged us every round. Never change Destiny community. I'm glad DGAF isn't full of savages.
OK, that´s weird.
I put back on my raid gear that used to put me at 315, but now I´m only 314?
Am I going crazy or what?
I used to be just slightly over 315.
On a side note: IB set + Saint 14 looks ace:
I had two guys teabagging me and just me yesterday during an IB run with gaffers. fucking keros22 and that other guy whose name I can't remember cause he played for one match and left afterwards. But man it felt good handing keros22 6 Ls.
And I had another guy teabag me earlier this morning while doing IB with a few folks. I spent the entire match dancing on his ghost.
And then I had one guy send me a message during one match. Poor salty Miruko. Couldn't handle dying just once at my hand. Seriously, I killed him once and he sends me a message a minute later calling me a crouching turd.