Just want to bring everyone up to speed here because I know a lot of you are crunch-grinding. As far as I can tell, here are your options for getting to 365, and even past that from some of them, once you are closing in on 350:
tip: You are going to be completely overloaded with engrams from any of this- clear out your postmaster before adventuring.
Omnigul Farm - 320 from the Director
Enter with a fireteam and kill Omnigul when you get to the hallway where she briefly appears for a chance at a couple of blue drops, then suicide and repeat.
You need some combination of high DPS to pull this off reliably. I've seen suggested: two tethers and Raze Lighters, 1 tether, 1 celestial nighthawk, and Raze Lighers, tethers and Sleepers, Two tethers, WoL, + Gjallys/Sleeper. Whatever you can do to make it work consistently with your fireteam I guess.
This is the fastest route to strict Light increase for the moment and while boring and not conferring any other benefits, if you really just want to maximize your time to be raid-ready for moment one, do this.
Omnigul Farm - 350 from the Heroic SIVA Playlist
Same deal, do SIVA strikes or Orbit/Reenter until you get Omnigul, kill Omnigul when you get to the hallway where she briefly appears for a chance at a couple of blue drops, then suicide and repeat.
The benefit here is that you can take advantage of the Arc Burn to spike her down which may be easier for some groups. I've heard Stormcallers/Boltcasters can kill her quite reliably. The rest of the strike will be tougher and you have to RNG to get to it in the first place, but once you're on the farm it may be a quicker kill cycle than above. Since you aren't completing the Strike for the other playlist benefits, for the most part the 320 version is just a better bet.
Sepiks Perfected Farm - 320 from the Director
Simply do this full strike and repeat. Enjoy the kickass boss fight tune.
Sepiks coughs up a bunch of loot which can be LL upgrades on death. It's a fairly quick and easy strike, and you can use Three of Coins on Sepiks (unlike Omnigul).
Additional benefits since almost all the enemies in the entire strike are Splicer Fallen: SIVA offerings for Archon's Forge, Splicer Keys. Downsides compared to Omnigul in raw speed, and no Vanguard Rep/skeleton key chance/bonus legendary engrams compared to the Heroic SIVA playlist.
Challenge of the Elders
This isn't exactly a farm, but Variks' rewards for completing an Elder Sigil will be light upgrades for you up to 365. The content is still at 320 (no difficulty increase), and you can do one sigil per character per week. You'll get one weapon and one armor piece from the completed sigil as LL upgrades, up to 365.
You can use Three of Coins on the bosses in here as well.
The way to get your most bang for your buck here is to do your sigil when your character is as close to 365 as you feel you can get otherwise, rather than earlier on- since you'll get potentially decent, legendary gear from Variks and it's a one-shot of higher light. Blues dropping on your main/first leveled-character can very rapidly get your alts up to around the same level, so bear this in mind too. Variks House of Judgment package rank ups can yield even higher-light gear as well.
Heroic SIVA Crisis Strikes
Simply grind strikes in this playlist. For this week your best friend will be a high light Zhalo Supercell since it's Arc Burn.
Blues that drop from bosses can be LL increases, vanguard rep especially with a booster, decent chance of legendary engram drops, skeleton key chance, Three of Coins on the bosses. This is rather tough and not worth the time unless you're overleveled already (past 350) with randoms. With a coordinating group and good loadouts (I also love Bolt-Caster) it's the most fun though.
If you're not trying to maximize your raw Light-per-minute (i.e. to become raid-ready at minute one) and can get a GAF group, I recommend this as the other associated rewards are solid and it's not as mind-numbingly boring as the purely repetitive ones.
Finally, I urge you to try to bear in mind that rushing to be 360+ in time for the raid tomorrow is for psychos and you should not feel you're doing anything wrong or being "left behind" if you don't manage to get there or don't feel like getting there. The raid itself is likely to be a primary source of Light progression and we don't know how viable it is to get what loot checkpoints at what Light level at all yet- the full picture will be clearer after this weekend.
As with all previous I will be running Weekly Newbie Raids that'll include Wrath of the Machine as soon as I feel comfortable enough with it to lead- so don't feel like right now right now right now is your only chance.