It´s a shared online world. You can´t mess around in there unless you do it for everybody.
Way too soon to make calls about the story of Destiny 2 btw, let´s play it first.
You totally can have different and specific in-game elements for people that have reached a point in the story when other didn't, just to give you a sense of impact, but it didn't need to be big, here, I was just pointing the Tower as an example. It's just about how you structure the game.
We know nothing about the story of D2 beyond the setup and we're already judging it's scope. Wow.
Yep, gotta keep that Destiny 1.5 narrative going - NO MATTER WHAT!
What I mean is I'm not expecting a single story mission in Destiny to be (to compare from previous Bungie's works) as long and diverse as a Halo mission. Like the first mission in D2 is like 15 minutes? (Sure it's a first mission, but it still gives an idea)
Plus, we can already have some assumption on the story telling itself and the scope it can reach. Like Glam said, it's a shared world, so we (maybe) are not going to have impact on the world. The main story is about Ghaul wanting the light, but Luke already mentioned the Darkness won't be a thing in D2 (at least for vanilla D2). Again, what I'm seeing is that we are getting a vilain in the same way Oryx was a vilain in D1, coming with a specific idea to give you a goal, progress through stories to level-up until you reach the Strike and the Raid. And that's why I'm way more looking forward Adventures and Lost Sector than the main story.
Again, I based this opinion on how Bungie structured story telling for expansions in D1 and how they said they found their way to tell a story in Destiny tied to gameplay element, and since this worked quite well in D1, I'm not seeing them changing this for their new game.
I'm not assuming big changes on D2 since what they showed wasn't that much different from D1. And Glam, don't be mad at people saying they saw D1.5 in D2, like yesterday, a friend of mine saw a video for the first Strike in D2 and the Tower story mission, didn't know it was Destiny 2 and asked if it was the new expansion for Destiny that leaked a year ago about the Cabal.
There is a reason some people are calling Destiny 2 a Destiny 1.5 based on what they have seen so far. You can disagree for sure, but you can at least try to understand what they mean.
How can they be burnt by what the game is if they haven't played since alpha/beta/launch? The game has changed.
Sure the game changed, but it didn't change that much (I mean, it's still Destiny). It is easier to get good loot, increase your light and your level, but the game is still the same in the end, so people that were confused or disappointed at launch won't really change their opinion on what Destiny is. I played the game since the Alpha, and it sure got better, but not that much someone would give Destiny a third chance if they were expecting something else.