Raid didnt happen last night. 3x nightfall instead.
Hopefully we can get 6 for a raid tonight... including 3x challenge mode
Raid didnt happen last night. 3x nightfall instead.
Hopefully we can get 6 for a raid tonight... including 3x challenge mode
So this OT might last for 3 months at this pace.
Raid didnt happen last night. 3x nightfall instead.
Hopefully we can get 6 for a raid tonight... including 3x challenge mode
I would be down for running hard mode tonight.Raid didnt happen last night. 3x nightfall instead.
Hopefully we can get 6 for a raid tonight... including 3x challenge mode
Yeah but if Arc Burn is on, Zhalo would get the exotic slot.
Except running Zhalo all the time gets boring I find novelty enjoyable and the heroic strikes and many nightfalls do not need min-maxed gear to ensure success.
For PVE, Thunderlord is more fun than legendary LMGs because there's a chance that trash mobs explode.
Not arguing with you on the boring thing but wanting to plow through as quick as possible, all slots being ARC and ARC subclass help.
And yeah the random firefly is pretty cool compared to the normal LMGs. I hope the two new 'lords get fixed soon to be able to leverage the same perk as well.
Second one is actually a god roll.
Second one is actually a god roll.
Your definition of a god roll*
If the first LDR has Longview SLR10 instead of SLR20 then it is definitely the better of the two and worth holding on to imo.
It does have SLR10. Ok, so then I guess I will hold on to both and see how it goes.
That's probably the best thing you could do. I personally prefer the SLR10 over any other scope on a sniper and Unflinching is far less situational than Firefly. Either way, both are great snipers.
Everyone has their own definition of a god roll. SLR10 is preferred by quite a few people but a lot of people also like shortgaze better (and some ambush). Unflinching is, in my opinion, the definition of a useless perk. Makes absolutely no difference especially since flinch got buffed and this specific perk got nerfed at the same time lmao. I like firefly way better, i got like at least 6 collats on this past weekend of trials just from it, its awesome. After using snipers with firefly for so long it also feels very weird to not see people blow up when you snipe them, like really weird. After so much time i think i even prefer firefly instead of hidden hand in part due to this.
Snapshot and unflinching are nerfed from their previous god roll perks status from year one to almost next to nothing.
The first one would've been a god roll in year one when range didn't equal aim assist. Like I said, firefly is still better even if he doesn't ever touch PVP. Mobs of ads get slaughtered.
I'd say SR10 and SG are pretty equal and for me personally makes zero difference. But if you like sniping closer SG is the way to go. With scopes being nerfed you want that more closer range scope.
^ My sensitivity is all the way up so snapshot does nothing for me. I haven't used a snapshot sniper since it being nerfed and I still get quick 3 - 4 snipe kills all the time. Just ask the people who play in my train.
I just feel like you're overstating the importance of range on a sniper, when their base range stats are high enough to snap to targets in 99% of situations already. The extra range can be big for Control and other 6v6 stuff I guess but I'd take quick scoping over more aim assist at extreme ranges any day of the week.
I don't think range can ever be "overstated" in this game ever since the 2.0 patch. Range affects everything in a gun since then for some dumb ass reason. On snipers it affects the cone at which the the aim assist will begin to reduce, or the cone which can affect bullet magnetism that makes a missed shot a headshot.
In my experience, using snipers with rifled/reinforced barrel i have usually felt way more of a difference on "aim assist" (at all ranges) than the small boost hidden hand offers but ¯\_(ツ_/¯
The 2nd one has quickdraw anyway which 100% outclasses snapshot. I can't see much reason to use the first one over the 2nd one in PvP to be honest unless you want to stack snapshot with quickdraw from running blade/ophidian aspect warlock and even then you're probably best off running the 2nd one so you have quickdraw + rifled.
Best sniper is Matador 64 anyway.
I'm a Day 1 player and have been playing almost straight since then so I understand how the range stat works on guns post-TTK (among other changes... RNG Handcannon bullets ftw amirite?!). Again, I think that the ranges where the benefit of having Rifled on a sniper start to matter are only at extreme distances. I'd much prefer having a perk that can actually change how fast I can acquire targets over a perk that just pushes out the range that my AA stat is effective.
I can totally see where you are coming from but based on your responses you seem to be talking more about trials anything. Well most PVP people, at least casual to the people who just want to play some PVP to chill out, are going to need the longer range sniper. Even for trials itself you are going to run into maps with long sniper range. That snapshot is not going to be all that beneficial.
You said it. Snapshot would be a situational thing. If I were close to my opponents all the time I would never use a sniper to begin with, ala Supremacy. The only counter to a very good player with a shotgun is a shotgun.
All this talk is making me really miss year one weapons though.
I like the Matador for sniping
How do I get on the Guardian Lord list? Posted my info a couple threads ago.
@Ruthless, I haz base game + Taken King Plantium:
You won't be able to hit NarutoLover666 from across the map in First Light with that puny half range sniper while he is using his I spent $100 to get this ornament Icebreaker.
They removed it from latest patch?
We mix it up and it shows up in classic.
It's still in the game in Combined Arms and Classic but they took it out of the "core" playlists for very obvious reasons.
and then made it the Trials map for a weekend because Bungie would rather troll their hardcore PvP community than address the glaring issues with the current PvP meta
Have i ever played with you? Whats your psn? :thinking:
I want to be able to use Hawkmoon again.