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Detective Pikachu Reaction & Thoughts

So, Detective Pikachu : Nope or Dope ?

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Since the movie releases at different times in different countries, the Detective Pikachu movie released today in France, but fortunately I was able to see an early screening yesterday night. Now is finally the time to give my impressions on whether Detective Pikachu truly lives up to the hype or ends up just being another mediocre commercial movie adaptation of a videogame.

Now, I feel like since the movie offers some pretty good story twists, I will not spoil anything regarding the plot as I think that since it is pretty loosely based on the game while only keeping the main themes, the plot is pretty different from the original version. So therefore, I will only start discussing spoilers following the release of the movie in the Americas on May 10th. I will also add a poll on this day so that you will be able to give your brief impressions regarding the movie. Basically, you would rather want to go in completely blind regarding the story so make sure that you don’t spoil yourself too much if you’re going through some reviews of the movie.

So on to the movie, was it really any good or was it just average ?

Well, after 7 months of hard patience, here’s what I have to say about this movie, from someone who isn’t much a fan of Pokémon :

At last, we’ve come a long way since the questionable but rather interesting live-action adaptation of Super Mario Bros released over three decades ago, but Detective Pikachu has finally managed to break the infamous “ videogame curse “ to bring over what has been missing to gamers for a long time : a good movie. Detective Pikachu is an example of how to do a movie adaptation based on a video game right. Because the filmmakers behind the adaptation didn’t just adapt the videogame, but they’ve completely appropriated themselves the universe of the videogame of the same name in order to take a new approach to the videogame, and the least I can say is that they’ve nailed it.

Here’s a brief review of some of the aspects of the movie that I feel worth pointing out :

Regarding the story : I’ve seen most critics criticising the plot for being over-convoluted, but honestly, the story wasn’t even that hard to understand. I’ve been able to understand the entire plot and even if it does offer some out-of-reach twists at one point, the story never really gets meaningless and manages without leaving any plot holes behind. I’m even surprised at how the background story, based on the themes of father-son relationships and persons who aren’t really what they want you to think, is treated with such maturity. It is quite a challenge to cram up 12 hours of story from the videogame into a 1-hour and 40-minute long feature film, but Detective Pikachu brilliantly manages to offer a more simplistic, but not devoid of depth, story plot that will still manage to speak up to those who’ve played the original game, and for those who’ve never played the game.

Regarding the acting : no surprise here, Ryan Reynolds is just on par as a humorous talking Pikachu who’s always up for some pretty funny moments based on his addiction to caffeine that pops up throughout the movie. Justice Smith’s performance as Tim Goodman surprisingly manages to offer an emotional weight to the story.

Regarding the worldbuilding : honestly this is some of the best world-building I’ve seen lately in a feature film. Ryme City makes we want to actually imagine what it would be like to live with Pokémon in the everyday life. Although the idea of living with Pokemon in the real world doesn’t really click out to me since I usually don’t care about them, it would certainly feel weird and kind of amusing of having to share our life with fictional yet adorable creatures with two wholly different worlds that collide together. Pokémon fanatics ( if there’s any here on GAF ) will definitely feel in heaven if a place like Ryme City existed in real life.

Regarding the soundtrack : I honestly think that Henry Jackman did a superb job at remixing many classic Pokemon theme songs from the games to give them a new feel that actually fits very well to the modern look of Ryme City. Props to him honestly.

Regarding the Pokémon themselves : one thing that I usually don’t like about the Pokémon is that they are too child-friendly looking. While most of the Pokémon in the movie look remotely the same as their original form, the idea of making them all furry-looking makes them fit extremely well in the real world. Heck, a few Pokémon has been granted a more mature yet terrifying new look and if you’ve seen the movie... you’d know what I would be talking about. To make it simple, I largely approve the live-action look of the Pokémon, it offers a much needed change to a usual design formula that was starting to get tiresome.

So yeah, you’ve probably seen it by now, but overall I left the theater pretty satisfied of the screening. While I still think that Wreck-It-Ralph is the best videogame-related movie ever made simply because it managed to talk about videogames as a whole while also fantastically treating of a more interesting theme based around self-acceptance, Detective Pikachu is arguably the best movie based on a specific videogame franchise, and it’s pretty impressive considering the long track of mediocre at best Hollywood adaptations of videogames we had in the past. You can feel that the movie was made with passion, that it was made for Pokemon fanatics as much as Pokemon neophytes in mind.

While the movie isn’t perfect and has its flaws, it still manages to bring something that, and that’s perhaps the greatest achievement of the movie, will bring several audiences ranging from the usual viewer to the usual gamer, passing by the Pokemon fanatics to the Pokémon neophytes. There clearly is something for everyone to look forward to in this movie. However, Pokemon fanatics will definitely enjoy this movie the most than neophytes as they should expect a flood of easter eggs and sweet references to the Pokémon franchise as a whole, who nevertheless will also enjoy the movie thanks to a solid plot with lots of humor, great soundtrack, stunning visuals, and of course Ryan Reynolds’s charming performance as Pikachu which makes itworth alone. You should definitely see this movie as an affordable and family-friendly entry to the likes of “ Who Framed Roger Rabbit ? “ and “ Blade Runner “. Obviously, Detective Pikachu isn’t as remarkable as these movies, but it has the merit of having used interesting sources of influence to give an actual proper meaning to the universe of “ Detective Pikachu “ that simply wouldn’t have established all of its potential into a simple and obscure videogame from the 3DS.

I give this movie : 8/10

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It released last week over here and I just watched it a few days ago. I haven't actually played much of Pokemon for a very long time and don't remember the names of any of the Pokemon from after the first generation, but I still really enjoyed it. It has a couple of plot holes and you can see parts where it's obvious that it's a movie for kids, but Reynolds as Pikachu really just works.


Im not much of a Pokemon fan but think the movie looks really cool.
I'd def play a Pokemon game that had a similar visual style to the film.


Your impressions are great as I’m not expecting more than that. As a Pokemon fan I’ll go watch it because Ryan Reynolds proved to me that he can make anything good


Is this a kids oriented movie? and adult would enjoy it?

I think both kids and adults will enjoy this movie, although I do think that adults who grew up with Pokémon will enjoy it the most.

At the screening, the theater was literally packed with adults, I was honestly expecting more kids to be here but 85% of the people who were there were adults.

I think this is going to play a key part into the success of the movie. Because of the nostalgia.
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Is this a kids oriented movie? and adult would enjoy it?
Yes, it's very kiddy in terms of the plot, characterisation and action, but the dialogue and at least half of the humour is great for adults too, Pikachu is adorable, and I'd say you don't even need to be a Pokemon fan to enjoy it (I'm not).

The only people I wouldn't recommend it to are people who hate Ryan Reynolds. For better or for worse, the majority of the film does rely on him. That's "for better" in most cases, though I know that there are a couple of people out there who're rubbed the wrong way by him.

The film is surprisingly Deadpool-like (thanks to Reynolds) despite for the most part remaining completely family friendly (I think some parents might feel that some of the Mr Mime sequence is a tad inappropriate for younger children, but on the other hand Americans seemingly let their kids watch far far worse stuff all the time)
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Well, today’s the day ! Detective Pikachu has now been released in the Americas !


As promised. I updated the thread with a poll to gather up your impressions ( only people who have actually seen the movie can vote ). Anyway, for those planning to go see the movie today or this weekend, hope you’ll all enjoy it as much as I did :)

And once you’ve seen the movie, feel free to come share your impressions on this thread because there is going to be a ton of things to talk about regarding the movie !

Have a wonderful screening ! :messenger_sunglasses:


The movie is definitely being held back for being a kid friendly movie. Some part of the movie felt rushed, wish it would be 2 hours long instead.

The movie is charming enough that I like Reynolds as Pikachu more than him as Deadpool. It was money well spent.


Gold Member
Gold Member should be proud of this thread. Don't like photorealism movies btw.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Sorry OP but I'll be skipping your analysis of the movie until after I get back from the theater tonight.

My wife, son, daughter, and daughter's fiance all begged me to take them. I'll come back and share my thoughts as well.

EDIT: definitely putting this movie in a solid "dope".
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I honestly had no idea what to expect going in although the trailers represented cautious optimism on my part.

This movie was genuinely good. Like, I wasn't expecting anything resembling this level of quality. The plot seemed a bit flimsy and turned constantly on random twists thrown at you out of nowhere but the realization of the world was fantastic, all the CG Pokemon looked amazing, and the actors were actually trying (even Justice Smith). Ryan Reynolds in particular seemed to be having the time of his life. It's not often you can say you were both Deadpool and Detective Pikachu and that's a distinction Reynolds will have forever.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The one part I couldn't figure out:

Surely Tim knew what his dad sounded like, right? Why didn't he figure out the "twist" like the first time he heard Pikachu talk? If I encountered a Pokemon that sounded like my dad, I'd have questions.
The one part I couldn't figure out:

Surely Tim knew what his dad sounded like, right? Why didn't he figure out the "twist" like the first time he heard Pikachu talk? If I encountered a Pokemon that sounded like my dad, I'd have questions.

This was heavily, heavily corrupted from the game plot where it makes way more sense. In fact the whole ending of the film is changed completely from the game which is why it's almost total hash.

The game ends with Tim and Pikachu leaving together to find his dad. He does not find his dad at the end of the game, nor is his dad explicitly stated to be inside Pikachu. It's hinted at only obliquely what the movie decided to make so blindingly clear, that Mewtwo put Harry into Pikachu's body in order to heal him. This of course creates plot holes 10 miles wide that a giant growth-enhanced Torterra could walk through. Oh well.
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My wife and I enjoyed it. At first I wasn’t into the art style for the pokemon but then it grew on me. I found deadpool annoying but Reynolds was good in this and not too over the top.

I wasn’t a huge fan with how they used the license to be honest. It was a unique take on the world of pokemon but I suppose if it was my movie I would’ve done things a lot differently. It was fun and entertaining but nothing amazing. It certainly never felt like how Pokemon felt to me as a show or game but it was still fun.
I saw it last night. I was mad at this movie starting from the first trailer because the entire draw of the game to me was Pikachu's voice, and then they recruited Ryan Reynolds for the movie presumably because it would have no hype otherwise.

I think the target audience is both little kids and the young adults that were kids during Pokemania but aren't invested in the franchise. Nothing in between. Cheap jokes and a plot whose convolution rises with the movie's run time. I eventually softened up toward RR's version of Pikachu, and Lucy is waifu material with those bangs.


Elden Member
Wife and I both enjoyed it. The plot twist was obvious the moment you saw Pikachu wasn’t effected by the R gas. The plot though wasn’t what interested me, I just wanted to see Pokemon. And boy did it show a lot of Pokémon.
Took a while to get used to Ryan Reynolds talking pure nonsense and the actors didn't seem to be taking the movie seriously. Bill Nighy voicing you know was weird as fuuuuuuuuck too, he was totally phoning it in. It was alright though, decent Pokemon representation throughout not just Gen One.



Took my daughter to see it today. See her pictured above with the poster :)

We had a blast. I love how they did the Pokemon in CG. It was the perfect balance between realistic and cartoonesque. Great movie!!

Codes 208

I saw it last night. I was mad at this movie starting from the first trailer because the entire draw of the game to me was Pikachu's voice, and then they recruited Ryan Reynolds for the movie presumably because it would have no hype otherwise.

I think the target audience is both little kids and the young adults that were kids during Pokemania but aren't invested in the franchise. Nothing in between. Cheap jokes and a plot whose convolution rises with the movie's run time. I eventually softened up toward RR's version of Pikachu, and Lucy is waifu material with those bangs.
Actually he also did the voice of pikachu for the game too. And it worked for them so I’d assume they wanted him to reprise his role.

As for your second point, it’s clearly aimed at both children and young adults in the same way Pokémon go was
This was heavily, heavily corrupted from the game plot where it makes way more sense. In fact the whole ending of the film is changed completely from the game which is why it's almost total hash.

The game ends with Tim and Pikachu leaving together to find his dad. He does not find his dad at the end of the game, nor is his dad explicitly stated to be inside Pikachu. It's hinted at only obliquely what the movie decided to make so blindingly clear, that Mewtwo put Harry into Pikachu's body in order to heal him. This of course creates plot holes 10 miles wide that a giant growth-enhanced Torterra could walk through. Oh well.
I believe the change has a bit to do with longevity. I believe the game ended the way it did to incite a sequel whilst the movie was more experimental so it could just end here if need be.
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Unconfirmed Member
I love the Pokemon games but I just can't watch this right now. I don't like Deadpools voice in any movie he's been in for whatever reason so I'll just get the BD and watch it on German dubs or something.


The problem with casting Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu is that he's playing opposite Justice Smith, a mumbling robot who does not belong anywhere near the big screen. The difference between the two actors could not be more pronounced, and they're often working with a fanfic-grade script that seemed like it was probably re-written about a dozen times. I thought nostalgia would probably carry the movie but I nearly walked out after dozing off a couple of times in the second act. At least the kids in the theater seemed to be having a good time.
Saw the film yesterday.

It's weird, but then, the whole thing has been weird since it was announced. I still cannot fathom how and why they would greenlight a weird (even by videogame standards) spin-off from a video game, before figuring out how to even make a standard pokemon film work in live action. It's like having Ant-Man open for the MCU instead of Iron Man.

Anyhow, maybe my lowered expectations helped as I thought the actual film was okay.

The good

Pokemon - the crazy folks somehow managed to pull the hardest part off, they created a world filled with these amazing creatures that I wanted to know everything about, all the little lore details like the trainer battle footage on TV etc, the weird and wonderful ways humans are living alongside them (Squirtle squad fire brigade!) - I was lapping that stuff up, and I think this is the achievement of the film, proving that videogame worlds can become great film settings.

The bad

Pretty much everything else - The human actors were all terrible, even Reynolds performance grew old very quickly when it became obvious he was just doing a PG-13 Deadpool impression the whole time. The 'twists' we all saw coming since the trailer, the action sequences that made absolutely no sense, the gaping plot holes so large a Snorlax could fit in them.

Sure, It's a film for kids, and it's a fun ride if you don't mind the silliness and throw-away nature of most of the plot points, but it's really skirting between just being okay, and being good at times, so it's a shame it's let down a bit in these areas considering they nailed the world building stuff.

Only one traditional pokemon battle was a bit of a let down too, but I'm wondering if that's one of the elements from the game that wouldn't transition into live-action. would we want to actually watch two friendly pokemon beat the shit into each other? Hope it gets a sequel so I can find out!


The film was pretty fun on the whole and I do recommend people who like the franchise go and see it. The world building and the Polemon themselves were great. I'll happily watch a sequel if they make one.

Now I know it's a children's film and maybe I'm over-analysing it a bit too much but ......
Why the fuck does the old man father want to turn people in to Pokemon? I know he helped create the city so people and Pokemon could live in harmony. But why the fuck turn people in to animals? Is that explained? Did I miss something?

Also, I laughed hillariously loud when the son was found in the closet. Of all places the "evil villain" could hide his son, it was in the closet.


It was ok.

I have close to zero interest in Pokemon, but managed to be pretty entertained throughout the movie.

One thing that was a disappointment was how instead of it being a detective story it pretty much went by the tropes and plot of some superhero movie.
Not a big pokemon fan, I just missed the boat on it, but have some knowledge. Saw the movie this weekend and really enjoyed it.

I didn't have any expectations and only recognized a handful of the original pokemon. It was pleasant, wholesome and I genuinely smiled through out the film.


The movie was enjoyable. I was expecting it to be a lot funnier and I would have liked interesting places to see in the movie. It did leave me with the hope that they could do a traditional pokemon movie.

My biggest issue with the movie was the fact that the bad guy's body didn't combine with mewtwo unlike everyone else's did creating this massive weakness.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Plot was bad and uninteresting. Pokemon were cute but I have never been a big fan. Reynolds was the only good thing about the movie other than fan service. 5/10 wish I had waited for rental.


It was OK, probably the best attempt for a video game/anime to reality, I don’t care much for a sequel if it’s even similar to this movie.
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