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Detective Pikachu Reaction & Thoughts

So, Detective Pikachu : Nope or Dope ?

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I never expected the words "birth canal" or "get me the h-ll out of here" to come out of Pikachu's mouth. :messenger_grinning_squinting:

I enjoyed it, but the plot with the whole
Pokemon fusing with people, mind controlling mewtwo stuff, and the fact pikachu was Tim's dad the whole time
made it a bit weird. It was fun seeing it with a friend and I liked the little attention to detail they brought to the table.
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I saw this yesterday and I liked it. I haven't really cared about Pokemon in over 15 years but I was excited to see this movie. It was great to see live-action Pokemon world. Some Pokemons looked a bit odd but most of them were great. I hope they make more movies like this. Digimon movie would be great too.
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Not a fan of Pokemon, never played the game, never played GO on mobile. I know of them and of course know Pikachu via osmosis.

Thought it was decent but clearly its a kids film. I enjoyed that it wasn't a 3 hour epic, coming in I think at just over 90 minutes. Ryan Reynolds/Pikachu steal the show of course and carries the movie. The rest of the plot/story is again pretty conventional but its a kids movie no need to get to deep.

I though the Pokemon were all well done and Ryme city was really cool. Kids/Pokemon fans will probably love it, but the teenager + catagory most likely not as engaged and its not stealing audiences from Endgame/John Wick.


Neo Member
I took my kids to see it over the weekend and they loved it. I usually fall asleep during kids movies but Reynolds littered enough jokes throughout it and overall it was a cute nod to the detective noir genre with Pikachu acting as the externalized internal detective monologue. The Angels with Filthy Souls Easter egg was a fun touch that my kids immediately caught.
Saw it with my wife yesterday, we really enjoyed it, I mean yeah, it's a kid's movie so I enjoyed it for what it is....also this movie made me really wanna play pokemon again, I might get Let's Go Pikachu since it's basically a remake of the original games and I can't keep up with a 1000 new pokemon...


Saw it last night, found it delightful. That ending

is a bit weird, but the director says that was his whole pitch -- Tim has been bonding with his father all along, and thus restores the relationship. "It’s a script about Tim finding his dad." It mainly made me sad because Detective Pikachu has to cease to exist. I have no idea how they think they're going to make a sequel. Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu is the whole draw.

Also, it stretches credulity that when Mewtwo merges a human with a Pokémon, the human's body disappears. But I think the alternative -- a city full of soulless corpses -- would never have flown with the MPAA. 😂

Also also, why didn't Howard Clifford just have Mewtwo immediately merge Howard into himself? Is that the one thing Howard can't force Mewtwo to do? Plotwise, it would have made Tim's counter impossible; but it could have been addressed in a throwaway line.
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Saw the movie yesterday with my wife. It just premiered in Poland, almost the whole room was filled with 20-30 adults, just a few kids. It's weird to know how many Pokemon fans there are here, the games and Nintendo wasn't so hot all those years back.

I liked the movie for what it was: a fun, nostalgia driven trip to an imaginary world all Pokemon fans have dreamed about.
Some plot holes, some things that made no sense but enjoyable and thst matters.

Loved the fact that they referenced to the old anime and first movie.

Surely something to see for the fans, if you have kids than it's a no-brainer.


I went with the Wife to this because she's a massive kid at heart, it was a well made film that tied together relatively well. Most importantly of all the children in the audience seem to thoroughly enjoy it.
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I wasn't going to watch this but a friend convinced me to. I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I expected, so there's that. It helps that the plot moves along swiftly so you don't feel bored. Some Pokémon like Treecko, Pangoro, Braviary etc. are fantastically done while others like Aipom aren't as convincing. I also like how they used some TCG artwork in Tim's room, it fits like a glove with the rest of background details. I would love it if a sequel is greenlit.
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