So I finally beat this, before I get to how I feel,I want to say Human Revolution was the first Dues Ex game I played and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a major surprise for me.
I was pumped for the sequel when it got announced, but as near it's release date was a busy busy time for me. It came out when I was on my honeymoon in Hawaii and after listing to the bombcast talk about it and reading reviews, I knew it was good but just more of the same as the first one. I somewhat lost interest.
Fast forward to 2 weeks ago when it goes on sale on Xbox live for $15, I decided to jump in. I knew I would like the game, as I do, but it truly was more of the same. There wasn't really anything new to it. But as they say, don't try to fix something that's not broken.
As much as I like the game, my biggest compliant is the boring story. It was just uninspiring and bland. The last one I feel like told a better story and the boss characters sort of gave is some flavor. I couldn't tell you what this one was about, it wasn't convoluted but just boring. I rather it had a stronger focus on why Jensens has new augs and what happened to him between this and the last one. That would of been a more interesting story.
Final after credit cut-scene was very interesting. Are we to believe Jensen isn't who he thinks he is? And why is Elizabeth with the illuminati!!? These ideas and questions are so much more interesting than the story they gave us.