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Developers who drop the ball on popular franchises

Anyone have any favorites?

Mine has to be Tomb Raider. It's amazing how much potential the Tomb Raider franchise had last generation. For a while people were calling Lara Croft the biggest mascot in gaming, even surpassing Mario. Where is she now? The last TR game was supposed to break free of all the things that held TR back during it's many sucky sequels, but it turned out to be just the same amount of suck.

Talk about running a franchise into the ground and not even milking it properly. Core Design should be ashamed. I would love to play a next generation remake of Tomb Raider, but only if it has the polish that is now expected from high profile games.
Is Toby Gard's galleon good?

I remember having high hopes when it was multiplatform and then thinking I'd never get to play it when it went Xbox exclusive. I'm thinking of getting one now though.

I enjoyed Tomb Raider less and less after the second instalment. I'll agree with you they ****ed that up significantly.

My picks:

Starfox Adventures - Rare
Driver 3 - Atari
Enter the Matrix - Atari



Man, I'd love to see another well made Tomb Raider. I loved the first one, hopefully they'll get back to that spelunking traps & treasure feel and ditch all the modern crap.
Post-Genesis Sonic games.

The Sonic games simply don't work w/ 3D gameplay. Any new sequel that arrives on a console should be 2.5 D (3D gfx, 2D gplay).


sadly Galleon is not so hot.

I really tried to like it. I thught the graphics (while dated) showed some amazing animation (especially the characters faces) and the environments were interesting enough to explore.

Unfortunately for every nice thing it had going for it had two bad holding it back and stamping on it. The whole nonsense with the camera pointing the character where you wanted him to go and then he figured out the way to get there was little more than a fancy animation system and an anoying over-the-shoulder fixed camera perspective in reality. Why the hell can't i look left or right without him going there? why can't i just edge forward a little? does he have to take a whole bloody step every time i touch forward?

You could see where they were coming from if you think of Galleon as being a 'true' sequal to tomb raider. That games controls now look so incredibly clunky that if galleion had come out right after tomb raider it would have felt fresh and been truely inovative. Unfortunately so many games have now done 3rd person control so much better than galleon its not even funny. The number of times i tried to move the right analogue stick to turn the camera around was silly.. it was painful.

The way the game coped with interacting with objects was also really annoying. Again, you can see the design process that led to the final system but you just really get the feeling that somebody should have sat the team down and asked if they really thought it was better than the normal way of doing things? Games should be controlled by the player not by the games animation system! They tried so hard to make everything animate fluidly with no pops or shortcuts when the character has to pick up an object or interact with something in the background that they just ended up designing themselves into a horrible corner and ended up with a system so clunky it borders on feeling like a point and click game from the early 90's.

The combat sucked - press 1 button repeatedly in a slow rythmic fashion to get super amazing combos. Great. I'm not even gonna try and explain that one - just play it, you'll see. Oh and combine it with the fact that you can't see any direction except for the one you are fighting in due to the fixed camera and it's truely horrible.

The wall climbing / ladder claimbing stuff could be great if it hadn't been for two more fatal flaws. 1 - Why do you have to press a button to climb a ladder or wall (hello? can't i jump onto a ladder? or just walk into? wheres the much vaunted "just push in the direction you want to go and he'll figure out how to get there" now eh?) and 2 - the camera when climbing (and also swimming) is the biggest pile of shit ever. it swings all over the place and turns what could have been some really fun areas of the game (where you get to scramble over the inside of caves, across gaping ravines and around lofty ledges ike some kind of olympic athlete after a fresh dose of steroids) into something so disorienting, frustrating and downright unplayable that you can't help but think it must be your own fault somehow. Seriously, fighting to keep the camera pointing at something other than the sky, or the floor, or both in rapid succession while trying to move along a simple climb wall is the hardest thing i've ever had to do in a game.

i could go on and on and on and on.. I really did try to love it! I stuck with it for hours..

oh yeah - i thought the plot was great! Unfortunately i didn't get to see how it ended due to just not being arsed to play anymore.. shame. Somebody should really have told them it was shite. It could have been so much better!

Funky Papa

I really wanted to love the last Tomb Raider, but the more I tried to play it, the more it hurted my feelings. The magnificient music was underplayed, the cutscenes focused on some the most crappy graphical details, textures were rough, the grill movement system sucked a big wang, enemy AI blew, weapons are stupid and pretty much everything was screwed to more or less extent. It was very sad to see how such an interesting twist on the series was destroyed by the sheer incompetence of Core.

I'd rate Tomb Raider 6 of 5 on the "worst fucked up videogame franchises" ranking.
Spyro the Dragon was my favorite platformer on the Playstation, but when Insomniac moved on, so did the fun. I liked the series enough that I might have been tempted to pick up the PS2 offering despite the bad reviews, but playing the OPM demo convinced me to pass.


Tomb Raider

Driver 3 - had the hype, turned people's heads... if it had been good, it had the potential of being a GTA-ish seller. but no, it had to suck ass. :\


Nintendo dropped the ball with me on Mario Sunshine and Zelda: Wind Waker. I actually sold my Cube for an Xbox after Wind Waker. I'll probably pick one up again in 2005 for the new LOZ, I'm just hoping it's not rushed and they get the gameplay right.


Yeah Tomb Raider is up there for sure. The way things are going Duke Nukem will be too, damn shame about that.
Square - Final Fantasies after VII (Though IX is a possible exception)
Konami - Castlevania (all of the 3D titles)
Nintendo - Zelda since it moved to 3D
Nintendo - Non-handheld Pokemons
Midway - Mortal Kombat after III
MrparisSM said:
Nintendo dropped the ball with me on Mario Sunshine and Zelda: Wind Waker. I actually sold my Cube for an Xbox after Wind Waker. I'll probably pick one up again in 2005 for the new LOZ, I'm just hoping it's not rushed and they get the gameplay right.

The new game looks like generic shit to me. But I wont be selling good systems over it. To each their own I guess.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.

I'm one of 4 people that didn't like Mario64 or any third person/3D Mario. Nor do the spin off games do it for me. SMB 3 was fucking heaven though.

Sonic. Same thing.


Air Force Delta. I thought the first one on dreamcast was awsome. The rest really sucked especially the new on PS2.

Tokyo Xtreme Racer - The first one had one of the best soundtracks Ive heard in a game. It really kinda made the game for me. The rest had shitty soundtracks.

Zelda - After OoT


The publisher Eurocom comes to mind. They disapointed me in their Buffy sequel-Chaos Bleeds. They should have hired the pros over at the Collective once again.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony

Such aura of coolness around that game during last gen. Nothing left of it today.
Still, I hope the PSP incarnation will be good.


Junior Member
Codemasters' Colin McRae Rally 2005. CMR4 was such a good step in the right direction but 2005 went back to cmr3 crappy physics. Hats off to Codie's latest TOCA efforts though.

Sega's F355 on the PS2 could have been incredible but the lazy bastards did a piss poor implementation of forcefeedback wheel support and no analog button support on the DS2.


Junior Member
Marconelly said:

Such aura of coolness around that game during last gen. Nothing left of it today.
Still, I hope the PSP incarnation will be good.

Wasnt this mostley blamed on the loss of alot of the old team and track designers?


Crash -- All the recent ones suck
Spyro -- All the recent ones suck
Mario -- Sunshine sucked, Double Dash sucked, Mario Pinball sucked, the Mario Party series is washed-up
Sonic -- Every post-Sonic 2 game sucked
Zelda -- I haven't been very interested in Zelda after the Majora's Mask and Wind Waker disastors
Wave Race -- Blue Storm killed the series entirely
1080 Snowboarding -- Avalanche killed the series entirely
Final Fantasy -- The tenth one was the final nail in the coffin
Star Fox -- The Adventures game on GameCube totally turned me off from future Star Fox games
Tony Hawk -- I couldn't care about the series after the second one
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