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Dhund (The Fog) -- Your thoughts

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So last night I'm clicking around the higher numbers of my digital cable lineup, places I don't usually watch. For the heck of it, I stop on the International Channel where they're showing an Indian movie called Dhund. It basically had the plot of a b-movie, wacky hi-jinks of the leading men, girl enters beauty contest, another girl wants to enter said contest but always lost to other girl in similar contests during college, so she whines to her brother, who decides to threaten the other girl that he'll kill her if she enters.

Yes. That's the plot. Somewhere in there you have a love story, and not one but TWO musical numbers that focus on "Yes, we're in love, but we can't get it on, but that's not a problem because you're the one I'm going to marry anyways and THEN we'll get it on" including one in a club and the song is STILL stuck in my head.

The point to all this is that the movie is somehow considered full of suspense, but it's really funny to watch. I didn't get to finish it, so anyone here seen it and know how it all ends up?

Oh, almost forgot to mention that EVERY actress was smoking hot, but no, I don't know their names, so I can't help with pictures.
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