Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.
People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.
It's not "no problem" for any DH or Wizard. Yes, they work better in bad gear because they have stronger defensive abilities in terms of being gear-neutral. It is not a "free ride" button for either of them.
It's really frustrating to see people act like they know all there is to know about endgame balance a week after the game's been released for a difficulty that is balanced around gear that nobody has and strategy interdependencies tied to said gear that nobody's even gleaned. Fucking relax already, if the most gear-dependent class had been able to solo the hardest content the game has to offer in relatively shitty gear this game would have been in a lot more trouble than it currently is.