Diablo III |OT2| Queues Rise. Servers Fall.

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Except my DH brother solo'd Inferno no problem and my Wizard friend solo'd it, laughing all the way.

People are actively rerolling DH/Wizard to farm gear for their Monks/Barbs because it's just not worth the hassle. That's a problem.

It's not "no problem" for any DH or Wizard. Yes, they work better in bad gear because they have stronger defensive abilities in terms of being gear-neutral. It is not a "free ride" button for either of them.

It's really frustrating to see people act like they know all there is to know about endgame balance a week after the game's been released for a difficulty that is balanced around gear that nobody has and strategy interdependencies tied to said gear that nobody's even gleaned. Fucking relax already, if the most gear-dependent class had been able to solo the hardest content the game has to offer in relatively shitty gear this game would have been in a lot more trouble than it currently is.
LOL anyone ever read the official diablo forums? I check it out from time to time to get a chuckle and there is a hilarious thread going on about how they should just delete every character and shut it down for 3-5 months and start over.

The amount of stupidity on the official blizzard forums is just outstanding, so outstanding i can't stay on it for longer than 5 minutes without getting a headache.

worthless? my friend is taking on inferno by himself with no problems.

uh ok how?

you are aware the monk's healing mantra just got nerfed into oblivion right?

Seriously I want proof of this friend with a monk soloing inferno post nerf....I call total BS


You really mean 1 spec out of 30, right. I'm not referring to the PvP balance anyway, I should've made that clear. PvP in WoW will never be balanced as long as it's on the same rule set as PvE.

PvE isn't bad. The only thing about mages that comes to mind is class stacking for world firsts on certain fights, which doesn't matter at all.

I only mentioned a few examples. We could go for awhile discussing just how badly imbalanced the classes are, but I won't do that because this isn't the WoW discussion thread. Between Druids having little utility as a healer, Paladins being inefficient tanks, Warlocks being flat out not fun to play, melee being sat on fights because ranged (and mages specifically) overwhelming them, and the ever so enjoyable encounter that is Heroic Warmaster Blackhorn, the game is anything but balanced.
So, uh, can we get some buffs too to classes to deal with inferno, or is it just nerfs all the time? I guess they're not going to buff in a hotfix, but still.


Force Armor/Energy Armor is either removed from the game or in a completely non-working state.

So, to recap, from Blizzard regarding hotfixes coming tomorrow:

- Monks MoH: Boon is nerfed to cap at 3.6k shield.
- DH's Smoke Screen lasts 1 second, 2 seconds with rune. On a 3 second CD.
- Force/Energy Armor either removed from the game or completely broken.

Oh Blizzard.

I really have no problem with this. Force Armor was completely ridiculous and able to smoke up and kill everything was kinda silly.

So, uh, can we get some buffs too to classes to deal with inferno, or is it just nerfs all the time? I guess they're not going to buff in a hotfix, but still.

I much rather like this approach where nerf everything down so Inferno is harder rather than make everything so strong that they can clear Inferno without much effort.


It's not "no problem" for any DH or Wizard. Yes, they work better in bad gear because they have stronger defensive abilities in terms of being gear-neutral. It is not a "free ride" button for either of them.

It's really frustrating to see people act like they know all there is to know about endgame balance a week after the game's been released for a difficulty that is balanced around gear that nobody has and strategy interdependencies tied to said gear that nobody's even gleaned. Fucking relax already, if the most gear-dependent class had been able to solo the hardest content the game has to offer in relatively shitty gear this game would have been in a lot more trouble than it currently is.

Because it's fair that my brother is currently rolling in millions of gold and some of the best items in the game while I can't even get passed Act 2 without hours and hours of farming and hoping to get lucky either selling items or finding them? I'm sitting at just under 20k gold, waiting for items to sell. He's just farming away.

No. I will not relax. I could turn my chair tonight and see my brother laughing as he just spammed SS. It really is a free-ride button.


uh ok how?

you are aware the monk's healing mantra just got nerfed into oblivion right?

Seriously I want proof of this friend with a monk soloing inferno post nerf....I call total BS
Just because you aren't good at the game doesn't mean everyone else sucks.

You can call whatever the fuck you want because honestly i could care less, take your crying to the official D3 forums because i won't entertain a kid who is essentially calling me a liar, why would i lie to you? i don't know you nor do i give a shit what you think, you think i am here to impress you? impress you by saying i have a friend who is doing it? i don't know why i am even wasting my time typing this.


However Blizzard's knee-jerk reaction and fixes to these (completely breaking skills, really?) doesn't bode well for their own knowledge of the game. But that's probably expected at this point?


Just because you aren't good at the game doesn't mean everyone else sucks.

You can call whatever the fuck you want because honestly i could care less, take your crying to the official D3 forums because i won't entertain a kid who is essentially calling me a liar, why would i lie to you? i don't know you nor do i give a shit what you think, you think i am here to impress you? impress you by saying i have a friend who is doing it? i don't know why i am even wasting my time typing this.

As if it takes any skills to *click* *click* *right click* 1, 2, 3, 4

Its all gear dependent...

I too, would love to see your friend's Monk "rolling" through Inferno solo.


So, uh, can we get some buffs too to classes to deal with inferno, or is it just nerfs all the time? I guess they're not going to buff in a hotfix, but still.

Knowing Blizzard, buffs won't happen for a long time. Blizzard's design choices are usually pretty awful in general because, at least IMO, they balance it in a bubble rather than looking at the full scope of problems.

Biggest issue with this Monk nerf is that it removes a really big source of survivability for them when facing mobs of similar or higher strength. There are no additional damage reductions another than the 30% or so they say that occurs and there isn't anyway to compensate for the insane damage of the various Champion modifiers. We have to be inside and take the damage to deal damage and because there isn't reliable healing for us anymore

I mean, I have a 420ish base resist set (spikes a little higher in certain types) and I'm highly defensive but it's just not enough for Act 1 in Inferno without a good source of mitigation or healing. In solo, I can get by but as soon as I join a party, it's just not enough, the enemies start reaming me way too fast.


Good lord. Yes, please reroll another class. Having a gameplay mechanic where a player stands still and spams invulnerability is downright stupid. The nerf is completely justified but they need to rebalance some of the runes.

Read the change. 2 seconds with rune, 3 second cool-down. DH's don't have the resistances to live through things like AOE attacks, so they will die in that one second between casts.

If I sound mad that my DH is going to die more now, it's because I am.


Read the change. 2 seconds with rune, 3 second cool-down. DH's don't have the resistances to live through things like AOE attacks, so they will die in that one second between casts.

If I sound mad that my DH is going to die more now, it's because I am.

To be honest I expected the SS change to be more severe. I feel like it's a very minor nerf, the way I use SS pretty much isn't going to change at all.


As if it takes any skills to *click* *click* *right click* 1, 2, 3, 4

Its all gear dependent...

I too, would love to see your friend's Monk "rolling" through Inferno solo.
You want proof youtube post nerf videos, google diablo forums post nerf.

What kind of proof do you want? im not giving you his name because he doesn't know you, he sure as hell isn't going to record a video for some random person on the internet simply because you say "NUH UH HERP DERP!".

I don't live to please, impress or to lie to you so you can either believe it or not because frankly i don't care.


Read the change. 2 seconds with rune, 3 second cool-down. DH's don't have the resistances to live through things like AOE attacks, so they will die in that one second between casts.

If I sound mad that my DH is going to die more now, it's because I am.

It's a good change. The skill was too derp mode, and it felt fucking stupid using it.

You live during that one second by being smart, and equipping appropriate.


Read the change. 2 seconds with rune, 3 second cool-down. DH's don't have the resistances to live through things like AOE attacks, so they will die in that one second between casts.

If I sound mad that my DH is going to die more now, it's because I am.

I did read the change. What you're proposing is to keep the mechanic where DH spam invulnerability to stay alive. Is that a gameplay anyone really wants to live with? Spamming invulnerability?


Ah good old hyperbole over patch notes.

It's like i'm playing a Blizzard game again with that new smell.

I've missed it since Cata has been out for a while.


I did read the change. What you're proposing is to keep the mechanic where DH spam invulnerability to stay alive. Is that a gameplay anyone really wants to live with? Spamming invulnerability?

They aren't offering an alternative =/

It's a good change. The skill was too derp mode, and it felt fucking stupid using it.

You live during that one second by being smart, and equipping appropriate.

I can only go by my 80 hours of DH experience. In that time, I've saved myself and groups during boss fights by carefully managing my discipline and spending it on Smoke Screen at only the most opportune moments. Now, if I get walled by enemies, they'll smack me dead in that one second. If I get caught in a fire pit
like The Butcher's whole area
that one second is death.

I don't know why I'm arguing about this. Blizzard did it, it's done. There's nothing I can do.
Just because you aren't good at the game doesn't mean everyone else sucks.

You can call whatever the fuck you want because honestly i could care less, take your crying to the official D3 forums because i won't entertain a kid who is essentially calling me a liar, why would i lie to you? i don't know you nor do i give a shit what you think, you think i am here to impress you? impress you by saying i have a friend who is doing it? i don't know why i am even wasting my time typing this.

Not calling you a liar, but would love to know your friends' build and skillset. Just to know what it takes to survive inferno.


Not calling you a liar, but would love to know your friends' build and skillset. Just to know what it takes to survive inferno.
Tomorrow when he gets on i will gladly get his build/skills. I don't mind doing that but i won't go out of my way to have him record footage or give you his ID because he doesn't know you.

And if i come off as a dick it's because being called a liar or insinuating that i am is shitty, i have 0 reason to lie to a random person on the internet about something as trivial as a video game. I don't know WHEN the nerf happened but when i was on earlier today he was doing fine rolling through act 1 inferno on his monk solo.


I can't believe how serious people can take a game...
This isn't a game, it's Diablo.

It's like calling Starcraft 2 a "game" and further more you post on a video game forum on the internet late at night, clearly you take your games more serious than the average casual gamer.


I don't know about the rest of you, but when I walk away from my keyboard I don't even thinking about Diablo 3 or games in general at all.

Nothing wrong with getting into a discussion.

Lucky you. All I can think about at work the past week is what to do with my Monk when I get back home.
You want proof youtube post nerf videos, google diablo forums post nerf.

What kind of proof do you want? im not giving you his name because he doesn't know you, he sure as hell isn't going to record a video for some random person on the internet simply because you say "NUH UH HERP DERP!".

I don't live to please, impress or to lie to you so you can either believe it or not because frankly i don't care.

Just tell us his freaking build for crying out loud. Were not asking for his damn social security number.

Seriously bro settle down, I would love to be proven wrong. Instead of proving that the rest of us monks just need to l2p you decide to just act like a total douche....

PS the nerf happened later today is my understanding. Sorry if you felt like I was calling you a liar, but your even admitting that you are not sure it was post nerf so.....


I don't know about the rest of you, but when I walk away from my keyboard I don't even thinking about Diablo 3 or games in general at all.

Nothing wrong with getting into a discussion.

Same. When I turn off my monitor in a few minutes, all I'll be thinking about is the Game of Thrones episode I'm going to watch.

If I never play Diablo 3 again (I will, but at a slower pace since life has to go on now that the week I gave myself to play like a maniac is over) I've gotten my 100 bucks worth.


Just tell us his freaking build for crying out loud. Were not asking for his damn social security number.

Seriously bro settle down, I would love to be proven wrong. Instead of proving that the rest of us monks just need to l2p you decide to just act like a total douche....
Like it said i will tomorrow.

I am in bed with a netbook about to go to bed, it's 3:30am and i am not getting up out of bed to please your curiosity and like i said before this was earlier in the day (around 10am) this could of been pre or post nerf, i don't bother to keep up with hot fixes/patches because i don't care about that stuff. And i am incredibly tired and cranky so i retract my "learn to play" statement, it was a dick thing to say and i am man enough to say i am sorry.

That being said i am closing the lid on this netbook and sleeping in because its my day off.


Lucky you. All I can think about at work the past week is what to do with my Monk when I get back home.

Same here. Whenever I exit Diablo to go do something useful for a while, I eventually end up reading this thread, which directly leads into me playing for another 4 hours straight.
First thing I did this morning was log in to check my auctions, only to find that the EU servers are down.

This game has me by the balls.


The backpedaling...has begun.

Same here. Whenever I exit Diablo to go do something useful for a while, I eventually end up reading this thread, which directly leads into me playing for another 4 hours straight.
First thing I did this morning was log in to check my auctions, only to find that the EU servers are down.

This game has me by the balls.

Yep...its quite scary really. Damn you Blizzard!
Like it said i will tomorrow.

I am in bed with a netbook about to go to bed, it's 3:30am and i am not getting up out of bed to please your curiosity and like i said before this was earlier in the day (around 10am) this could of been pre or post nerf, i don't bother to keep up with hot fixes/patches because i don't care about that stuff.

wow so really than you were just trolling me? Awesome bro thanks a bunch.

Sorry if I offended you. Have a good night.

I had been pouring everything into INT as a Wizard and was wondering why my dmg output was so low. Turns out the weapon's dmg + the added dmg bonus makes a massive difference after using the INT bonus dmg % coefficient.


wow so really than you were just trolling me? Awesome bro thanks a bunch.

Sorry if I offended you. Have a good night.
I was trolling you? or weren't? not sure if you had a typo goof or not but i am most certainly not trolling.

If you knew me i don't play that shit (trolling) but i am going to bed so have a good night.

I had been pouring everything into INT as a Wizard and was wondering why my dmg output was so low. Turns out the weapon's dmg + the added dmg bonus makes a massive difference after using the INT bonus dmg % coefficient.

Yep, this is a revelatory moment.

I almost kept a sweet rare bow that dropped tonight...would have given me +100 dps. I play a Witch Doctor. I don't even think it had any INT on it. But I was playing with a Demon Hunter friend and I couldn't do it...ended up being the right call as it was about +400 dps for him.

Point being...yep. Weapon damage. The king of Diablo III stats.

I had been pouring everything into INT as a Wizard and was wondering why my dmg output was so low. Turns out the weapon's dmg + the added dmg bonus makes a massive difference after using the INT bonus dmg % coefficient.

I've been sacrificing health bonuses for damage bonus since yesterday. ACT II NM, about lvl 41 Wizard.

So, uh, can we get some buffs too to classes to deal with inferno, or is it just nerfs all the time? I guess they're not going to buff in a hotfix, but still.

Why would they make the intended hardest difficulty easier a week after launch when it's already been "cleared"? It's not intended at all that people be clearing Inferno yet.


relies on auto-aim
I got some swag gear tonight.
Resistances up in this bitch.

Also I have the only Tal Rasha's lidless eye (soon for sale) on Americas according to the AH.



I had been pouring everything into INT as a Wizard and was wondering why my dmg output was so low. Turns out the weapon's dmg + the added dmg bonus makes a massive difference after using the INT bonus dmg % coefficient.

Took me awhile too. 2-6 damage increase or plus 40 dex. I couldn't comprehend it as I was thinking in my mind that my dps would only go up by 6.


Or you know, just keep playing the class you like. Just because it's hard doesn't mean you can't still play.

I don't think i've ever let nerfs or buffs in any game change the class I play because I like to play what I choose because one ability doesn't define my happiness with a class.


relies on auto-aim
Or you know, just keep playing the class you like. Just because it's hard doesn't mean you can't still play.

I don't think i've ever let nerfs or buffs in any game change the class I play because I like to play what I choose because one ability doesn't define my happiness with a class.
You can't enjoy Inferno if you can only die


Gold Member
The Smokescreen nerf hurts a fair bit because the DH doesn't have much in terms of defense otherwise. It's not the shortening of the length so much as the 3 second cooldown timer that is the issue.
Yeah, I mean the game has to be fun too. I would up the death penalty to gold but buff the survivability.

There is a point though that survivability will naturally buff itself over time due to item farming.


The Smokescreen nerf hurts a fair bit because the DH doesn't have much in terms of defense otherwise. It's not the shortening of the length so much as the 3 second cooldown timer that is the issue.

Maybe you actually have to stack more points into defensive attributes now like %dodge and resists, instead of dumping it all into DEX and VIT, which is what I see most Demon Hunters do.
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