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Did ANYONE Ever Like Virtua Fighter 3?

Tonight I decided to go through some old games and I popped in Virtua Figther 3. Now call me cray, but I still kinda like the game. Don't get me wrong... I didn't have nearly as much fun with it as I did part 2, and part 4 is simply one of best fighting games, 2D or 3D, ever made. But I can still stand to play it. But does anybody else? I recall it getting a ton of hate, though as far as I could tell it was due it not being as good as the Godly Soul Calibur. Any thoughts?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
VF3 is waaaaay better than Soul Calibur. Virtua Fighter is the ultimate in 3D fighting, nothing compares within their respective generations.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dice said:
VF3 is waaaaay better than Soul Calibur. Virtua Fighter is the ultimate in 3D fighting, nothing compares within their respective generations.

I disagree...

I enjoyed VF3 quite a bit, but I think Soul Calibur deserves more credit...

On the flipside, VF4 is a better game than both of those.


vf3 was fucking awesome when it hit arcades. it was incredibly gorgeous, and the gameplay innovation of the sloped/walled/etc rings was rad (and i wish they hadn't thrown it away ... i also wish that DOA wasn't the only series doing that kind of stuff right now, because i don't really play DOA.)

when it came out for DC i played it a fair bit, until SC came out (this is import DC, where VF3tb hit at launch and SC came out about 8 months later.)

the evade button was unnecessary and behind-the-times, but otherwise i don't find much to complain about for the game when it came out. it simply was a ton of fun to play in the arcade... of course, VF4 is a superior game, but i wouldn't really go back and play VF2 now either (though we'll see, when the sega ages disc comes out, whether i really mean that...)


Love it. I think people were turned off because it took so much time to really come to grips with. A lot of critics really picked at the Dreamcast port, too, it didn't deserve the abuse it got.


Soul4ger said:
Love it. I think people were turned off because it took so much time to really come to grips with. A lot of critics really picked at the Dreamcast port, too, it didn't deserve the abuse it got.

Agreed - it throws people off when a fighting game has four buttons, and only two of them are used to attack. When VF3 hit arcades, I worked in one and it was painful watching the Tekken crowd, used to that break-dancing freak in number 3, mash buttons. The fighters would just jerk erradically, because they were canceling their attacks with block.

Given time, it proved itself to be one of the deepest fighters ever. But it's not for beginners.



Man, VF3 in the arcades used to be smokin' hot.

Myself, I love the game. The DC version was underwhelming (a little bit), a bare-bones port of the coin-op but it is still awesome stuff!

VF3tb on DC ( I assume that's what you are talkin' bout, willis) is really fun stuff to the VF fan. The combination of the new evade button and the elevated terrain changes, and Taka-Arashi, make it a unique and must-play game on Dreamcast.

The graphics are kinda weird -- the faces and Taka's fat belly often take on a bizarre look, and the skin tone of the characters is too milky white IMHO. But the visuals are also quite nice in many ways.

I really like the game, I was taken back at the insinuation that "nobody really liked it" in this post's topic.



Unconfirmed Member
I never liked VF3. Though the uneven stages rocked. I wish they would bring those back.

But otherwise, there was something about VF3 that I never liked. And I love all the other VF games.
VF3 had a fourth button just for walking around. So if someone, let's say me, were to build a three button stick to use for VF, it could only be used for VF, VF2, and VF4. Now, I'm not saying that it makes VF3 a bad game, but it's the first thing that annoys me when I think about it.


There is a VF3 arcade cab up on ebay for like $125 with only 30 minutes left if anyone's intrestet.


I liked Virtua Fighter 3 in 1996 when I first saw it and played it in the arcade, and in 1998 when I played the conversion of VF3 TB on Dreamcast.
I hated VF3tb. 3 years old game with lousy Dreamcast port PLUS horrible PAL conversion equals no chance against Soul Calibur.

VF4Evo is way better than Soul Calibur 2 though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
VF3tb got more more playtime than any of the other VF games for me and my mates. The DC port got so much abuse, but at the end of the day it's still my favourite home-version in the series.

VF4 may be purer, and have more depth, but I just enjoyed VF3tb at home more. And the home ports of VF4 and VF4evo have *really* messed up the arcade's memory-card system, which pisses me off a lot more than a missing polygon in Pai's shoulder!

I still live in hope of them releasing deluxe VF joysticks with card-slots in them so you can play it *exactly* as you do in the arcade.
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