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Did my boyfriend emotionally cheat on me?

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I hath done so!
Good for you. :)

You deserve someone that treats you right. You seem like a good dude. No reason to settle for assholes.


Why are you even questioning it? There's no reason to be with someone that treats you that way. The guy just sounds like a parasitic narcissist that acts weak to draw in sympathetic people he can emotionally mooch off of.

Of course you're second fiddle. It sounds like every guy is second fiddle to him, because his one true love is himself.

We're done here.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Holy shit. Too long.

You're still a kid...
And this dude is using you.

Just based on the first few paragraphs... what did you expect?

This "relationship" also seems pretty short... especially when you guys had prior history. Your long rant is not self aware at all and kind of worrisome.

Talk to someone who is more emotionally mature. This sounds like middle school level drama.


Junior Member
Is this based on the whole men aren't emotional shtick? Of course guys emotionally cheat and it does mean whatever emotionally cheating means to the affected parties.

@OP, sounded like a rather onesided relationship. Good for you to finally get out.
No men are very emotional at times more so than women often in relationships . But look at cheating very differently .
Read the whole thing. Not only was he emotionally cheating, he was emotionally abusive and 100% physically cheating on you while blaming you for calling him on his bullshit.

You gave him way too many chances, don't let mental illness or some misguided sense of "love" turn you into a doormat. The first time this dude straight up broke plans with you with a no call, no show it should have been over for a two month relationship.

You sound young, naive, and have the exact kind of personality that abusive people prey on. Stay away. Just because someone apologizes to you doesn't mean that they care about you.

Edit: even in this topic where you're completely admonishing him you're still defending him. Even now you're of the mindset that you'd take him back if he said the right thing. Don't be available to people like this. There is no gray area here. He's a terrible bf. And you knew this before you started dating becausr he treated dozens of other guys the same way he treated you, that charmer.

Par Score

Dude. You're 19. No relationship at that age is worth this many words to say your boyfriend is a scumbag.

I got to like the third paragraph, and that's as far as you should have gotten too before thinking "wait, why the fuck am I writing all this, I should be using this time more valuably, like by dumping that motherfuckers ass to the curb".


Sometimes you need to get away from your SO and talk to someone else...If it went no further I wouldn't be particularly upset.
that's a LOT for a two month thing

so just to be clear:

yes, he did, and I believe not only emotionally

I also believe you should take things way more easy... you're 19 and you are so intense about relationships, which is not bad, but you still have a lot to live and experience.

Not saying you should not take relationships in a serious way, but the moment I see someone just makes excuses and avoids me, is the moment I leave, not coming back.

Keep in mind your own being is the most important thing, and not a shitty relationship in which clearly there is no commitment.

Keep it up :)


Please don't waste your time and energy and love on a guy that treats you bad. Relationships are supposed enjoyable and that "adds" positiveness to your life, not the contrary.

You're super young and you'll meet plenty of guys, both good and bad - so try to stay away from the latter. I've had a lot of toxic friends at your age : people who only used me as a car driver, people who were in constant problems that I helped to solve and that turned away from me when I needed it... When I decided to severe all those people from my life, it only got better.

I wonder if you haven't the "nurse syndrome" (like I once did) : great empathy for people's problems that lead you to toxic people, wanting to solve their problems for them and help them - but without ever having them reciprocating.

With age I learned to think of myself and stop wasting my energy on one-sided relationships.


Listen, you're young. If you are unhappy move on. You have plenty of time to find the right one.

Did they cheat on you? Maybe. Understand that while one is young and in their prime they're going to have many interactions every day that are sexually charged in nature, and have friendships that are one inch away from turning into something more. It's life. Love it! Be alive and embrace it. When you get old like me you can settle down. But you're young, so have fun.


Even if it hurts to finish this once and for all: do it. He hurts you again and again and it doesn´t sound like an exception of a normally love filled relationship.


Read the whole thing. Not only was he emotionally cheating, he was emotionally abusive and 100% physically cheating on you while blaming you for calling him on his bullshit.

You gave him way too many chances, don't let mental illness or some misguided sense of "love" turn you into a doormat. The first time this dude straight up broke plans with you with a no call, no show it should have been over for a two month relationship.

You sound young, naive, and have the exact kind of personality that abusive people prey on. Stay away. Just because someone apologizes to you doesn't mean that they care about you.

Edit: even in this topic where you're completely admonishing him you're still defending him. Even now you're of the mindset that you'd take him back if he said the right thing. Don't be available to people like this. There is no gray area here. He's a terrible bf. And you knew this before you started dating becausr he treated dozens of other guys the same way he treated you, that charmer.

I'm sure he physically cheated as well, including with this guy, which I also find insulting since "Paul" (fake name, just using it since he's a gamer and might be on GAF) looks like Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones. In contrast I'm a pretty attractive/swole and 'tall enough' mixed guy that's out of my SO's league by a mile according to everyone with a set of eyeballs.

I imagine he cheated on me with such an unattractive person because Paul's currently bending over backwards for him and telling him everything he wants to hear, including that I'm wrong and he's not mentally ill nor at fault. I just feel bad for him honestly, he's going to be stuck in this vicious cycle with himself for life.

And you're absolutely right, there were red flags here, there, everywhere. I denied them because I was stupid in love with him and the amazing, dreamy start to our relationship made me feel like he was as well. Everything is about him however and what it was never really was love, it was him being an emotional parasite and me being his last option to feed off of since he burned through all his other options. He wasn't a total sociopath I guess since he opened up to me about his issue of "jumping from guy to guy because he can't bare to think about himself" before so it's definitely something he's conscious of, and felt somewhat of a real connection to me for him to admit to that but that doesn't change anything in the end.

He's worse than mentally unstable he's a compulsive liar that completely lacks a conscience and in my last message to him I told him to seek help like he promised me he would so I hope for his own sake he does. I believe there's s good person in everyone, even him, so it could potentially really help. You're right though even in the OP I was semi-defending him which is why I asked all of you guys for your POV. I felt some irrational sense of guilt (due to him turning things around on me) for leaving him while his life is in the gutter but my mistake was thinking that his life being in the gutter was an excuse to treat me like a flaming bag of dog shit.

also, how is your avatar so clean looking. damn.

Get it from my mama, ;)

You could sell the movie rights to this epic.

Lmao, "My psycho ex that never called me"

Cue the Michael Bay Explosions fam


I've said this before but it applies here the same.

A relationship is two people who spend time together because it makes them happy.

If at any point one (or both) of the couple don't feel happy (irregardless of the reason) then you no longer have a relationship.
Trying to stay with someone for any other reason than they make you happy is just pointless.
I've said this before but it applies here the same.

A relationship is two people who spend time together because it makes them happy.

If at any point one (or both) of the couple don't feel happy (irregardless of the reason) then you no longer have a relationship.
Trying to stay with someone for any other reason than they make you happy is just pointless.

I don't know, that seems a little too quick to dismissal in my opinion. I've had rough times in my relationships and overcame them to be happier than ever.


What is "emotionally cheating"?

I don't mean that I think it's ridiculous, I genuinely have never heard of this.

In my case, and in many other cases, it's when you meet someone while you're with your SO and you emotionally invest in them/get close to the point where you confide in them before your SO and they replace your SO in the confidante aspect. And it's different in the sense of platonic friendships that it actually detracts from the emotional connection you have with your SO and deteriorates the relationship.

Instead of saying "I'd rather fuck this person more than you" it says "I'd rather be with this person more than you"

It hurts more tbh


I wonder if you haven't the "nurse syndrome" (like I once did) : great empathy for people's problems that lead you to toxic people, wanting to solve their problems for them and help them - but without ever having them reciprocating.

With age I learned to think of myself and stop wasting my energy on one-sided relationships.

I absolutely do, the entire time I was with him I was subconsciously dead-set on "fixing him". I realize you can't fix someone however and don't want to end up being one of those people that waste their whole lives trying to so hopefully now that it's something I'm conscious of I won't repeat it in my search for a new dude.
In my case, and in many other cases, it's when you meet someone while you're with your SO and you emotionally invest in them/get close to the point where you confide in them before your SO and they replace your SO in the confidante aspect. And it's different in the sense of platonic friendships that it actually detracts from the emotional connection you have with your SO and deteriorates the relationship.

Instead of saying "I'd rather fuck this person more than you" it says "I'd rather be with this person more than you"

It hurts more tbh

Thanks for explaining, I understand now.


I don't know, that seems a little too quick to dismissal in my opinion. I've had rough times in my relationships and overcame them to be happier than ever.

That's the difficulty with relationships.

You never know if it's worth getting through the rough times.
I don't think you should leave a relationship at the first hint of trouble.Each person have to look at their own feelings and not at anything else.
People stay in relationships because they are afraid of being single again or for whatever other reasons and end up REALLY unhappy.


These hoes ain't loyal

Just learn from this mistake. Luckily it was only a two month investment but next time around don't let love cause you to dive in head first while your partner is still just dipping his toes in the pool.


listen to the mad man
Relationships are not about who is right or who is wrong, they're about working together to make it work or deciding to call it quits. Starting from the beginning of the post, i will excerpt red flags that suggest this is a volatile relationship that will not work long term and that has not been good so far:

"I'm a 19 year old"
"starting dating about two and a half months ago"
"a lot of serious issues in his life (including mental illness)"
"somewhat recent relationship he was still dealing with"
"He lied quite a bit"
"friend zone"
"got upset at me"
"getting upset about him"
"he would deny to me"
"he'd lie about them"
'"[]relationships" would always go sour"
"everything was perfect"
"treating me questionably"
"he convinced me"
"rough patch in his life"
"clouded his judgment"
"fresh start"
"a bit long distance"
"things started going wrong in his life"
"friend that was interested in him"
"did something absolutely terrible"
"mentally ill besides"
"let distance grow between us"
"(expensive) plans in NYC"
"he bailed on"
"illegitimate excuse"
"he slept through our plans"
"stay in the city a few days together"
"I started getting very upset and aggravated as he was hanging out with all his friends"
"I also wasted quite a bit of money on him"
"him flaking"
"having me wait on him for four hours at a train station"
"excuses for not hanging out with me"
"became more and more rocky"
"he was consistently fucking up"
"me being naive"
"we still loved each other"
"no real excuse not to see me"
"I started pushing him"
"he even gave up his summer job"
"We got into quite a few bad fights"
"it ended with him breaking up with me"
"messaged me apologizing"
"He agrees to treat me better"
"staying in two nights during my vacation to comfort him"
"it always went unappreciated"
"he always found fault in me"
"it became too much for me"
"all came to a head"
"cheated on me, emotionally"
"About two days after a fight"
"left us in the best shape I felt we'd been in"
"I found out on social media"
"I got upset about"
"My intuition was reading really bad vibes"
"I pushed him"
"he was already bailing"
"he broke up with me, again"
"We again reconciled"
"Things were fine and it seemed like we were back on track"
"width's end" (???)
"he needed me"
"It wasn't that I needed to know his business either, I just"
"I confronted him about it"
"staying with his friend Paul"
"Our relationship was't in good shape"
"Nor were we on great terms"
"I nonchalantly asked"
"he instantly got defensive"
"he in fact lied"
"this guy that he obviously got close enough to stay with and emotionally invested in while we were dating"
"I ripped into him"
"broke up with him"
"I felt like I was being treated"
"playing second fiddle to the guy he was staying with"
"had I not pressed it"
"shitting on our relationship"
"he broke up with me"
"my messages were kind of fucked up"
"I was so fed up"
"I text him the next day"
"doubling down"
"he mistook for me regretting what I said and wanting to be together"
"I spelled out everything for him"
"it just ended with him getting offended and defensive"
"I deleted his number"
"No plans of going back, however"
"I have a right to be upset"
"unbiased perspective"
"He truly got inside my head"
"I went as far as to block him on all social media"
"buying my SO a $500 train pass"
"my SO"
"just has no respect for me"
"he truly does need some professional help"
"especially given our circumstances"


This isn't love. You're a kid. Two and a half months is a blink of an eye. Come on. There isn't a single sentence in your post that suggests either of you are ready for a relationship or trusting someone.

Also, here's the tl;dr version of your post:
I've been dating a guy for two and a half months. It's been volatile since the beginning and we fight constantly and break up. He's dishonest and lies to me. He's mentally ill and I can't handle this baggage. He's been blowing off plans with me and hanging out with other singles. He's staying with another guy while we fight.

Everything else seems to be self-indulgence as far as I can see. I have no idea why you're even asking the question in the title. It doesn't matter if your perceptions differ as to who is to blame--what matters is if this is a relationship you want to continue with, and you seem to not want to, so what's the actual contention here?
Yeah, uh. What that guy above me said.

But seriously. You're 19 years old. There's no reason to be putting yourself through this for a relationship that isn't gonna last anyway.
It is far too early in your relationship to have so many problems.

Move on, OP.

Learn and grow from the experience and appreciate the good times you had together but also accept that this is far too complex already in such little time. It wont get better, it will get worse.


Everything else seems to be self-indulgence as far as I can see. I have no idea why you're even asking the question in the title. It doesn't matter if your perceptions differ as to who is to blame--what matters is if this is a relationship you want to continue with, and you seem to not want to, so what's the actual contention here?

I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt before making this post, like I was abandoning him during his time of need and being selfish for "wanting what I wanted" as he put it. It took a lot of convincing on the part of my awesome friends for them to get me to snap out of it but he twisted things back on me so much that I even maybe questioned how fair their and my own perspectives were. Because if I was simply seeing out of a lense that was clouded by my own insecurities and problems I would have definitely gone back and been his friend again.

You're absolutely right however, I obviously have issues of my own for putting up with what I did and I'm in no way ready to jump into another relationship. I plan on working on myself before I even consider dating again. I have a lot to offer in a relationship but I want to be sure I give it to the right person.
OP i read your novel and you owe me. Ha Ha

I had no idea there was that much drama in gay relationships. Well i never read specifics.

Clearly the other person prefers NSA hook ups and would lead you along because you were spending money on him.

Very inconsiderate and you are much better off.


OP i read your novel and you owe me. Ha Ha

I had no idea there was that much drama in gay relationships. Well i never read specifics.

Clearly the other person prefers NSA hook ups and would lead you along because you were spending money on him.

Very inconsiderate and you are much better off.

Haha I appreciate the effort don't worry ;)

And it had nothing to do with the money, he led me on because he's a narcissistic emotional parasite. He jumps from guy to guy leading them all on because he can't stand to be alone or think about himself, in his own words "it drives me crazy when I do".


listen to the mad man
I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt before making this post, like I was abandoning him during his time of need and being selfish for "wanting what I wanted" as he put it. It took a lot of convincing on the part of my awesome friends for them to get me to snap out of it but he twisted things back on me so much that I even maybe questioned how fair their and my own perspectives were. Because if I was simply seeing out of a lense that was clouded by my own insecurities and problems I would have definitely gone back and been his friend again.

Life is not this serious. A two and a half month relationship where you break up several times is not an epic, sweeping romance that spans decades. If you're dating someone and you're getting red flags early, it's probably not worth dating them. Real relationship problems are complicated and hard to resolve--the stuff you're listing is just basic incompatibility (you're probably too possessive, he seems not ready to commit at all, and both of you are dramatically overinvesting emotionally).


This was all I needed to see in that wall of text

From the very get-go of just being friends with him I always sensed something was just off. He lied quite a bit

Friends don't lie to each other. This guy isn't a friend, nor is he relationship material.

You're 19, no reason to dwell so much on a twat like this.


Life is not this serious. A two and a half month relationship where you break up several times is not an epic, sweeping romance that spans decades. If you're dating someone and you're getting red flags early, it's probably not worth dating them. Real relationship problems are complicated and hard to resolve--the stuff you're listing is just basic incompatibility (you're probably too possessive, he seems not ready to commit at all, and both of you are dramatically overinvesting emotionally).

I completely agree. Him pushing me away resulted in me pulling him in closer and it made for the shit show it turned into. I would have left sooner truly, I nearly broke up with him about a month into our relationship once I realized he was avoiding me and hanging out with other people. What stopped me was him convincing me that he was sorry and I'm one in a million and he loves me and that whole spiel once I said I was done, when in reality he just wanted an emotional crutch.

While he's absolutely fucked up mentally and an emotional leech I shouldn't have taken it upon me to think that I'm responsible for him getting through life, no matter how strongly I felt about him. It's not my job. And life isn't that serious. I'll be so much better off in future relationships knowing that.


I'm confused, at what point of observing him manipulate and alienate a bunch of guys over an eight-month span did you fall in love with the guy?


I'm confused, at what point of observing him manipulate and alienate a bunch of guys over an eight-month span did you fall in love with the guy?

I observed what I did but he convinced me that he was the victim and the one who was constantly being wronged by all these "fuck boys". He's an A1 manipulator, I don't really know or care if his intentions are to do that but he twists the truth to get people on his side because I'm sure he knows if he told things like they were he'd be alone 100%.

I know this in hindsight however, I was 18 and even more naive if you can imagine for the greater time that I knew him and we didn't have any mutual friends besides my friends that I introduced to him.

I fell in love with him because he convinced me of a mix of the past year not being representative of who he is and guys truly wronging him, instead of it being the other way around.

When you only hear one side of a story and you're naive af it's easy to fall into something like this, but it's something I learned from and will be continuing to learn from

EDIT: Also, forgot to mention, he asked me to move in with him next semester a few days before we even became official lol. Should have been a massive red flag but I had strong feelings for him, was naive as fuck and this was my first relationship so I didn't know any better. He took it back weeks later obviously but I should have known I was getting into something toxic from that alone.


Your only mistake was to not end it sooner. I think that he will try to come to you again, just be determinate to not fall for his lies.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Relationships are not about who is right or who is wrong, they're about working together to make it work or deciding to call it quits. Starting from the beginning of the post, i will excerpt red flags that suggest this is a volatile relationship that will not work long term and that has not been good so far:

"I'm a 19 year old"
"starting dating about two and a half months ago"
"a lot of serious issues in his life (including mental illness)"
"somewhat recent relationship he was still dealing with"
"He lied quite a bit"
"friend zone"
"got upset at me"
"getting upset about him"
"he would deny to me"
"he'd lie about them"
'"[]relationships" would always go sour"
"everything was perfect"
"treating me questionably"
"he convinced me"
"rough patch in his life"
"clouded his judgment"
"fresh start"
"a bit long distance"
"things started going wrong in his life"
"friend that was interested in him"
"did something absolutely terrible"
"mentally ill besides"
"let distance grow between us"
"(expensive) plans in NYC"
"he bailed on"
"illegitimate excuse"
"he slept through our plans"
"stay in the city a few days together"
"I started getting very upset and aggravated as he was hanging out with all his friends"
"I also wasted quite a bit of money on him"
"him flaking"
"having me wait on him for four hours at a train station"
"excuses for not hanging out with me"
"became more and more rocky"
"he was consistently fucking up"
"me being naive"
"we still loved each other"
"no real excuse not to see me"
"I started pushing him"
"he even gave up his summer job"
"We got into quite a few bad fights"
"it ended with him breaking up with me"
"messaged me apologizing"
"He agrees to treat me better"
"staying in two nights during my vacation to comfort him"
"it always went unappreciated"
"he always found fault in me"
"it became too much for me"
"all came to a head"
"cheated on me, emotionally"
"About two days after a fight"
"left us in the best shape I felt we'd been in"
"I found out on social media"
"I got upset about"
"My intuition was reading really bad vibes"
"I pushed him"
"he was already bailing"
"he broke up with me, again"
"We again reconciled"
"Things were fine and it seemed like we were back on track"
"width's end" (???)
"he needed me"
"It wasn't that I needed to know his business either, I just"
"I confronted him about it"
"staying with his friend Paul"
"Our relationship was't in good shape"
"Nor were we on great terms"
"I nonchalantly asked"
"he instantly got defensive"
"he in fact lied"
"this guy that he obviously got close enough to stay with and emotionally invested in while we were dating"
"I ripped into him"
"broke up with him"
"I felt like I was being treated"
"playing second fiddle to the guy he was staying with"
"had I not pressed it"
"shitting on our relationship"
"he broke up with me"
"my messages were kind of fucked up"
"I was so fed up"
"I text him the next day"
"doubling down"
"he mistook for me regretting what I said and wanting to be together"
"I spelled out everything for him"
"it just ended with him getting offended and defensive"
"I deleted his number"
"No plans of going back, however"
"I have a right to be upset"
"unbiased perspective"
"He truly got inside my head"
"I went as far as to block him on all social media"
"buying my SO a $500 train pass"
"my SO"
"just has no respect for me"
"he truly does need some professional help"
"especially given our circumstances"


This isn't love. You're a kid. Two and a half months is a blink of an eye. Come on. There isn't a single sentence in your post that suggests either of you are ready for a relationship or trusting someone.

Also, here's the tl;dr version of your post:
I've been dating a guy for two and a half months. It's been volatile since the beginning and we fight constantly and break up. He's dishonest and lies to me. He's mentally ill and I can't handle this baggage. He's been blowing off plans with me and hanging out with other singles. He's staying with another guy while we fight.

Everything else seems to be self-indulgence as far as I can see. I have no idea why you're even asking the question in the title. It doesn't matter if your perceptions differ as to who is to blame--what matters is if this is a relationship you want to continue with, and you seem to not want to, so what's the actual contention here?

Holy fuck.
4 breakups in a 2.5 month relationship?

I cant...

You should be in the happy fuck every day phase for like 5 months.


I will excerpt red flags that suggest this is a volatile relationship that will not work long term and that has not been good so far:

"it ended with him breaking up with me"
"he broke up with me, again"
"broke up with him"
"he broke up with me"

If the original thread had been just this, we could have all told you what to do. Literally none of the thousands of words you spilled around these key points, mean anything.

You're 19, he's 20. You broke up four times already? Move. The. Fuck. On.

I wish you all the best if you get on a new path and try to ditch this guy. If you want to give this relationship any more effort then what ever I'm sending my good wishes to Africa where I hear they magically turn into food and medicine.


If the original thread had been just this, we could have all told you what to do. Literally none of the thousands of words you spilled around these key points, mean anything.

You're 19, he's 20. You broke up four times already? Move. The. Fuck. On.

I wish you all the best if you get on a new path and try to ditch this guy. If you want to give this relationship any more effort then what ever I'm sending my good wishes to Africa where I hear they magically turn into food and medicine.


And er, I already did? Haha

Was just asking for an unbiased POV



Is your boyfriend emotionally cheating you? No. It sounds like he's ACTUALLY cheating on you.

Honestly, from all of the things you listed in the first post, I don't know why you stay. He's clearly not invested in the relationship, it's time to step away from it.

Drop him.


Update: He's in a relationship with this guy now. Friend just told me, he put it on Facebook and told me nothing.
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