Finally got around to playing Re

igitize...haven't really touched it much.
Damn, getting an Ultimate (dub-term) in this is really easy, got MagnaAngemon on my first try. Didn't go for a Mega just yet though, and he died after a pretty long-life---think it was partially my fault because I kept failing that Bomb Mini-Game to get Garurumon.
I still think this game is a major step-down from the original Digimon World though because it completely removes the risk-and-reward by being far easier and letting you save anywhere. I also don't like how the city building is handled in this---the city looks really full and lively from the beginning, where in World 1 it was empty and there was a better sense of growth as you recruited more Digimon.
By the way, they released a new patch to fix freezing issues on the PSP---will it be compatible with my current save-file or do I need to restart?