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Dinner with gf and coworkers


I've known about this dinner for about a week and tried to get out of it. I failed.
Anyway, I'm the only male in the group of seven. I've heard these women mention on several occasions in person and online things like "men are useless outside of reproduction" or "women can do anything men can" that sort of typical stuff. I never take the bait and just ignore them. Almost all of them are open about being feminist. Fine.
Anyway, last night at dinner we're sitting at a secluded table near the pickup order door and bar. It's pretty low key. A big drunk dude comes in and starts talking shit to the bartender, apparently they knew each other personally.
He gets more and more irritated and very loud. The girls at the table start getting nervous, wide eyed and complete silence.
The drunk turns and looks at us and says "lucky me" or something with a smirk. I just stare at him without concern.
But what do they coworkers do? They look to me. Every last one of those weekend warriors is staring at me with big doe eyes to do something. All the kickboxing classes, weightlifting, and women empowerment suddenly means nothing when a real situation occurs. Why is one man valued over all these warrior women now?

I didn't do shit. Ive seen it dozens of times. The drunk stayed 20ft away from us at all times and ended up leaving after about a minute tirade, pushed a barstool across the room on his way out.

All things equal though, until a potential real situation occurs.
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not tag worthy
bed randy marsh GIF by South Park

You know what to do.
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Gold Member
All things equal though, until a potential real situation occurs.

That's basically how it goes, yeah.

It's nice to have principles and live in a closed bubble dream world and stuff until push comes to shove and real life comes knocking.


The equation of modern feminism (and I mean modern loud mouth feminism) is fairly simple:

Statement: "Women can do everything men can do, and better" + Statement: "Men are dangerous and women live in fear of them" = ?
people take the whole equality thing way too literally. it is never never truly equal in all situation and it never will. and I don't mean it as one side is better than the other kinda way. men are better at some things while women are better at other things. people in general are different and you can't just make a blanket statement saying everyone should be doing everything the same way. at the end of the day, as long as you are respectful of the difference and the other gender, and be understanding towards the difficulties other people have, that's all that matters.


Because, in the end....in the absolute very end of all of this....Almost (almost, statistically speaking) every man and women on the planet is running on version 1.0. Same version our ancestors did.

Men are the protectors, women are the nurtures. The yin and the yang. The light and the shadow. The duality of humans. You can't have one without the other. No one side is more important. Masculine can share feminin traits and vice versa.

I've lost count how many times "feminists" have looked at me doe-eyed after doing something un-apologetically male (I'm not talking guzzling beer and watching NASCAR, I'm talking more along the lines of being a gentleman, respectful, but assertive when I need to be). This is even more true somewhere in like New York (I'm southern...so there is that added thing). Maybe not at first....but 10 minutes into talking to me....they usually drop the act pretty quick. Not always.

In the end, all a dude can do is be respectful, be courteous, be a gentleman, be assertive (but not rude), in spite of all the noise about "toxic masculinity" or "feminism." Its more difficult when all of that is thrown in your face, but as soon as you accept that all of that is essentially just noise, you accept that that is just who you are, you can be comfortable with yourself...and women will be comfortable with you. Just lean into being the "man", and adjust accordingly. More often than not, it works out.

Eff it, its bascially this


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
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That's funny. I don't have anything similar but reminds me of driving in Santa Cruz traffic with a girl once. Some clearly out of his mind weirdo dude was honking all up and down and yelling at the traffic from his car about ten feet ahead of us. She was a foreign girl and was like "lets honk back. honk at him. it will be funny" I was just like, nah, I'm not going to get my ass beat by a lunatic in front of you.
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Gold Member
You should bring it up next time you have lunch with them.

“Remember how you were all shitting yourselves and needed a man to protect you?”

Hell, mention that every time they open their mouths with sexist remarks.


Been in a similar situation with a fella who attacked a 60 odd year old. I thumped the twat a few times till he departed only to have the women crying and the old bloke claim that it was "unneccessary" (yeah sure you had him where you wanted while he strangled and bent you backwards over the bar...) and to top it off the other bloke in our group went on to forever retell the story but with him dealing with it to everybody he met, even those who were there (including me). Fucking fantasists.

People are fuckwits, it isn't worth the risk of getting a hiding.

Plus as your bird was there too you had no chance of some scrunt.

I've seen it happen numerous times with a fella attacking a woman and anyone trying to help, the woman giving out afterwards.

Once I saw a lad get absolutely battered for trying to help a woman being beaten, by both of them. Happens all the time.

As for the second part about fantasists, was in a Tescos listening to music on my headphones, what I didn't realise was between my accidently setting off a deoredant my phone was also blaring on speaker.(older phone, can't remember the model).

I felt like hot shit walking around as all the women were looking at me, I was thinking 'awww yeah'. Realise only when I got to the til what was going on like a muppet.

Told that story at a party, next party some absolute CUNT, says the same story andd has people laughing, He stole my story. Actually happened to me but he was the one fantacising about it being him.
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I've seen it happen numerous times with a fella attacking a woman and anyone trying to help, the woman giving out afterwards.

Once I saw a lad get absolutely battered for trying to help a woman being beaten, by both of them. Happens all the time.

As for the second part about fantasists, was in a Tescos listening to music on my headphones, what I didn't realise was between my accidently setting off a deoredant my phone was also blaring on speaker.(older phone, can't remember the model).

I felt like hot shit walking around as all the women were looking at me, I was thinking 'awww yeah'. Realise only when I got to the til what was going on like a muppet.

Told that story at a party, next party some absolute CUNT, says the same story andd has people laughing, He stole my story. Actually happened to me but he was the one fantacising about it being him.


Feminism really wasn’t pushed until air conditioned office environments were developed. I’m just saying, it’s cool when Ruby Rose beats up a dozen 200 pound dudes with guns but in the real world it’s just like come on.


Taking arms against nature only works in "safe space".
The world jungle is a wild place and requires a
on the hunt running GIF by Nat Geo Wild

Dude, find some cool girls to hang with.
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I've known about this dinner for about a week and tried to get out of it. I failed.
Anyway, I'm the only male in the group of seven. I've heard these women mention on several occasions in person and online things like "men are useless outside of reproduction" or "women can do anything men can" that sort of typical stuff. I never take the bait and just ignore them. Almost all of them are open about being feminist. Fine.
Anyway, last night at dinner we're sitting at a secluded table near the pickup order door and bar. It's pretty low key. A big drunk dude comes in and starts talking shit to the bartender, apparently they knew each other personally.
He gets more and more irritated and very loud. The girls at the table start getting nervous, wide eyed and complete silence.
The drunk turns and looks at us and says "lucky me" or something with a smirk. I just stare at him without concern.
But what do they coworkers do? They look to me. Every last one of those weekend warriors is staring at me with big doe eyes to do something. All the kickboxing classes, weightlifting, and women empowerment suddenly means nothing when a real situation occurs. Why is one man valued over all these warrior women now?

I didn't do shit. Ive seen it dozens of times. The drunk stayed 20ft away from us at all times and ended up leaving after about a minute tirade, pushed a barstool across the room on his way out.

All things equal though, until a potential real situation occurs.


Old Retro

So instead of seizing the opportunity to show those women who the "superior sex is" and confronting the drunk, you shriveled up and just sat there?


OR, you're being modest and instead, one of those "weak women" pointed at you and said "hey, this guy here is in mixed martial arts and is gonna tear off your arm, beat the shit out of you with it, then stuff it up your ass". At that point, simply by you standing up, made the drunk piss himself and run out of the bar.



So instead of seizing the opportunity to show those women who the "superior sex is" and confronting the drunk, you shriveled up and just sat there?


OR, you're being modest and instead, one of those "weak women" pointed at you and said "hey, this guy here is in mixed martial arts and is gonna tear off your arm, beat the shit out of you with it, then stuff it up your ass". At that point, simply by you standing up, made the drunk piss himself and run out of the bar.


Lol I'll bite.

Heres the thing. In those situations you don't have do anything. Those guys yell and get loud and it's hot air almost always. And he never got closer than 20ft. None of his anger was directed toward us either.
I've known about this dinner for about a week and tried to get out of it. I failed.
Anyway, I'm the only male in the group of seven. I've heard these women mention on several occasions in person and online things like "men are useless outside of reproduction" or "women can do anything men can" that sort of typical stuff. I never take the bait and just ignore them. Almost all of them are open about being feminist. Fine.
Anyway, last night at dinner we're sitting at a secluded table near the pickup order door and bar. It's pretty low key. A big drunk dude comes in and starts talking shit to the bartender, apparently they knew each other personally.
He gets more and more irritated and very loud. The girls at the table start getting nervous, wide eyed and complete silence.
The drunk turns and looks at us and says "lucky me" or something with a smirk. I just stare at him without concern.
But what do they coworkers do? They look to me. Every last one of those weekend warriors is staring at me with big doe eyes to do something. All the kickboxing classes, weightlifting, and women empowerment suddenly means nothing when a real situation occurs. Why is one man valued over all these warrior women now?

I didn't do shit. Ive seen it dozens of times. The drunk stayed 20ft away from us at all times and ended up leaving after about a minute tirade, pushed a barstool across the room on his way out.

All things equal though, until a potential real situation occurs.
Why are you trying to make yourself out to be more valuable than you actually are when you couldn't get yourself out of being dragged to a dinner with your gf and her coworkers? Just say no or make up any excuse, really lol

toy story disney GIF

The equation of modern feminism (and I mean modern loud mouth feminism) is fairly simple:

Statement: "Women can do everything men can do, and better" + Statement: "Men are dangerous and women live in fear of them" = ?
What an odd take from someone with a pussy in their avatar.
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Based on what you already knew about these girls, why did you even go?

“Sorry honey, they all sound awful and it sounds like I’ll have a shit time. You go and enjoy yourself though.”



Gold Member
I mean, you just did what was natural.

Most men know when to pick a fight, and when not too. And there's usually a mutual understanding that a fight is probably not going to help either party, even if one is more likely to win. It's just not worth the risk. All that happens is a bit of eyeing each other's stature and position and then sailing by.

But these weekend warriors often for various reasons expect men to stand up and take a fight. Bitch, it ain't worth it.


Why are you trying to make yourself out to be more valuable than you actually are when you couldn't get yourself out of being dragged to a dinner with your gf and her coworkers? Just say no or make up any excuse, really lol

How does getting out of a dinner date equate to personal value? And where did i make myself seem "valuable" when I simply sat there? That's my point, they looked to me when they knew very little about me.
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Just buy double drinks for them all and let their true colours shine. Going solo man with that many women out together turns into a real fun night out or they turn on each other. In either case you have fun.


Men are useless for some of them but once you have their legs up under your arms while they're folded in half they'll tell you that they're your bitch while you're pounding them

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Men are useless for some of them but once you have their legs up under your arms while they're folded in half they'll tell you that they're your bitch while you're pounding them


Ahh the oragami orgasm. They love that shit.
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