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Dinner with gf and coworkers


Gold Member
See, that's why I keep my mouth shut and cook dinner.

Because at some point you allways need someone to set up your computer (pun intended) or kill a spider or do something about some random drunk dude who doesn't affect me at all.


Get an erection, and say do that bitches
Ummmm... Some actually CAN.

And no. I'm not linking the pornhub video of the woman stroking her ERECT clitoris.
disgusted face GIF

Anyway. Yeah modern feminists tend to talk a big game these days until reality comes knocking, then they look to the man to sacrifice himself, for them.

Ignore the fanciful thoughts they have and keep your bros close or be consumed.


Just buy double drinks for them all and let their true colours shine. Going solo man with that many women out together turns into a real fun night out or they turn on each other. In either case you have fun.
Always be the wild card, make the night on your terms.



I mean, why didn't you say no? Did your girl force you to go? Are you dating a co-worker? I'm just curious cause I've been asked out to lunch-ons by a group of women. Only difference is I work with a bunch of horny old women who are bad at being subtle.
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