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Disco Elysium Developers Shout Out Marx And Engels In Game Awards Victory Speech

Dr. Claus

Good to know. I was about to buy this. but now I decided against it. Some of my relatives were killed because of commies.
Absolutely appalling. Just like I wouldn't support nazi devs, I'm not even touching that game with a stick.

Funny enough, if you actually *played* the game or did any research at all - they are incredibly critical of these ideals (among others not mentioned). Outrage less, research more.
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Sky high standards because I think some frumpy video game bitch looked better in a different game? Ok. Keep projecting wizardo.
Also David Jaffe turned into such a bitch lmao. He literally came here to argue with people then fucked off.
Guess NEMESIS should've given her time to put on some make up and wear some "battle pantsu".
I know you're smart enough to know that r-right?
This is Claire's model in RE2R

I'm gussing you think she's unattractive IRL because of the game's setting, tone and the character artist?
I may have to keep hammering this on here, but politics aren't the issue, it's perfectly fine to portray games with political narrative themes.

What's not perfectly fine is shoving one's own personal ideologies upon others with the sole meaning of rubbing people the wrong way.
I trust people who played the game here on GAF, and none of them said it pushes any political agenda.
Guess Kojima needs to pull MGS and DS off of all digital stores as it's deeply political.
LMAO. This getting zero reactions is even funnier. You cut these boys deep with this one.
I don't think a lot of people read the whole post.


Guess NEMESIS should've given her time to put on some make up and wear some "battle pantsu".
I know you're smart enough to know that r-right?
This is Claire's model in RE2R

I'm gussing you think she's unattractive IRL because of the game's setting, tone and the character artist?

I trust people who played the game here on GAF, and none of them said it pushes any political agenda.
Guess Kojima needs to pull MGS and DS off of all digital stores as it's deeply political.

I don't think a lot of people read the whole post.
Claire irl looks fine. In the game she looks like gollum. Are you guys all just a bunch of corporate shills? All the faces in Crapcoms new games look godawful.
Claire irl looks fine. In the game she looks like gollum. Are you guys all just a bunch of corporate shills? All the faces in Crapcoms new games look godawful.
I wish i was a shill so i can get me some sweet cash but alas i'm not, i just don't care what she looks like as long as she looks reasonably good.
And i'm married and i'm not 13 anymore so my peepee doesn't get tingly at the mere sight of some digital picture of tites, i just want to play a fun game in what spare time i have.
Want a game all about dem tites i hear a new Senran Kagura and Oneechanbara game is on the horizon so you can get some roundy tities that either look like water ballons or steel balls depending on the game, to fap away! :messenger_winking_tongue:
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Dr. Claus

Claire irl looks fine. In the game she looks like gollum. Are you guys all just a bunch of corporate shills? All the faces in Crapcoms new games look godawful.

Are you doing a bit here, Brap? Are you pretending your an Era member or something with all this faux outrage mongering you are doing? I genuinely can't tell.


I don't think normal people care about these things brap.
They're all odd looking uncanny valley shit.

Are you doing a bit here, Brap? Are you pretending your an Era member or something with all this faux outrage mongering you are doing? I genuinely can't tell.
No. I had a chance to get DMCV for $15 on BF and its like nah idk they look so weird compared to the other games.

And i'm married


my peepee doesn't get tingly at the mere sight of some digital picture
Mine either Mr. Strawman

Want a game all about dem tites i hear a new Senran Kagura and Oneechanbara game is on the horizon
Never played senran kagura. Snoy will censor oneechanbara so who cares?

You have a strong hatred for women so at least you have something in common?
I mean you're gay so you probably hate women more than I ever could. Nice strawman though.
They're all odd looking uncanny valley shit.

No. I had a chance to get DMCV for $15 on BF and its like nah idk they look so weird compared to the other games.


Mine either Mr. Strawman

Never played senran kagura. Snoy will censor oneechanbara so who cares?

I mean you're gay so you probably hate women more than I ever could. Nice strawman though.
X Square doubt all you want my boy doesn't change the fact, although i understand the irony of it since this is the internet.
The constant bitching on de-sexualizing female characters in video game by a lot of gamers tells me they've never actually HAD sex, or enough of it to not care about some pixles on a TV screen.
This discussion has ran it course and I've derailed the actual discussion of the game and the claims against it's agenda long enough.
Sayonara brap-kun i do enjoy our back and fourth, see Ya in another thread.


The constant bitching on de-sexualizing female characters in video game
I'm so sorry wtf. Had no idea Vergil, Leon, Dante, and that black hair guy from DMCV were female. I had no idea I was misgendering them all these years.

Sayonara brap-kun i do enjoy our back and fourth, see Ya in another thread.
"I'm spouting off a hot steamy load of horseshit and I don't want to be proven wrong so I'm leaving"
I'm so sorry wtf. Had no idea Vergil, Leon, Dante, and that black hair guy from DMCV were female. I had no idea I was misgendering them all these years.

"I'm spouting off a hot steamy load of horseshit and I don't want to be proven wrong so I'm leaving"
Dante? WTF? We were talking about Jill and Claire and Resident Evil and not once did i bring up DMC or Dante?
"Hot steamy load of horse shit" is certainly one way of describing your post.


Dante? WTF? We were talking about Jill and Claire and Resident Evil and not once did i bring up DMC or Dante?
I said ALL of Capcoms faces look like goofy ass uncanny valley shit but of course you just have to pick out the women. Does that offend you? Are Jill and Claire your wives? Will you commit suicide because man say bad thing about video game girl on interweb? I will never understand how you people get so upset about opinions.

Me: uggo. *moves on with life*


Makes sense if you play Disco Elysium. But I doubt they are serious about communism.



Is the game or the music on it propaganda? no? then who gives a shit. Even if it is tho, who really cares, a shitty game won't stop being shitty with all the propaganda in the world and viceversa.
Lord of the rings it's some kind of libertarian metaphor and not many people give a shit about that, even commies love it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Good on them, your rage, your salty tears and your apparent hypocricy over "other places" and their pitchfork and torch campaigns that you're happy to take after when it suits your beliefs and criticize all other times ammuse us common folk (not commie folk, lol, don't get ahead of yourself you cold war born and raised grandpa)!
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Well, that's one less copy sold then, communist twats. Also, what was that guy wearing? Was he a fucking chef?

And that woman, on screen it said her name followed by Za/Um, and I assumed they were her pronouns? Or is it the name of the devs? Obnoxious if it was her pronouns.
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I can understand not buying the game out of principle (Not a fan of communism in its various forms), but it is what it is. The game certainly still excellent and they're self aware enough to satirize their own beliefs. In general they can shout out to whoever they want, freedom of speech and all that. It doesn't help to say *Well, I can't do X in general*. Because you should just say *X* and live with the consequences.

Waste of time trying to discussed this with propaganda brainwashed americans.


A: Again, this does nothing except piss people off by assuming horseshit. For your information: I live north of you, no *cold war propaganda* here, except from people that actually lived behind the iron curtain, because 2 of em' teached me math.
B: Yes, it isn't. Communism is also not Soviet Era Communism alone and the term communism INCLUDES marxism.
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Richard Packer

Gold Member
I said ALL of Capcoms faces look like goofy ass uncanny valley shit but of course you just have to pick out the women. Does that offend you? Are Jill and Claire your wives? Will you commit suicide because man say bad thing about video game girl on interweb? I will never understand how you people get so upset about opinions.

Me: uggo. *moves on with life*

A totally normal and well adjusted person.


LMAO. This getting zero reactions is even funnier. You cut these boys deep with this one.

Funny enough, if you actually *played* the game or did any research at all - they are incredibly critical of these ideals (among others not mentioned).
Oh yeah. OH YEAH man. I can't spoil obviously but its literally what the game is about. Its systemic deconstruction of every single political ideology out there, but even more so communism in particular.
Yes, exactly! The game makes fun of every political ideology under the sun. Also, it's the closest game we've gotten to a Planescape: Torment spiritual successor till date.
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How about developers just stick to making games and leave their politics out of it? Why is that so hard for these chuckleheads? Now I can’t buy any games from them because I have to worry that I’m surpporting Marxists.

Just play what you wanna play bro. You aren’t changing the world on your lonesome. You can enjoy their game then call them dirty commie fucks on the internet. You don’t have to pick just one.


When I heard the Chapo guys were in the game my eyes rolled back as far into my head as possible.

I’m sorry if you want to see the most privileged airhead coastal elitist bullshit ever then listen to the Chapo guys.

It’s like there is a whole generation of these wanna be Marxists who don’t have actual jobs they just sit around in Brooklyn not working while talking class solidarity bullshit.
When I heard the Chapo guys were in the game my eyes rolled back as far into my head as possible.

I’m sorry if you want to see the most privileged airhead coastal elitist bullshit ever then listen to the Chapo guys.

It’s like there is a whole generation of these wanna be Marxists who don’t have actual jobs they just sit around in Brooklyn not working while talking class solidarity bullshit.

Your whole life revolves around a job. It doesn't horrify me that there may be people out there who aren't working and are, gasp, enjoying themselves.
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I may have to keep hammering this on here, but politics aren't the issue, it's perfectly fine to portray games with political narrative themes.

What's not perfectly fine is shoving one's own personal ideologies upon others with the sole meaning of rubbing people the wrong way.
If you ascribe to the politics that you want to convey in your work, what's the difference?

Dr. Claus

Sure man, whatever. Being critical to communism and praising Marxism to me, is just retarded and dangerous. I won't support that kind of people, just saying.

Again, actually do research and employ basic skills such as critical thinking before you immediately jump onto outrage mongering. You are acting no differently than the folks over at Polygon, ResetEra, and other sites of ill repute. Shouting out Marx and Engels in a tongue-in-cheek manner that fits perfectly into the world they crafted is not the same as actually praising and supporting Marxism.
Which this game doesn't do. So what is the issue?
Does that matter? No, I'm talking about the grand scheme of things and what other social justice developers are doing. This little stunt just confirmed to me that I shouldn't be supporting these developers.

You were the one who said this game is Marxist-esque so my point still stands.

If you ascribe to the politics that you want to convey in your work, what's the difference?

Wolfenstein for example was a perfectly fine series because we all hate Nazis, but then Machine Games chose to smear a specific base in their marketing campaign for New Colossus so that is a pretty clear difference.

Developers just shouldn't insert their ideologies into games.

Again, actually do research and employ basic skills such as critical thinking before you immediately jump onto outrage mongering. You are acting no differently than the folks over at Polygon, ResetEra, and other sites of ill repute. Shouting out Marx and Engels in a tongue-in-cheek manner that fits perfectly into the world they crafted is not the same as actually praising and supporting Marxism.

Oh the irony. How do you know it was tongue in cheek? Kotaku is taking it as a means to champion Marxism so it must have some sort of seriousness for them to make an article about it.

part of being a decent human being is respecting others beliefs.

Nope. Sorry, chief, I don't respect people who subscribe to an ideology that's solely responsible for the reason why the 20th century was the most violent century in history, and who believes in full government control.
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I mean, the British glorify Churchill despite him being directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Indians. People look up to and admire and take inspiration from much worse people than Marx yet they get a pass? If you want to condemn people for admiring figures you find questionable you could at least be consistent across the board. If that is anathema to you then you'd have to condemn a lot of people.

Dr. Claus

Does that matter? No, I'm talking about the grand scheme of things and what other social justice developers are doing. This little stunt just confirmed to me that I shouldn't be supporting these developers.

These aren't social justice developers. They are outright critical of Marx, Engels, Stalin, and many others. Did you even play the game or do research into it before immediately assuming the worst about them? It clearly looks like you haven't.

Oh the irony. How do you know it was tongue in cheek? Kotaku is taking it as a means to champion Marxism so it must have some sort of seriousness for them to make an article about it.

I have played the game. To the point where I have beaten it 3 times now with wildly different characters. One that supports moralism, one that hates everyone and just wants to get shit faced and party, and one that supports communism. I am familiar with their writing, comedy, and have the basic concept of critical thinking - something a number of people here seem to have forgotten when they entered this thread.

Kotaku is full of incompetents. One of their leading contributors/editors literally tried to call a grown female character with breasts that would make Dolly Parton blush as something only pedophiles would enjoy.
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Democracy and communism are mutually bad. There isn't a worse one between those because they suck in their own way. Democracy I just a big fat lie while communism is just plain bad in general.

Edit: so there's people in here who decide to not play a game because the developers have a different mindset than you?
Well there's a product for you it's called Resetera.com there you will find plenty of people who have the same mindset as you!

Seriously as much as I hate stuff like this too there's sometimes good games even behind devs who went completely woke or anything else. Life is Strange for example. I'd consider it a story telling masterpiece even when it's completely woke
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Again, actually do research and employ basic skills such as critical thinking before you immediately jump onto outrage mongering. You are acting no differently than the folks over at Polygon, ResetEra, and other sites of ill repute. Shouting out Marx and Engels in a tongue-in-cheek manner that fits perfectly into the world they crafted is not the same as actually praising and supporting Marxism.


Again, you may want to do research themselves. They are absolutly self-critical, but the individual people working there are socialists. I've already pointed it out, but ZA/UM sees themselves as a socialist movement of artists, has been so before they even started developing video games.

Just because you are able to critizize yourself doesn't mean that you don't stand in for these ideals. And you're right they aren't SJW's in the western sense. Marxists aren't automatically SJW's either.

ZA/UM is a cultural movement uniting artists, writers, entrepreneurs and socialists, established 2009.

This quote is not made up. This quote is how they describe themselves.

Edit: And again, doesn't matter to me. Paid full price because its a damn good rpg. But it's not one or the other.
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Again, actually do research and employ basic skills such as critical thinking before you immediately jump onto outrage mongering. You are acting no differently than the folks over at Polygon, ResetEra, and other sites of ill repute. Shouting out Marx and Engels in a tongue-in-cheek manner that fits perfectly into the world they crafted is not the same as actually praising and supporting Marxism.
OK! So they don't actually support Marx or Engels, and were in fact criticizing them? Then this is a stupid thread. Really, I don't care enough about this game to do that kind of research 🤷‍♂️
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"Cringe" is right. Marx has been debunked as moronic in 1922 by Mises, and then by the entirety of 20th century. Still, I bought Disco Elysium and looking forward to playing it, even if some (or all?) of its devs are, apparently, economic/political morons.
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