I got this in the mail on Friday and finally had a chance to give it a try on Sunday and Monday. This is my first DJ Hero game, and so far it's a lot of fun. I'm having a lot of trouble being consistent on scratches (Playing on Medium) which angers me a lot. I always think I either hit the button or release it at the perfect time and always drop it somehow. I think I'm just losing the count and don't realize how many beats the scratch is supposed to last because it isn't any actual sort of note with tempo. I blame playing an instrument at some point.
Other then that though, I'm really digging the music in the game. I love the mixes when I know the two songs mixing real well, and I'm progressing through the game without any problem really. The only thing that almost made me throw the controller across the room was that first DJ battle in the first "Club" on Empire mode. I assume it's supposed to be optional, but I'm unfortunately a completion-ist and had to beat him. After trying for probably an hour and a half I just gave up and moved on feeling completely defeated. I was incredibly happy when I hit the first mandatory DJ battle and the guy wasn't hitting 80%+ on every section of music.
Quick question for everyone who is good at this game: How should I have the turntables? I'm right handed and have the mixer on the left. As for wheel placement, I originally started on the "outside" configuration but had a hard time getting grip for scratches. I have since then switched to "inside" configuration so I can keep my thumb on the raised part around the outer edge of the turntable. Is this the best configuration? Also, how in the heck are you supposed to have enough room to do the "Downward Scratch Only" that I did in the practice mode? Do you not need to move the board that much, or should I be standing up or something so my elbows have more range of motion?
I love the game, I just want to get better so I can try it on a harder difficulty. As it gets harder it gets more fun to play I imagine.