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Do N64/PS1 to USB boxes really work?



That's the particular one I'm looking to get since it supports both N64 and PS1 controllers. I wanted a gamepad to play PC games with and figured for less than $15 I can just use the controllers I already have and am familiar with.

I guess I have two questions. One: do these things actually work well or are they buggy pieces of crap that you have to fiddle with? And two: is Lik-Sang a good place to order from or is there some other shop I should stick with?
I've bought stuff from liksang w/ no problems.

As for the adapter, I don't know the quality of that one, but I've got a magic box (saturn, PS1+2 and DC support) for PC and XBX and they work great.

Try to google that adapter and see if it yields any results that have impressions.
That's the exact same adapter I have, and it works great. It's an old one though (I had mine for years), so there might be newer and better stuff out now.

Lik-Sang are great too.


Hail to the KING baby
I have the PS2 Joybox from Lik-Sang, which I use for MAME games. It allows 4 players and is straight fuckin' plug and play. The thing is probably the best $15 I've ever spent on a peripheral.
I forgot to mention that I experienced one small (IMO) problem with it... Most of the time when I restart Windows the adapter is no longer recognized, the solution is to go to Device Manager, select the yellow (!) sign for the adapter and click Uninstall, then click the "Search for new hardware" button, it will be automatically reinstalled within seconds and ready to go. It's annoying, but easy to fix, and might just be my computer and not the adapter itself.
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