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Do you consider games an important part of your life?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
For me, games were more important in the past than now. its not that i dislike them, but its just that i dont have the time to play them anymore due to work, friends or my gf. Usually I play quite a bit on thursdays (my weekend is wednesday afternoon, thursday and friday) but thats the day I play most. I can say my tatses have changed though. I dont play RPGs unless they are really worth it, since they take up so much time (such as Tales of Symphonia). i really do wish i have more time to play more games but my studies is more important than anything else so...


needs to show more effort.
games are the most important part of my life, and have been since like the age of 5.
games > life


Yes it is, but it's hard to find time to play them, it's a pain in the butt but lately I've been catching up which is good.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I used to, in a big way. Nowadays, videogames hardly play any role in my life. My life used to be ultra crappy and hermit-esque to the point where new Fable screenshots would make my day, and I'd play the latest incarnation of Rainbow6 multiplayer into the wee hours of the morning sometimes. Now I can't really give a shit. Huge change in lifestyle.....sorta.

Deku Tree

Yes, games are my relaxation time. TV is mostly booring, most movies don't interest me, books require too much mental effort (I have a very thinking intense job), good sporting events are rare so all that I have left to supply me with regular relaxation time is gaming. It's a good thing.


SteveMeister said:
Games are an extermely important part of my life, said the game developer :D
When it comes down to winning a game of Burnout 3 against my fiance'...and getting laid, yea, it's a big deal.


Gaming is my favorite hobby, but I don't have as much time to play anymore. I wouldn't say it's an important part of my life.


Life sucks.. imo videogames are one of the healthier escapes. I dunno if I'd say they are important.. but thats a relevant term anyway. :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I think they will be less important to me next gen as 25 is pushing it to be playing heaps. I still get a lot of gaming in though and my close circle of friends are all HALO whores, so that works. Next gen I probably won't buy any systems (at least at launch). try and do the "focus on career" thing.


I sell them, am obsessive about collecting them and really enjoy playing them, so in theory, they should be the one most important pastime I have. But I hardly have enough time for actually playing them...

The job eats up my time, I've begun working out, and I study in my spare-time, and that's on top of films, cooking, going out and other hobbies I have. I never have time for gaming anymore except for early in the morning or very late at night. But I still don't think gaming has become less important... I've just found many other important things to do as well. I actually find myself longing for the times when I know I have some free time to relax and just play. Like after November the 25th. I'll be done with this year's studying then, and I'll have Paper Mario 2, Metroid Prime 2, Tales Of Symphonia, Mario vs. Donkey Kong and Zelda - The Minish Cap ready and waiting. I'll play like nobody has ever played before. At least I hope so.


I'm one of those guys that'd go crazy without at least one hobby. Right now, I'm unemployed and single so I have the time for intense movie watching, music listening and games playing, but even if I'm in a steady relationship or like a heavy studying period or whatever, I'll make time for a few rounds in a shooter or something. Life just isn't worth it if you can't unwind with the relaxation method of your choice. I can't even begin to imagine how regular joe's with no real interests, except the occasional football game on TV, get through life.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Not any more. It used to, but as soon as I hit college, it was downhill.


Dan said:
Not any more. It used to, but as soon as I hit college, it was downhill.

Same here, though I have a feeling once I get to graduate school there will be more time at school, but less homework when I'm home which means more gaming... hopefully!


Dan said:
Not any more. It used to, but as soon as I hit college, it was downhill.

Games and comic books took a hit when when I was college, but I picked 'em up right back up afterwards.


Not anymore, really.

I'm 31 now, I've got a family and other responsibilities, so gaming takes a back seat. I used to be a game whore, needing every system released and every game I could get my hands on. Not anymore. Now I'm lucky if I even play one game within a few months.

Next gen will be different, as I'll only be buying one system. Most likely going to be Nintendo because I'm a Metroid and Zelda whore, but I might be swayed by Halo 3. I'll be taking a wait and see attitude and evaluating all the options before jumping in next gen.


used to be, but now I have two kids and responsibilities, so much less free time.

I still have all three consoles from this gen, but rarely get to play games as much as I'd like. So I try and cherry pick the good ones, but there are still too many.

I'd like to think next gen I'll be sensible and get one handheld and one main console, but I just look at it from a games point of view.

Ape escape 3 / ICO 3 / Bluray movies would be enough to buy a PS3
Anything from Nintendo 1st party would be enough to buy a Revolution
Anything online would be enough to buy an xbox2.

So I think I'm still screwed. Can we please have one platform standard?


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
for those who stopped playing them in college, is that cause you didnt have the time or you just didnt like them as much? Im in high school and I really cant find any time to play them:(


No...I went about a year straight solid recently w/o playing games...didn't miss it much. Actually since I started playing again I can enjoy gaming more now, especially since I'm more casual about it as a hobby compared to before.
There was a time, it was what, like 6 years ago. There I was in highschool, sitting at a lunch table discussing the effects that Xenogears had on my thinking of the meaning of life, religion and the universe.

My senior year quote in the year book? The entire Liberali Fatali (the opening to FFVIII).

College, the gathering of the consoles.. I brought the Xbox and PS2, my room mate brought his PS2 and a Cube. ArcadeStickMonk brought the hundreds of dollars worth of peripherals.

Now.. I'm engaged, working, trying to get into grad school.. Being an 'adult'. I enjoy games but they no longer hold the power to change my life the way I thought they did back in Highschool with FFVII and Xenogears. Perhaps it's a sign of the times, like there are almost too many games and consoles, and so the power and effect they held have now dispersed. Though I have to admit I get just a little teary when I hear the right track from Xenogears or the Final Fantasy series or even the Lunar series.
I'm also in highschool and I have don't have much time to play them, just the weekend, which also gets the boot if I have projects, tests or outings.

But seeing as how I'm going to work in that industry and I think and talk about them a fair amount of time, I'm ready to say they're the ultimate form of entertainment along with maybe reading books.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Date of Lies said:
I'm also in highschool and I have don't have much time to play them, just the weekend, which also gets the boot if I have projects, tests or outings.

But seeing as how I'm going to work in that industry and I think and talk about them a fair amount of time, I'm ready to say they're the ultimate form of entertainment along with maybe reading books.
Yeah, I'm in the same situation as you, apart from reading books. I cant stand reading books.
psycho_snake said:
Yeah, I'm in the same situation as you, apart from reading books. I cant stand reading books.

I barely read books at all, but I'd say they're extremely good for drawing you into new worlds and some of them are real masterpeices. I'd probably start that hobby more seriously when I get older.


Yes, they are my favourite hobby but, nowadays, I read and talk more about games than I play them. This is a time paradox.
KyotoMecca said:
I don't think many of us would be here if it wasn't.


And ppl that complain they have no time anymore still seem to waste a LOT of time on these forums.. which is time they could actually be playing games.

I'm 22 and gaming is still very important to me but I don't play as much as I used to due to less time. But I still find the time as I just love games. Often I won't play for awhile and when a major release comes out I will play it to death until I finish it. So basically I only have time the big games.


I consider it one of my foremost forms of entertainment and one of my favorite hobbies. Sure, it's not very productive, but it's fun alone and it's fun with friends and it's exciting to watch gaming as a medium grow and evolve as it has over the years. Free time is no longer as abundant as it once was for me, but I still play every so often.
I don't play games anymore, but worrying about how much money Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony makes is a very important part of my life.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I have to admit, Gaming and talking about them and the market are my favourite hobbies, along with soccer. My other hobbies are spending time with my friends, my gf and drawing:)
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