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Do you smoke weed?


It would be great if I can control how high I'm gonna get. There are sometimes where I don't like how high I get, specially if I have to interact with people or do some shit outside the house. Sometimes I get just a little bit high and that's perfect for coding for me. Over here weed is illegal so I can't control what I get, so it's super random every time I do it.

What I have noticed is when I vape I can kinda control it, the high is usually more mild, but there are times when it's super intense too, just like smoking a joint.


Used to, religiously.

Then i got high one day and it caused the first panic attack of my life. I didn't even know i was capable of having panic attacks.

It happened slowly, but ever since then i've realized that i actually don't like the sensation of being high. My brain is too active on the regular, THC is just overkill.

I stick to alcohol these days, i've always been good at managing that.

but i learned so much about myself in the days i used to smoke, i don't regret any of it.....

I do feel like advocates for THC vastly underestimate its capacity to affect a person's mind, though. Just because it isn't addictive doesn't mean it can't really fuck you up. Abusing weed can have some really dangerous mental effects.
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Karma Jawa

No, but I used to.

Smoked weed regularly from about 17 to 28ish. I don’t have a bad word to say against it.

Gave up for a combination of reasons, including my other half being teetotal and quitting tobacco. She never asked me to, but I didn’t like being on a different wavelength to her, and I preferred her company to being stoned.


Sometimes I smoke so much weed I forget that I’m high. It’s a super high state that I have to avoid trying to think about anything too much or I start freaking myself out.

Do you have any idea how sad that sounds? It’s like you’re trying to escape being human.
I have tried a number of times, but it is not a hobby / habit of mine. I usually only do it if I am with a friend who is doing it.
I will probably never smoke or eat weed again since I do not find the feeling beneficial for me and do not like inhaling smoke into my lungs.
I am normally a very chill person so weed usually just makes me sleepy and slows down the sense of time.

I am however an advocate of psychedelics (LSD mostly now due to convenience), though again not too frequently (maybe once or twice a month max).
I find psychedelics to be a much more enjoyable experience that also helps me maintain a good perspective on the world.
I smoked weed for a couple of years, but I had to stop when I was put on anti-depressants. The shit just makes me sick now when I try to smoke it. I haven’t been a weed smoker since early 2007, so it’s probably never going to be a part of my life again in a significant way. Kinda makes me sad because it chilled me out a lot more than my meds and I had a lot of fun when I was high.
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im going to start the process to get my own MMJ card. anyone else here from FL (or any state) and gone through the MMJ card process. was it easy? any advice for me?
Welcome back to the wonderful world of weed! I too can attest to the awesome benefits to any anxiety disorder that weed provides not to mention how well it works for chronic pain, night and day really is the most apt way to describe it. It's amazing how something natural is so effective at eliminating anxiety.... when you're not overdoing it and the weed itself causing the anxiety of course.

I got my MMJ card in Fl, and was super easy. I have 3 legit medically diagnosed conditions so don't know if it is actually easy without having medical proof of it though. With that said it was so easy the worst part is waiting....took me about 3 weeks to get it via email, then another 2 more to get my actual card. That plus it costs $300 average to see a specialist dr and then the actual licences and renewal fees, plus the actual cost in dispenseries are not on par with street pricing since it's taxed heavily before it hits the dispensary for individual sale. Those are the only downsides, and the feeling of security of not having to watch out for cops alone outweighs it. Add having greater selections than a dealer, and fairly constant supply means never running dry

Kev Kev

Welcome back to the wonderful world of weed! I too can attest to the awesome benefits to any anxiety disorder that weed provides not to mention how well it works for chronic pain, night and day really is the most apt way to describe it. It's amazing how something natural is so effective at eliminating anxiety.... when you're not overdoing it and the weed itself causing the anxiety of course.

I got my MMJ card in Fl, and was super easy. I have 3 legit medically diagnosed conditions so don't know if it is actually easy without having medical proof of it though. With that said it was so easy the worst part is waiting....took me about 3 weeks to get it via email, then another 2 more to get my actual card. That plus it costs $300 average to see a specialist dr and then the actual licences and renewal fees, plus the actual cost in dispenseries are not on par with street pricing since it's taxed heavily before it hits the dispensary for individual sale. Those are the only downsides, and the feeling of security of not having to watch out for cops alone outweighs it. Add having greater selections than a dealer, and fairly constant supply means never running dry

no i dont have any documentation as i havent seen a doctor. being that i know MMJ works though, i really dont want to spend the money and deal with the hassle of seeing a psych. did they make you produce proof when you went? did you have to have doctor names, references? or did you just have to say that youve been diagnosed and that was enough?

and what questions did the doctor ask you?

i dont know if they need evidence of diagnosis for something like anxiety. i also have pins and wire in my elbow with a big scar and all. it happened over 15 years ago but still hurts sometimes. but again no reference from another doctor or documentation... so i dont know if thatd work either

but anyway, yeah, thanks for the warm welcome back! its soooooo good to be back, never quittin Mary again.


no i dont have any documentation as i havent seen a doctor. being that i know MMJ works though, i really dont want to spend the money and deal with the hassle of seeing a psych. did they make you produce proof when you went? did you have to have doctor names, references? or did you just have to say that youve been diagnosed and that was enough?

and what questions did the doctor ask you?

i dont know if they need evidence of diagnosis for something like anxiety. i also have pins and wire in my elbow with a big scar and all. it happened over 15 years ago but still hurts sometimes. but again no reference from another doctor or documentation... so i dont know if thatd work either

but anyway, yeah, thanks for the warm welcome back! its soooooo good to be back, never quittin Mary again.
Daaaaang I wish I could remember but it's a few months and I've smoked so much weed since then I can't remember anything

They ask only for what the state requires and it can be as informal as a note written on the doctors stationary stating what condition you had once upon a time. I literally had a 4 year old absent note from my specialist for a herniated disk thats going to be with me the rest of my life and that's all they needed, never needed my Dr notes for anxiety disorder and clinical depression and the Dr made my mmj for all 3 .

The Drs that prescribe it have to give up any other form of practice apparently so they are in on the money making game and it's in thier best interest for you to get it to then become a repeat customer having to have prescription redone every 6 months. So they pretty much just make sure you meet the state requirements. They are still doctors though and ask probing questions into addiction and other lifestyle questions, and since I was already using I presented it as wanting to go from self medicating illegally to medicating under a professional legally. I don't know what the right awnser was but at least I didn't fudge it up too bad plus I was kinda honest, only hamming it up a bit.


i figured it out, the game to play was Shadow of the Colossus Remaster.
Yeah no. Tried to play it when it dropped on ps+ but i couldn't get past the second Colosi (Colos? Colose?).
But Bioshock 2 got like 20 times better after smoking a fat one. I loved how the city was in ruin, how depressing Rapture has become and how much more.deranged the splicers looked. Last time i had so much fun i was stoned in the Mojave Wasteland.
I love games with good atmosphere when i'm half baked. Takes a mostly ok game and ramps it up through the roof.
Dosing is just a problem, i would be happy to find the perfect middle ground between "falling asleep with the controler in my hand" and "slight 2 beer buzz".


I smoked weed for a couple of years, but I had to stop when I was put on anti-depressants. The shit just makes me sick now when I try to smoke it. I haven’t been a weed smoker since early 2007, so it’s probably never going to be a part of my life again in a significant way. Kinda makes me sad because it chilled me out a lot more than my meds and I had a lot of fun when I was high.
I’m on some anti depressants and anti anxiety meds. What are you on? I get an upset stomach but that’s all the meds and the weed actually helps my stomach.

if I don’t take my meds for a few days then smoke it gives me a weird heady feeling.


I’m on some anti depressants and anti anxiety meds. What are you on? I get an upset stomach but that’s all the meds and the weed actually helps my stomach.

if I don’t take my meds for a few days then smoke it gives me a weird heady feeling.

I just had to relate to ya.

So for a quick bit of personal info on myself, coming from an abusive household and carrying over those unresolved issues into my first marriage I became steadily Ill, especially during my separation. There's literally nothing "wrong" with me physically.
I've had countless tests done of all kinds with the conclusion being super high anxiety.

My body, according to my psychiatrist, is on fire. It's so delicate that just about anything makes me sick... I had no idea I was doing this to myself. My body feels like it's working against me.

With learning the proper tools, and using some medication I can temper how I feel. I still smoke daily, before dinner because that's really the only time I'll have an appetite.

Weed helps my anxiety to a degree, I take a daily med, and practice the tools I learned.

Weed GAF, being unable to deal with things effectively as a youth which stemmed into adulthood made me sick and I lost a lot along the way. Jobs, relationships, everything.

I just wanted to share this because I feel a lot of us may have high anxiety, and if not dealt with in a healthy manner it can be crippling later.

So I smoke daily. As an added bonus of helping my stomach issues, it also clears my head. It may sound weird, but some of my greatest ideas and reasoning comes after smoking because it unclutters my mind and allows for pure inspiration to shine through. It's like... banging off your muddy boots at the end of the day. There's this thought and direction, and it isn't weighed down by any baggage. I find it liberating.

Myself I'm on Escitalopram.

If anyone has questions, wants to chat, or even vent, I'm around.


I just had to relate to ya.

So for a quick bit of personal info on myself, coming from an abusive household and carrying over those unresolved issues into my first marriage I became steadily Ill, especially during my separation. There's literally nothing "wrong" with me physically.
I've had countless tests done of all kinds with the conclusion being super high anxiety.

My body, according to my psychiatrist, is on fire. It's so delicate that just about anything makes me sick... I had no idea I was doing this to myself. My body feels like it's working against me.

With learning the proper tools, and using some medication I can temper how I feel. I still smoke daily, before dinner because that's really the only time I'll have an appetite.

Weed helps my anxiety to a degree, I take a daily med, and practice the tools I learned.

Weed GAF, being unable to deal with things effectively as a youth which stemmed into adulthood made me sick and I lost a lot along the way. Jobs, relationships, everything.

I just wanted to share this because I feel a lot of us may have high anxiety, and if not dealt with in a healthy manner it can be crippling later.

So I smoke daily. As an added bonus of helping my stomach issues, it also clears my head. It may sound weird, but some of my greatest ideas and reasoning comes after smoking because it unclutters my mind and allows for pure inspiration to shine through. It's like... banging off your muddy boots at the end of the day. There's this thought and direction, and it isn't weighed down by any baggage. I find it liberating.

Myself I'm on Escitalopram.

If anyone has questions, wants to chat, or even vent, I'm around.
Great post. Thanks for sharing, hopefully more gaffers see it!


Thanks and no worries, I'm pretty open and thought it was at the very least a cautionary story about what I'm going though. 😃
I have found that smoking daily helps improve my mood as much as the Rx does. I obviously still get anxiety, especially after smoking and going out to crowded places. But I feel that in a way it helps me to be more aware of how I’m feeling and when I start to “dip”.




Loaded up at the dispensary for the rest of the month yesterday... I'm all set for my social distancing. I'm now self conscious about my weed coughing since I've been a daily weed smoker for almost a decade, but all stocked up and don't need to go out for a few weeks but sure people will give me the stink eye when they hear the weed cough if I do need to go out.


Loaded up at the dispensary for the rest of the month yesterday... I'm all set for my social distancing. I'm now self conscious about my weed coughing since I've been a daily weed smoker for almost a decade, but all stocked up and don't need to go out for a few weeks but sure people will give me the stink eye when they hear the weed cough if I do need to go out.
I know right!?!? Like is this corona or just good weed?


anyone getting worried about their bud situation?

Also any one in here with Corona? So far everyone I know who smokes has no Corona. Weed is the cure for Corona


(please don't spread that weed is not the cure for Corona, but it would be funny if it was).
No, I do not smoke weed. However, I'm all for it being legalized even though I think getting high purely for recreation is immoral. I'm sick and tired of living in a police state where people who harm NO ONE can be arrested and thrown into prison.


So I can't help smiling like an idiot lol.
I'm sitting here smoking away and put on the Lord of the Rings.
*sigh* the Shire, such a feel good moment. I'm pretty sure Gandalf smoked a J back in the day. Didn't-cha Ganja-dalf. Lol. This fucking smoke ring guy.
It's a good ol' adventure when you're shut in.


The Tribe Has Spoken
So I can't help smiling like an idiot lol.
I'm sitting here smoking away and put on the Lord of the Rings.
*sigh* the Shire, such a feel good moment. I'm pretty sure Gandalf smoked a J back in the day. Didn't-cha Ganja-dalf. Lol. This fucking smoke ring guy.
It's a good ol' adventure when you're shut in.
The LotR and getting stoned sounds awesome.


Told my wife to stock up for a couple months. Thinking about trying to get ahold of some seeds JIC. Hopefully green states bros will stay stocked, us in illegal land gonna get fucked if lockdowns get worse. Probably go back 20 years in price and quality 😒


Told my wife to stock up for a couple months. Thinking about trying to get ahold of some seeds JIC. Hopefully green states bros will stay stocked, us in illegal land gonna get fucked if lockdowns get worse. Probably go back 20 years in price and quality 😒

Just a heads up bro, seeds take an investment in time

Like a lot


Neo Member
Told my wife to stock up for a couple months. Thinking about trying to get ahold of some seeds JIC. Hopefully green states bros will stay stocked, us in illegal land gonna get fucked if lockdowns get worse. Probably go back 20 years in price and quality 😒
the only problem is that by the time your crop is ready to be harvested, the quarantine will be long over and prices will have likely evened out. that is unless corona ends up becoming some sort or apocalyptic crisis :O only time will tell. It sure is always smart to be prepared for the unpredictable!!


Neo Member
I'll also add Tetris Effect and Rez.
that's actually a great couple of selections. I've always wanted to play Rez but never got around to it. Seems like they are remaking it for VR which would be pleasantly overwhelming baked!

in direct response to those two games I'd say Devil Dice and Vib Ribbon would be pretty nice


Neo Member
No, I do not smoke weed. However, I'm all for it being legalized even though I think getting high purely for recreation is immoral. I'm sick and tired of living in a police state where people who harm NO ONE can be arrested and thrown into prison.
I'm purely curious, what do you mean by immoral? As in the same way abusing welfare is immoral?


Not really anymore. Smoked more often in college and for a year or two after graduation but after the novelty wore off, I realized there wasn't really much payoff to getting high. You're altered, but not euphoric. The main draw was the act of participating in the activity with friends. The last time I used MJ was in edible form while visiting Seattle last year. Prior to that it had been over a decade since my last use. I made the dumbfuck rookie mistake of eating half the cookie, waiting a while, feeling nothing, and then eating the other half. I got waaaaaaay overbaked and did not have fun at all. If recreational use gets legalized in MO then I may try again, but it would have to be a mild strain. That said, I'm definitely not in a rush.
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that's actually a great couple of selections. I've always wanted to play Rez but never got around to it. Seems like they are remaking it for VR which would be pleasantly overwhelming baked!
Rez VR has been out since the PSVR came out and I played quite a bit of it stoned.

Your assumption is correct. This is what you would look like while playing it: :lollipop_smiling_hearts:


Neo Member
Slow down bro and let him explain that. No need to hang something on him with the second sentence.
I was making the possible connection because some people see it only as medicine. in that case it would be abuse to use recreationally if not in need of that medication. Such as if you were using some sort of government subsidy without being in financial distress. but yeah, didn't mean to put words in anyone's mouth, was more just specifying my question. I'm really intrigued because I'm from a very conservative family who are very much against recreational weed yet I myself am a big proponent of all things cannabis.


I was making the possible connection because some people see it only as medicine. in that case it would be abuse to use recreationally if not in need of that medication. Such as if you were using some sort of government subsidy without being in financial distress. but yeah, didn't mean to put words in anyone's mouth, was more just specifying my question. I'm really intrigued because I'm from a very conservative family who are very much against recreational weed yet I myself am a big proponent of all things cannabis.

I smoke too bro



Just a heads up bro, seeds take an investment in time

Like a lot
the only problem is that by the time your crop is ready to be harvested, the quarantine will be long over and prices will have likely evened out. that is unless corona ends up becoming some sort or apocalyptic crisis :O only time will tell. It sure is always smart to be prepared for the unpredictable!!
Oh, totally for prep purposes only, we have no interest in trying to grow right now. I’d rather have and not need then the alternative. *If* it came to it I’m sure my wife would relish the process, she cannot wait to get to a green state and start growing her own 👍


Oh, totally for prep purposes only, we have no interest in trying to grow right now. I’d rather have and not need then the alternative. *If* it came to it I’m sure my wife would relish the process, she cannot wait to get to a green state and start growing her own 👍

It's a worthy process to pursue

Takes time! worth it future green thumb!
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