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Do you smoke weed?

Usually a week is enough for me to reset. My patterns are similar to yours, evening times when all my work and important stuff is finished. Possibly a wake and bake if I have an empty day. The stuff is still illegal here which blows. I'm hoping the massive debt incurred by Covid relief funds will make the government give the legal classification another look. Tax and regulate -> profit.


Quick question for the connoisseurs in here, do the THC vape pens expire? I've had some for like 6+ months that I just found while cleaning the other day, I might want to partake but not if it's dangerous/not recommended to use them after a certain amount of time. They were attached to the vape part, so I assume there's some sort of seal implied there, the oil still seems fluid.


Quick question for the connoisseurs in here, do the THC vape pens expire? I've had some for like 6+ months that I just found while cleaning the other day, I might want to partake but not if it's dangerous/not recommended to use them after a certain amount of time. They were attached to the vape part, so I assume there's some sort of seal implied there, the oil still seems fluid.
Concentrate supposedly has a fairly long shelf life when temp controlled. I’ve not heard of cartridges ‘expiring’ but I’d imagine while from the safety aspect it should be fine, taste and potency may be affected but maybe not to a level noticeable for a casual partaker.

Should be good to go.


I did but stopped recently, detox is a bitch but I have to be honest when I say quarantine turned me into a daily smoker, something I never thought I'd be. This shit literally makes you retarded smoking everyday 3 times a day, I don't know how y'all do it.


I did but stopped recently, detox is a bitch but I have to be honest when I say quarantine turned me into a daily smoker, something I never thought I'd be. This shit literally makes you retarded smoking everyday 3 times a day, I don't know how y'all do it.
The last time I was smoking regularly was like a 6-month window last year. I'd just smoke after work and on weekends when other responsibilities for the day were done. It wasn't even a lot. I was just taking like one hit, maybe 2, and chilling with that for a couple hours before taking another.

But damn was the withdrawal weird for that one. My appetite just completely died. I wasn't eating right or shitting right for like 2-3 weeks and lost about 20 pounds. It all went back to normal but I definitely get hit hard with the appetite problems when I stop smoking after it being a regular thing for a while.


Neo Member
I have before a handful of times but I've never really thought it was that great. I suppose I liked it but not enough to spend any money on it and get kicked out of my apartment and fired for it. I think it should be legal but I really really hate the whole subculture around it, especially people who use it as a surrogate personality.


I've gotten back into it. Still in my experimental and learning phase, but I'm liking it. Only going to smoke during my days off work (as in, not after work, as I had done a couple of times before) and I'm still working out things like the best way to smoke a bowl (hit it as fast as you can or take the first hit and let yourself feel high before taking anymore). z

I'm thinking of making pot brownies for next Saturday and I'm gonna do some research into them.


So I just wanted to share a little something with my fellow 420 brothers.

I'm a marajuana advocate in all it's various uses, I've mentioned that I find it's a great tool in meditation as well.
When meditating I try to remain as objective as possible, considering all influences in my current state while I empty my mind.

So I'm sitting in the dark, legs crossed and relaxed and I just go through this release and its black. All I see is darkness while im calming myself. Deep even breaths, I'm probably sitting there for a good 10 minutes.

From the darkness swoops in a white owl, wings spread. I was really taken aback by his slow approach... until he was right in front of me. And there was just his face. I wont lie I was a bit startled and I accidentally broke concentration lol.

I had to do a little digging just to see what it could mean, if you subscribe to that kind of thing and I found some interesting stuff:

“The owl is nocturnal with keen senses of sight and sound. It sees through the shadows of the night and hears the sounds in the silence; the illusion of the darkness. This teaches us to see past our own illusions and trust our intuition and perceptive senses.”


Obviously interpretations will vary and will boil down to a personal take in the end. I've been practicing meditation for over a year and this is the first time something like this has taken place. Again, to strengthen my meditation I smoke though I feel im reaching a point i wont have to use that tool as much in the future.

I'm starting to think I should make a thread around mens health and meditation?

Your thoughts?


I've mentioned that I find it's a great tool in meditation as well.
I’ve found myself quite fond of getting blasted and laying down and entering a state of meditation for 10-15 mins. Much more refreshing than a nap but can be very intense. Just let my mind drift, zone out and enter ‘that place’. Very similar feeling to night terrors when done right but less uhhh, terrifying! Unfortunately I cannot enter this state with flower anymore unless it’s after a t break.

Kids be careful, concentrates are the first step to the darkside!




Gold Member
What I never liked about joints is just knowing how much of the product is literally going "up in smoke." If you're not inhaling, it's all just burning away.

That, and I don't think it tastes good. The combusted paper and the way that you're drawing smoke through the rest of the weed before actually getting to the point where you're smoking it combines to make it just harsh and gross compared to a glass pipe or bong or something.
Can i talk about a nice little invention called herb vaporizer??

Bong and pipes taste like utter shit after trying that.


Can i talk about a nice little invention called herb vaporizer??

Bong and pipes taste like utter shit after trying that.
One of my friends had some volcano one or something. I don't think he knew how to use it. I tried it twice with him on different occasions and even then the big bag filled up, and I hit it hard, I just never really felt anything.

Even though I'm sure he just had no idea what he was doing, I just never wanted to go to the expense of buying one because of that. I also have a couple glass pipes that I keep really clean and like the taste from them, so that was another reason.


Gold Member
One of my friends had some volcano one or something. I don't think he knew how to use it. I tried it twice with him on different occasions and even then the big bag filled up, and I hit it hard, I just never really felt anything.

Even though I'm sure he just had no idea what he was doing, I just never wanted to go to the expense of buying one because of that. I also have a couple glass pipes that I keep really clean and like the taste from them, so that was another reason.
He probably has shit weed or really doesn't know how to use it.

I literally devastated many people with a volcano, even hard smokers who smoke 5-10 grams everyday with a single 1 gram load of good but not great weed.

The secret is starting from low temp like 160 celsius and do a bag of vapor every 5 degrees, so 1 bag at 160, 1 bag at 165, one at 170 until you reach 210 or 220.
You maximize the extraction and literally kill people.

I converted more guys into vaping after destroying their brains than jesus to catholicism and i don't even need to transform piss into wine...

You have to understand, smoking burn 90% of thc etc while vaping get you almost 100% of the effects with far less weed and without fucking your lungs, also taste is like 100x times better because you are not burning the plant, of course if you have shitty weed the difference is smaller but still big, shitty weed still taste at least floreal in a vaporizer.

When i only vaped i consumed like 1\10 of the weed that i consume while smoking.

You have to adjust the tolerance and the type of stone sensation from smoking to vaping for a couple of days, smoke seems stronger jist because you burn a lot of shit while inaling so your brain is fucked up by that not by the ganja.

One big mistake is buying cheap vaporizer who burn the weed or have shitty extraction capacity, thats why a lot of people doesn't get into vaporizer and start smoking again.

You buy a good one for 150 to 300 or more dollar and you are gonna consume so much less weed that is not even funny...

The only downside, they are not very good with the hard type of hash, no problem with the very soft one or resins and concentrates.

Vaporizer are just the smarter way to consume ganja.
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So if you have a toothpick in your mouth. And sometimes a penis enters your throat..

No need to worry, you just got Spermyd!!!!

No it is a more complicated issue.


Always have had bad experiences with THC (bad psychoactive reaction / green out with basically any amount) but I've found that smoking / vaping CBD with an extremely low THC content is helpful for my mood. I get this through the government supply in Canada (OCS) and it's reasonably cheap and seems pretty good quality. I know it definitely has barely any THC in it because since I've started using it I haven't reacted negatively at all like I have with THC in the past. It also doesn't really smell as much so that's a plus I guess


Vaporizer are just the smarter way to consume ganja.

I've thought about buying a dry vape pen, but then I've heard conflicting reports on how it hits versus the water pipe that I use now. I hit the pipe yesterday evening and I'm still feeling it now somewhat, so if the vape is better, I may have to look into it.


Gold Member
I've thought about buying a dry vape pen, but then I've heard conflicting reports on how it hits versus the water pipe that I use now. I hit the pipe yesterday evening and I'm still feeling it now somewhat, so if the vape is better, I may have to look into it.
Dry vape pen are usually shit.
They burn the weed and the performance are abysmal, don't get fooled by fancy names like snoop dogg etc.

Send me a pm when you want some advices.
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Used to smoke joints, pipes and bongs. Shit was destroying my lungs
Got a Pax2(dry herb vaporizer) for $200
Best investment ever
Use less weed and high last longer
Edibles would be my preferred method but haven't tried making my own yet


My dude is out of oil and wax. I don't know what to do! I mean I have a bunch of dry herb but ew. I tried one bowl and almost threw up. It must be months old by now.

Don't think I can make it 3 more days.
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Neo Member
I use to quite a lot when I was in my teens/early 20s. I was diagnosed with a condition called cannabis hypermesis syndrome from cannabis use. If I smoke now it gives me the shits and makes my tummy sensitive. Ever since then I'm not about that cannabis life. Although I feel that cannabis changed my brain for the better. I had a lot of profound realizations about reality under the influence of cannabis. I became obsessed with philosophy and science whereas I genuinely don't think I would have ever had an interest without it. I don't need it anymore, but I'm not hostile towards it either.
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I use to quite a lot when I was in my teens/early 20s. I was diagnosed with a condition called cannabis hypermesis syndrome from cannabis use. If I smoke now it gives me the shits and makes my tummy sensitive. Ever since then I'm not about that cannabis life. Although I feel that cannabis changed my brain for the better. I had a lot of profound realizations about reality under the influence of cannabis. I became obsessed with philosophy and science whereas I genuinely don't think I would have ever had an interest without it. I don't need it anymore, but I'm not hostile towards it either.
Oh man I didn't even know that was a thing! Had to look it up. Sounds terrible. Have you used CBD or done mushrooms?

Also picked up some flowers just now to hold me over. My god I forgot how stinky this shit is. I could smell it through my leather jacket, helmet all while riding a motorcycle... Was like, "am I burning oil? Wait that's just weed smell."
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Neo Member
Oh man I didn't even know that was a thing! Had to look it up. Sounds terrible. Have you used CBD or done mushrooms?

Also picked up some flowers just now to hold me over. My god I forgot how stinky this shit is. I could smell it through my leather jacket, helmet all while riding a motorcycle... Was like, "am I burning oil? Wait that's just weed smell."

Yeah, it's a relatively new condition that's becoming more common by the day. We still don't understand how it works, but it definitely changed my life for the better. Taught me how to just enjoy being sober. I've used CBD, but it doesn't do anything for me. I haven't done mushrooms because of a bad trip where I went to hell on salvia. I try to stay away from hallucinogenic drugs, but I know mushrooms are mild so I'm sure I will eventually try them.


I’ve found myself quite fond of getting blasted and laying down and entering a state of meditation for 10-15 mins. Much more refreshing than a nap but can be very intense. Just let my mind drift, zone out and enter ‘that place’. Very similar feeling to night terrors when done right but less uhhh, terrifying! Unfortunately I cannot enter this state with flower anymore unless it’s after a t break.

Kids be careful, concentrates are the first step to the darkside!
I had a very similar hurdle! I had to train my mind, take myself away from the feeling where you need to take flight. Denying the urge to feel that "terror" type of feeling and allow yourself to believe its natural.
It's natural to feel that way because it's new uncharted territory.


advanced basic bitch
I've never given a damn about weed. Not my thing. Love my booze. That being said I did try edibles for the first time last week. JFC. That was some serious shit man. At first, I found it disappointing. I felt chill and relaxed but not really good if that makes sense. Then it further kicked in. Holy balls I was not prepared. I lost my thought voice. I literally thought I was speaking when I wasn't. I would respond to my girlfriend in my mind but not actually verbalize lol. It was definitely a trip. I'm not sure how often I would do them but I was at home so I was at least safe so to speak.

Kev Kev

just got back from the weed factory. check out my haul


truclear CO2 concentrate syringe 1G hybrid on the left. this stuff can be taken orally, dabbed or used as a refill for your vape carts. never tried it but apparently it can put you on your ass

in the middle is trulieve trupowder. kind of new from what i understand. you can mix it in with whatever drink you want. people are using a scoop or two (or more of course lol) in their coffee in the morning. apparently it kicks in fast, like 15-30 minutes and packs a decent punch

and of course on the right, some good ol high quality indica flower, 21% THC :messenger_sunglasses:

man, what a time to be alive. all those years of scouring the town for weed, scraping resin from my bowls, stealing bud from my brother, having to worry about sneaking it around, never being able to talk about it (im open w my parents about being a card holder), never being able to try all these cool new methods of administration even though i knew they were out there... FINALLY all that shit is over and im here. fucking dreamed of this shit for 20 years and now its actually happening. cant wait to see what the industry becomes over the next 20 years (especially if it becomes legal recreationally/federally).


Kev Kev Kev Kev how's that powder? Might have to find some while I’m in CA... Not a fan of distillate, my wife likes to squirt a bit on a chunk of rolling paper and add it to a bowl (she adds all types of concentrates though). Too harsh (might have been the stuff I tried though), I prefer a good sugar or sauce/diamonds. Haven’t worked up to try any cold water rosin as it’s so expensive, hard to justify $100+ for a gram of it when $30ish for some good sauce does the trick! I’d really be interested in something I could easily add to coffee on the weekends, I’ve considered decarbing shit to add but ehhhh....

Kev Kev

Kev Kev Kev Kev how's that powder? Might have to find some while I’m in CA... Not a fan of distillate, my wife likes to squirt a bit on a chunk of rolling paper and add it to a bowl (she adds all types of concentrates though). Too harsh (might have been the stuff I tried though), I prefer a good sugar or sauce/diamonds. Haven’t worked up to try any cold water rosin as it’s so expensive, hard to justify $100+ for a gram of it when $30ish for some good sauce does the trick! I’d really be interested in something I could easily add to coffee on the weekends, I’ve considered decarbing shit to add but ehhhh....
its really nice!

one of the best things about it is it kicks in after 15 or so minutes, but gives you the feeling of edible high. however, its a little more mild of an effect (dose is one scoop but im using two to make it more intense), but it feels happy and euphoric, gives that warm body euphoria. and yes a lot of people have said they use it in their coffee every morning (people w high tolerance are going 2-4 scoops). its perfect for morning too because it isnt crazy heavy, and you'll feel those happy/euphria effects even harder in the morning (empty stomach, sober, etc). it's quite bitter so youll want something sweet to drink. and its like $50 for 40 doses.

i imagine you have a high tolerance, or higher than zero at least, so you may hav to experiment with 3 or 4 scoops. i just took two 30 minutes ago (6am here) and im thinking about doing two more to see if i can get lit off this stuff.

do i recommend it? mmmm yeah, i do. its fun, it feels really nice, not heavy so its a great kick starter (i dont think its a specific strain, its RLO or whatever you call that). however, i guess its a valid complaint that its not crazy strong (my tolerance is absolutely to blame though... i mean, i overdose on everything they sell me lol, so of course every recommended dose they have is going to be weak for me), so youll have to over dose if you have a high tolerance and im not sure its worth the $50 if i go through it 4x as fast, you know? ill finish this bottle off and see how i liked the whole experience, and consider buying another. at this point, im almost committed to getting one of these per month, it feels so good in the morning. but i want to see how much of a tolerance i build up to this first.

holy shit sorry for the novel lmao

my wife likes to squirt a bit on a chunk of rolling paper and add it to a bowl

so wait, i could put a small blob of this syringe on top of a bowl/bong hit and it'll burn up nicely? i though you had to dab it if you smoked it?
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i imagine you have a high tolerance
I’m not a “heavy” user, but I am daily and I smoked the best weed I could for 20 years. Once someone turned me on to dabs (1/10 gram hit, I was totally unaware- it was like the first time I smoked real weed multiplied by 10. Very similar to a trip heh) I was hooked. Living in an illegal state makes things tricky but I travel a lot for work and have been lucky to spend a decent amount of time on the west coast. I do take breaks, months at a time every year, but my tolerance usually resets fairly quick. A gram of concentrate will last me about 2 weeks, if money/time weren’t obstacles that same gram would last a week or less.
so wait, i could put a small blob of this syringe on top of a bowl/bong hit and it'll burn up nicely? i though you had to dab it if you smoked it?
Yup. When I do add concentrate to weed I pinch a bit of weed, roll it and smush it at the bottom of the bowl, add concentrate, then cover with weed. You don’t want to get it super hot as it’s wasteful but nothing wrong if it does get hot. Hell they got joints with concentrate on the weed, paper dipped in oil and coated in kief. It’s just really wasteful. Once you find the sweet spot it’ll make your bowls last twice as long imo.
holy shit sorry for the novel lmao
No worries, I have to watch writing blogs myself. Must like the sound of the keys like my voice 😉

I think I’ll check the powder out, I love edibles. I only fuck with them on weekends when we have them and vacations. Good for concerts too. When we move to a green state we’ll make our own (and grow!) but not now, too much hassle. Love waking up, popping about 30mg then hitting the dab rig and working on a project or song! Good for games too but that should go without saying 😂
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