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Do you still get excited, when you see tech specs for new consoles?

For some reason I'm not as excited about the technical specifications of next generation consoles as I have been in the past. When the Xenon (possible)specs were leaked I wasn't really all that excited. I think because of the internet and its mass amount of info on CPU/GPU technology and the fact I know so much of what goes into consoles, technology is starting to loose its appeal. It seems like as every generation pass, the hype of a specific technical feature dwindles. Bits, polygons, Mhz, now theres the,"what console has the most graphic features". Bump mapping, normal mapping, realtime reflections all of these features impacts will have come and gone.

When the next gen comes around the line will be blurred, better technology is a given now. The new consoles will more than likely be so close in tech specs comparisons, that we could see a change in how many tech threads we'll see in forums compared to this gen and last gen. Could all multiplatform games end up looking atleast 99.9% identical, texture manipulating features and all?

I guess the true excitement of the next gen begins when you see the games and how much they differ visually to the current gen games.


I did not even bother to read them, for the current generation. Or to check when the next consoles will be out.


Tag of Excellence
Yes but reasonably paced along with the release date. Anything beyond a year becomes ridiculous.

I don't care how many monkeyflops and gigaslaves the console does, if it isn't coming out soon then you're speaking to a deaf ear.
Even though I don't know what most of the technical mumble jumble means, it does get me excited. When I see the first tech demos though, is when I really get excited.


Dreamcast was the last one. Since then no I don't care about specs and I am not even that excited about the next gen.


Tech specs don't really mean anything to me... and I usually tend to think that over half of the people who speak on tech specs know little or nothing about them also. I just want fun stuff to play, period.


Specs, not really. I mean, you look at the raw numbers, but with them you really can't tell what it really means. Then the company releases inflated numbers about what it can do, say they can do 100 billion polygons, and yet the games look no different then the other systems.

No matter how fast, no matter how high res, no matter WHAT, there will always be games with slowdown, tearing, pop-up, stupid AI and sub-30fps framerates. As long as there are crappy developers, there will always be crappy graphics.
Back in the days, mainly from 16-bit up through 64-bit I used to care a lot about specs, and drool on the numbers and all the fancy terms for hardware features... but they don't have anywhere near that effect on me anymore, I just like to know a general idea about the strengths and weaknesses of each console's hardware now. And like some people said, in the end it's all about the games.

PS2 might be the least powerful console this gen, but I'd be damned if I don't think it's the best one, simply because of the amount of good games on it.
I get excited when I take a whiff of a newly opened console package v.SNES > N64 > All other packaging. That new plastic and cardboard smell is awesome.


And even i am moderately surprised
I'm with Ferrarisimo

Nothing is more exciting than launch day , the smell of new console in the morning, even the obligatory crap launch game ("Launch Tax") purchases have a certain charm to them (i'm looking at you Incoming (DC) , Pen Pen Triicelon, etc)...
It doesn't really hit me until I'm actually at the store buying one. That's because I don't usually buy consoles at lauch anyway. DC and N64 are the only two.


No. I concluded fairly early on in the current generation that the skill of a developer has become much more important than the power of the console in determining how a game looks. Most of the games released even today do not use the full potential of the current generation of consoles. I don't expect much of an improvement from the next gen (no matter what the specs) because the games will still be limited by the skill of the developer.
No. Not at all. When we jumped from SNES to N64 that was when I was the most excited. Because of the Dreamcast the jump to the current gen seemed lackluster. And now, the feeling of excitement over hardware is very irrelevant. I just want games. I wouldn't give a shit if they never upgraded from the current gen.


Kefkaff said:
No. I could really care less that one console can out perform another.
IT'S COULDN'T, ARGH! "Could care less" would make sense if you said YES, but what you said up there does not make sense. Saying you "could care less" means you care a lot.

Sorry, i'm really anal about stuff like this, it annoys the hell out of me. :p

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Excited? Absolutely! :) But I'm actually more excited when I see tech demos that show off those features. Last time it actually happened was with PSP.
Grubdog said:
IT'S COULDN'T, ARGH! "Could care less" would make sense if you said YES, but what you said up there does not make sense. Saying you "could care less" means you care a lot.

Sorry, i'm really anal about stuff like this, it annoys the hell out of me. :p

Thats the way that makes more sense, but the saying typically goes "I could care less"...it's one of those retardisms of the english language that is understood to mean the exact opposite of it's litteral interpretation.

Back on topic...I don't get excited until I see actual games running. I've learned to take tech demos with a mountain of salt.


Grubdog said:
IT'S COULDN'T, ARGH! "Could care less" would make sense if you said YES, but what you said up there does not make sense. Saying you "could care less" means you care a lot.

Sorry, i'm really anal about stuff like this, it annoys the hell out of me. :p
the internet must make you completely insane. everyone does this. it bugs me too.


I get excited over the possibilities that new videogame consoles can bring - specs are very interesting yes, but that is not what really gets me excited, it is what can be DONE as far as games that gets me pumped up.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I will when there's a paradigm switch. Polys need to go.


Fafracer forever
DaCoca said:
I will when there's a paradigm switch. Polys need to go.
There's some possibility you won't have too long to wait for that.

Anyway, I didn't get particularly excited about the nexgen spec as I get to hear them. But I'm actually getting more excited as time goes by and grow closer to getting my hands on the SDKs :p
The first few weeks of reading the new docs are the most memorable and exciting time.
yes i get excited for tech specs..

but seeing the pics of games like unreal 3, splinter cell 3, etc... has gotten me REALLY pumped for xbox 2 game shots next year... these graphics are going to be PHENOMENAL... cant wait to see what a halo with those graphics, or perfect dark, will look like..
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