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Do you think Gaming-only news sites are just totally irrelevant now?


Ever since Game Informer was shut down, I find myself not really having a solid news outlet for gaming specifically anymore. I just sort of absorb news through twitter or here on Neogaf, or on rare occasion youtube, but I don't feel like there are any websites left that specialize solely in video game news.

It seems like IGN has stretched to become much more "general entertainment", and I've honestly just always been super skeptical of the site; it's always felt more like an advertising platform, rather than genuinely independent and honest criticism and reviews or previews of games.

I'm hoping that maybe I'm just unaware of some really good sites. But I also worry a bit that the people who are genuinely interested in gaming *news* are such a minority, that there's just not enough interest to sustain a site anymore?
I used to frequent Gamespot a lot but ever since they branched to other topics, I lost interest.

Game Developer (formerly Gamasutra) is excellent even though its been around forever.


Yeah, they are, they hired non gaming activist's and give awful biased reviews and high scores for mediocre or straight up bad games, then attack the fans when they don't like the games or agree, i can't speak for anyone else but i don't read or take any notice of them anymore, even PC Gamer, they are done and it's their own fault,
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Not at all. How else would I know which cisgender xenophobes from my favorite Nintendo games are actually closet social warriors? Number 4 was truly shocking!

Try to avoid just one source of gaming news (including GAF). There’s too much bias in today’s world and it’s better to check multiple sources for any fact checking than just one place.

That being said, yes, gaming has mostly moved on from traditional mediums.
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theres a few good one ,that really give gaming news not common like gamingbolt or gamepur. they are my favorite but honestly the gaming world has stalled compeltly this generation. i dont even feel like looking anythig up as the game devs suck today


In the traditional sense, yes. There's still some decent writers etc out there, but the big sites are pretty much irrelevant to me as they clearly chase the money.
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Gold Member
Check out Kotaku for the best in online gaming journalism.

Or whatever platform Alanah Pearce is on.
Youre Good Robert Deniro GIF
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