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Do you think Tom Hanks will ever top Forrest Gump?

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I don't think he'll ever top his role as Forrest Gump or ever star in a greater movie for the rest of his career. What do you think?


I'm sorry...you think that Forrest Gump is Tom Hanks' best performance?

Pardon me while I laugh myself sick...


Console Market Analyst
-jinx- said:
Pardon me while I laugh myself sick...

I just pictured Hanks laughing until he chokes, after the tub falls through the floor in THE MONEY PIT. Now that was a brilliant performance.


On Inside The Actor's Studio, I think he said that he believes his best work was in Turner & Hooch.

Tom Hanks is awesome, screw the haters. Even Quentin Tarantino likes him.

White Man

Tom Hanks is pretty cool, but Forrest Gump is the epitome of the palpable, manipulative picture that makes Hollywood dramas nigh unbearable to watch.


Tom's best performance :D


Awesome film.


=W= said:
I think he said that he believes his best work was in Turner & Hooch.

IAWTP... that or BIG were his best stuff. But Spielberg & Sleepless in Seattle have forever left me cold on Hanks. :(

Funny Hanks.
Best Hanks.


Anyone that hates Tom Hanks is just a hatter for the sake of being a hatter. I have never seen any evidence that he’s anything but a nice, funny, talented guy that loves what do does and has an eye for quality.


The best actors in the world have range... and Tom Hanks has the best range of any actor I've seen (since the 80's).


I haven't seen enough out of him... but I will admit his role as Jack Sparrow in POTC is one of my favorites of all time... He's rising quickly on my favorite actors list.

He got screwed at the Oscars... fucking Academy.


-jinx- said:
I'm sorry...you think that Forrest Gump is Tom Hanks' best performance?

Pardon me while I laugh myself sick...
Come on. Say which is apparently so much better then that it diminishes Forrest Gump to such a laugh. :p

That said, I don't know if I'd say it's his best. He's always been a fantastic actor. Philadelphia, Road to Perdition... hell, even Splash and Big. Looking at his list of movies, I'm only now realizing just how incredible his resume is.


Tom Hanks is fucking hilarious in Joe vs. the Volcano, The Burbs, The Money Pit, Big, etc... and he's fantastic in all of the dramtic work he's done. Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, Castaway, Road to Perdition, Apollo 13...

One of my favorite actors ever.


Tom Hanks has been in so many great movies, it's hard to pick a favorite. If Forrest Gump has to be topped or whatever, I'd say he may have done just that in Castaway or Road to Perdition. Heck, he was the only actor on screen for most of Castaway. Great performance. Then you have Road To Perdition, it was just a great movie period, but I think Hanks did his role justice.
Just saw a preview showing of "the Terminal" today. It was pretty good; although some parts of the script and the dialouge seemed contrived or forced.


Socreges said:
Come on. Say which is apparently so much better then that it diminishes Forrest Gump to such a laugh.
I could start with the fact that I hated Forrest Gump. Do I need to go on?


I think regardless of what you thought of the movie, the performance was, in the least, quite good. For it to be a laughable selection, I figured there would have to be a significant exception.


Forest Gump was a good date movie. Far from his best work.

There is lots of elitist statements in this community, but that is one of the most laughable ones. Thanks!

I think Road to Perdition is the one that stands out to me, because it just feels much different than his other roles. It's not a loveable character or a funny character. It's one of the times where I forget I was watching Tom Hanks.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Tom Hanks is by far my favourite Hollywood actor.

Green Mile
The Burbs
Road to Perdition
Forrest Gump

Just these films alone I can watch over and over and never get sick of 'em.
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