
Doctor Apologizes for Ranting About ‘Console Wars’ From Operating Room
The anesthesiologist, who goes by Dr. Shreeveera on Twitter and Youtube, recorded himself in front of an unconscious patient.

People are review-bombing a hospital in India with one-star reviews after a doctor tweeted a video of himself during a procedure with an unconscious patient.
The anesthesiologist, who goes by Dr. Shreeveera on Twitter and his YouTube channel, filmed himself supposedly in an active operating room where he had just anesthetized a patient and was preparing for an invasive procedure to remove a gallbladder. He claimed to be defending himself against people claiming he’s not a real doctor, because they disagree with his passion for the “console wars.”
“Console wars” is shorthand for the decades-long argument between gamers about which platform—Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo devices, PC gaming, and so on—is the best.
Shreeveera posted the video to Twitter, writing, “Here I am after inducing anaesthesia, intubating & putting a patient on controlled mechanical ventilation for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy case in OR. Slandering my identity, profession coz you Xbots can’t Argue FACTS!” according to gaming news outlet Dextero. He added, “SAVING LIVES- My Job. CONSOLE WARS- My Hobby.” He was allegedly trying to defend himself from accusations that he wasn’t a real doctor.