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Does The Metroid Bundle GC Have The Digital Out For Component?

I searched the board, and nothing came up. I know that DCL-101 or something or other numbered units don't have it, but are the Platinum 'Cubes in the Metroid Bundle sans the Digital Out port? This would be a real bummer, as I'd like to pick one up for a 2nd/backup unit.


works for Gamestop (lol)


Hey guy Great site

I just bought the Metroid prime bundle pack with a platinum GameCube, and to my surprise, there was no HDTV connector on it. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET PROGRESSIVE SCAN ON GAMES THAT SAY PROGRESSIVE SCAN NOW?? Nintendo is screwing me over.

I hope this gets posted, you never posted my letters before.

-Umar Shakir

Matt responds: Oh yeah. I completely forgot Nintendo was doing that. The digital output required for component/progressive scan pictures was removed from all GameCubes manufactured after May 2004. Basically, if you want progressive scan, don't buy a GameCube with the model number of DOL-101 or you'll be setting yourself up for a disappointment.

Let this serve as a reminder to other readers, of which more and more are buying high-end television sets capable of displaying progressive-scan software: New GameCubes suck. Get the old ones. And for your father's sake, don't buy that Metroid Prime bundle if you want a progressive-scan-ready system.

There could be hope for those of you duped into getting the impotent systems. Nintendo has erected this website (and yes, I chose to use the words 'impotent' and 'erected,' damn it) to deal with all of the suckers who thought they were getting a capable product instead of a watered down version of a capable product. I suggest calling the company's toll-free number and whining until it finally gives in and sends you a proper unit.

I called the toll-free number myself and pretended to be an unlucky customer just to see how Nintendo would handle it. It turns out the company is fairly responsive, which is nice. They will replace the system with a unit that does feature a component out. The only problem is that the replacement system will in fact be refurbished or, in other words, used. If you're okay with that, order away. If not, you're out of luck. To replace your crap system, you'll have to call the toll-free number and schedule the switch, at which point you can send in your main unit (without wires or controllers) to Nintendo of America, and they'll ship you the superior console.

Update: Several readers have written in to say that the Metroid Prime GCN bundle they purchased did in fact include the old-style GameCube with component out. So apparently there are MP bundles that have it and those that don't. You'll need to check the side of the box.

Nice job on saving $.75 cents per unit (if that), Nintendo. Sure, you completely alienated your high-end audience, further conveyed to the industry that you manufacture a toy and not a high-tech piece of hardware, and likewise confused developers who might have taken advantage of the feature, but hey, you have to save money somewhere, right?


Unconfirmed Member
Warm Machine said:
That is certainly backwards evolution for Nintendo to have ever done that. Thankfully I have 2 component cabable Gamecubes!
They will surely need a re-evolution now ;)
I'm really glad that my Gamecube has digital out, even if I don't own a TV that uses progressive scan, I like how my Gamecube is future protected. I sorta feel bad for people who buy the bundle, and get the downgraded cube, but it kind of serves them right for waiting so long when its been so cheap for awhile now. Also, bargain hunters don't tend to have top o'the line TV's, so how many will even care.

Here's hoping a backwards compatible Revolution supports digital out again.
I have a feeling that percentage would be slightly higher if they, you know, sold the cables in STORES like in Japan? (Japan also has a low percentage, if I recall, but not as pathetic as the NA numbers.)

I love my component cables for the Cube. Even without a Prog Scan TV, there's such a huge difference. Had to go through hell for 'em but it was worth all the trouble.

Deku Tree

Yeah that % is probably

(# component cables sold from Nintendo.com) / (total consoles sold in NA) times 100

and I think your right that the number would be higher if the cables were easier to find.


I'd happily swap my cube with this output on it to someone with the "gimped" model. I can't notice a difference anyway.


Fuck. I just checked my Gamecube I have model 101. :(

I have a deformed Cube. :/

Another item on my "Reasons to dislike Nintendo" list.


Component rocks, Nintendo sucks. They do make reliable hardware though, so I doubt my component cube will die before revolution hits.
Instead of saving a buck,instead why not consider how backwoods it makes the Cube look next to the competition. Cutting component is a joke and they should be thrown to the wolves for pulling such a stupid stunt,sheesh. They cut component out of GameCubes and instead spend the money on some loud mouth annoying reject named Reggie. Talk about a warped company.


T-1000_Model3 said:
Instead of saving a buck,instead why not consider how backwoods it makes the Cube look next to the competition. Cutting component is a joke and they should be thrown to the wolves for pulling such a stupid stunt,sheesh. They cut component out of GameCubes and instead spend the money on some loud mouth annoying reject named Reggie. Talk about a warped company.

Its pretty logical. Reggie has brought some excitement in his speeches, the component isn't bringing in money via the cables.
Its been said that even in Japan where the cables are sold in stores its still not incredible, so why bother?
Nintendo seems to take these things with utilizing them when the mass of people purchasing their product have the capabilities, and I'm sure not enough have the TVs that support it, I know I sure don't. See the internet play.
Just because message board folk get all rabid about it doesn't make it the mass opinion.
Do you have any idea how many RF switches I sell for crying out loud? Its a hell of a lot more for all 3 systems even those that offer the component in stores.
Maybe I'm making a big deal outof it,but to me its just another in a long list on black eyes for this company. Component was a cost cutting move? Is it really? Why then are there tons of affordable tvs out there today that alow you to take advantage of the feature then?

It doesn't make sense.
At times it seems that Nintedo are so blind they wouldn't be able to find their own dick if the lights went out.

<<<<<< T4 comes before 5,doesn't it?


T-1000_Model3 said:
Why then are there tons of affordable tvs out there today that alow you to take advantage of the feature then?

This is true, but broadbrand is fairly cheap too, and a lot of people don't use their consoles online. Even some people who have it can't be bothered to figure out how to hook up a router, and don't forget those who buy consoles for their kids and don't want them online. Or care if they use RGB. Or want them to do it on the family TV.
I know I've worked into another alley here, but I feel the logic applies.
From an at the moment standpoint, I can agree with Nintendo's business moves. I don't think they're so naive to leave RGB out of their next console, or internet for that matter. But at the moment, they're fighting an uphill battle, and costs cut are costs cut.


I wouldn't be surprised if the component cables don't do so well in Japan. Hell, Japanese GCs don't even include RF cables either, so consumers there get to choose and still the component cables haven't done well.
I'm just glad I have a GameCube from launch. I was possibly planning on buying another one,since my current one is scuffed up from lending it to my bro over weekends. The Platinum type is the color I'm eyeing since its really sexy.

The no component thing does throw a wrench in my plans to buy one later this Fall-I guess I could buy one of the earlier ones that still have the component feature now. Stupid Nintendo.


Mrbob said:
Fuck. I just checked my Gamecube I have model 101. :(

I have a deformed Cube. :/

Another item on my "Reasons to dislike Nintendo" list.

lol, you could just look at the unit itself :p


A buddy of mine bought a Cube a couple weeks ago, with no digital out. He called the Nintendo number and got not only a different system, but a component cable free of charge(they normally cost $30). Sure, the system's refubished, but it seems like a fair trade to me.


that sounds alright, but surely, couldn't they have used cheaper plastic to make the case or smthing if they wanted to save money, instead of cutting out the Digital AV port?

... oh wait, these DOL-101 models also have non-removable faceplates, huh? how much money did that save them :p

well at least there probably still enough units left from 2 years ago here in Australia that we'll probably never get these DOL-101 models here, not that anyone still buys GCs here or that our PAL games support 480p anyhow...


i have component cables for my gc. the gc looks the best in progressive mode on my hdtv. maybe cause the cables cost me 50 bones.
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