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Does 'World of Warcraft' mark the end of single-player Warcraft games?


When Ultima went online and became a big hit, the singleplayer aspect of the franchise went *poof*. If Blizzard discovers a hit with World of Warcraft much the way EA did with Ultima Online, do you think single-player Warcraft games will become a thing of the past?


Time ta STEP IT UP
No, I'm sure it will sell a lot, but we're in no shape to see another Warcraft game for a long, long while. (Except for WoW expansions)

We already had Warcraft III, Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, and now World of Warcraft. We've seen way too much Warcraft for the 21st century, and Blizzard will probably start working on Diablo and Starcraft titles soon anyway.


blizzard said that story events in WOW would impact the storyline of "future warcraft games" so rest assured, this series will be milked for years to come.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm about ready for another Diablo, myself. But I worry about Blizzard's ability to produce one to standards.
Actually, I want another Starcraft just because I want to know the rest of the storyline with Kerrigan. Then again, looking back on the story in the Starcraft games, there are many parallels to what occured with Arthas in the Warcraft series. Another Diablo would also be kickass. Or even a new franchise would kick some ass too (just as long as its not an RTS).


Well, Blizzard did say that they have over 5 years of storyline already set in stone for WoW. But I fully expect there to be a WC4. It's their flagship franchise, they'll continue its traditional RTS at some point in the future.

What I really want, is StarCraft 2. Then, World of StarCraft. Ghost is a start, but I want the true sequel. :)


What the heck happened to Ghost anyway? It's been in development for too long as most of the games that are being released before it are robbing it of wow factor.


Azih said:
What the heck happened to Ghost anyway? It's been in development for too long as most of the games that are being released before it are robbing it of wow factor.

Blizzard had a falling out with the original development team they hired to do this project, and now have announced that Swingin' Ape Studios, makers of the godly Metal Arms, would take over the project as well as some future Blizzard console titles. It should be released next year.


Hmm instead of WoW2 as their next mmorpg maybe we'll see a World of Starcraft :)

I'd love a new Diablo in 3D, please oh please Blizzard :)
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