So yet another animated kids flick. This is Dreamworks adaption of the wildly popular Dog-man graphic novels. If you have kids in the 4-12 year old range (in the US at least), I'm assuming you are INTIMATELY familiar with these books, whether you want to be or not
The movie is a rough adaptation of the first 3 books. It has a lot of the humor of the books but it just Not as punchy, not as zingy, not as dynamic as you'd think a film version of this notoriously pun-ny and 4th wall breaking book series should be. It really needed 3D or some gimmick but its played too straight, not even a flip-o-rama. Some of the dad jokes and references do hit, and the core story of a father-son bond is strong, as always. It's really fast moving as they assume the kids know the books well. They do flesh out Dog-man slightly more than I remember from the books, I almost thought they were gonna do a little Robocop bit with it but they just kinda dump on Officer's Knight's wife as being a tramp and move on. I feel that someone got out a little personal grief with that one 
Anyway, the theater full of kids loved the shit out of it so if you got kids its gonna be a hit. Just have a few drinks and enjoy the sly reference to Die Hard and other things
Anyway, the theater full of kids loved the shit out of it so if you got kids its gonna be a hit. Just have a few drinks and enjoy the sly reference to Die Hard and other things