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Donald Trump’s 2020 Campaign Says It’s ‘Fake News’ That Their Flags Are Made In China



"Earlier this week, Reuters news agency reported that a Chinese company called Jiahao Flag Co Ltd is in charge of producing flags and banners for President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign. Ready to ship, emblazoned with the words “Keep America Great!,” the re-election flags, in an ironic twist of fate, may get burned by tariffs Donald Trump himself has imposed on Chinese exports, Reuters suggested.

The company has turned out about 90,000 banners since March. The tariffs have not gone up yet, so the Chinese factory is taking advantage of that and producing flags at a record pace, according to a Chinese manager who spoke to Reuters.
“I know that Trump’s tariffs targeting China will have some effect, but we’re not worried at all, since we’re producing foreign flags every single day,” a factory seamstress concluded for the news agency."

Now that they've said the magic word, "Fake News", Trump supporters will refuse to believe it. Or they will say it's no big deal.

This is the world we live in now, where there is a choice of whether or not you believe in facts. Depressing.


Its very telling these threads are made by Trump haters! looking for the dirt - and then project about Trumpers!! I love your mental projections -

But mate why are you ignoring the real news about Russia collusion and Impeach 45!? There are fucking kids in cages man and concentration camps are being secretly made - surely you care about minorities and women? And think of the KIDS - why are you trying to distract us from KIDS you heartless bastard? You are probably a Trump supporter in disguise trying to get us to stop thinking about the concentration camps- nice try but we all know they are being built and next its the gays!!

Stories like this and two scoops are EXACTLY what will hand him the next election. Trying to drum up racism and race baiting, shame on you for clicking the link and talking about Fox news
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Don't worry. Trumps lemming base will come up with a reason why this doesn't matter and blindly defend him like they always do lol

The point isn't to convince people who still support Trump. Thats a lost cause. If they still blindly support him after all the shit that has been done and come to light then they will support him no matter what. You would have a better chance of convincing a tree to become a rock.

The point is to convince the people who voted for Trump but are dissatisfied with the outcome and convince the people who sat on their ass last election. If you can convince those people to mobilize against the GOP then they are fucked. Its why all the polls are so positive for Dems heading into Mid-Terms. Trump and the GOP have done nothing but put out scandal after scandal and embarrassment after embarrassment. Combine that with the fact that many senior republicans are all jumping ship after their current term is up and you get a wide open playing field for the Dems to reassert power.

We just have to convince the fence sitters and thats it. Let the die hard Trump goons eat their crayons in peace and let Fox News tell them everything is okay. It will only make it funnier when reality slaps them in the face.
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Man that Trump Defense Syndrome is really getting to panda. Poor lad.

Yes I cant stop making threads bashing Trump!! and I cant help destroying your stupid points and making you look like an idiot - remember most people can use Google and dont have the memory of a goldfish!!


Don't worry. Trumps lemming base will come up with a reason why this doesn't matter and blindly defend him like they always do lol

Ca you tell me why it matters though?? How does this matter to 1)Americans in their lives 2)in the next elections?
What ? this has no effect on anything other than virtue signalling and trump bashing - NO WAYY!!!


The only thing that will turn Trump's base against him is if he was to suddenly turn into a black man, or even worse, a black woman.

Other than that though, nothing else. Trump supporters will come home to find Trump grabbing their wives and daughters by the punani and they will convince themselves that this some how makes America great....


They could have made these in the US.

Mate there's no point trying to engage with Panda, he has no intention of an honest discussion. He didn't once even reply to the actual subject of the thread, instead jumping straight into "Trump Defense Syndrome" and rattling out a bunch of incoherent nonsense.


Don't worry. Trumps lemming base will come up with a reason why this doesn't matter and blindly defend him like they always do lol
They could have made these in US.

and lost money - do you understand how money works? No one has ever argued that buying American and paying more is better - the conditions need to be made so that making a flag or whatever in the US is as competitive naturally. But of course keep playing your silly partisan games and score some internet points!! HEHE Dems da racsits! and they buying chinese flags PMSLOL they are so stupid they cant get racism right!!!HAAH
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Mate there's no point trying to engage with Panda, he has no intention of an honest discussion. He didn't once even reply to the actual subject of the thread, instead jumping straight into "Trump Defense Syndrome" and rattling out a bunch of incoherent nonsense.

Thats because the premise of the thread is a joke - it should be in the TDS thread along with Two scoops and the Gorilla channel


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Ca you tell me why it matters though??

Trumps motto is "AMERICA FIRST"

He goes on and on about American jobs

He goes on and on about companies who export job overseas

You seriously are gonna sit there with a straight face and tell me the fact that all his merchandise is "Made in China" is no big deal? It shows that not only is he a hypocrite, but that he does not live by his own words. Most people with a reasonable amount of common sense and decency find such qualities to be bad in a leader.
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The only thing that will turn Trump's base against him is if he was to suddenly turn into a black man, or even worse, a black woman.

Other than that though, nothing else. Trump supporters will come home to find Trump grabbing their wives and daughters by the punani and they will convince themselves that this some how makes America great....

Oh I can play this game too!!

Other than that though, nothing else. TDS supporters will come home to find less war, more money in their pocket and laws being enforced and they will convince themselves that this some how makes America a facist Nazi state!....

Its almost if you are playing partisan politics!!


Trumps motto is "AMERICA FIRST"

He goes on and on about American jobs

He goes on and on about companies who export job overseas

You seriously are gonna sit there with a straight face and tell me the fact that all his merchandise is "Made in China" is no big deal? It shows that not only is he a hypocrite, but that he does not live by his own words. Most people with a reasonable amount of common sense and decency find such qualities to be bad in a leader.

Poor darling does not understand maths too! Have you set up a business or is this something your vast intelligence inherently knows?

Why would any business person lose money? Thats why you are arguing - why does a rich billionaire not want to lose money!!
When you make the cost of doing business in America better than China, Vietnam or whatever developing country to exploit, the same as America then you will get the things being made in the USA. You dont just make things in America because of pride . You are in business to make money. But of course that does not let me virtue signal and call the nasty man names!!

This just goes to show you have not finished high school and need a primer in basic economics and maths.

PS you know who can make MAGA stuff ? Anyone that wants to sell them, even Democrats and non-American citizens!! Its crazy!
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Hipster Princess
The only thing that will turn Trump's base against him is if he was to suddenly turn into a black man, or even worse, a black woman.

Other than that though, nothing else. Trump supporters will come home to find Trump grabbing their wives and daughters by the punani and they will convince themselves that this some how makes America great....

A flag.

Made in china...

Perhaps a visit to the trump derangement syndrome thread is in order.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Poor darling does not understand maths too! Have you set up a business or is this something your vast intelligence inherently knows?

Why would any business person lose money? Thats why you are arguing - why does a rich billionaire not want to lose money!!
When you make the cost of doing business in America better than China, Vietnam or whatever developing country to exploit, the same as America then you will get the things being made in the USA. You dont just make things in America because of pride . You are in business to make money. But of course that does not let me virtue signal and call the nasty man names!!

So its okay for Trump to publicly attack companies for shipping jobs and commerce overseas to save money, but its also okay for him to do it himself with no repercussions or judgement?
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Trumps motto is "AMERICA FIRST"

He goes on and on about American jobs

He goes on and on about companies who export job overseas

You seriously are gonna sit there with a straight face and tell me the fact that all his merchandise is "Made in China" is no big deal? It shows that not only is he a hypocrite, but that he does not live by his own words. Most people with a reasonable amount of common sense and decency find such qualities to be bad in a leader.

Mate seriously you're wasting your time. He is deliberately being obtuse. He knows exactly why this makes Trump a hypocrite but he has convinced himself that it is a good thing. Forget the fact that Trump could've made them here in the US for a little less profit on each sold aslong as it puts american's back at work, but no apparently, that's "fake news reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


So its okay for Trump to publicly attack companies for shipping jobs and commerce overseas to save money, but its also okay for him to do it himself with no repercussions or judgement?

One is done as a business man the other as President - do you think there would no difference. A business man is out for his business - a president needs to get reelected. When you get a job you will find out that business is not politics!


Mate seriously you're wasting your time. He is deliberately being obtuse. He knows exactly why this makes Trump a hypocrite but he has convinced himself that it is a good thing. Forget the fact that Trump could've made them here in the US for a little less profit on each sold aslong as it puts american's back at work, but no apparently, that's "fake news reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

He could take the hit but as you have Walmart proving that US consumers only care abut the bottom line then it would be suicidal business decision. Now he makes America actually competitive less tax and regulation etc you should be able to compete without making a sacrifice - thats a major win for America.
Now explain to me why dont you want America to be competitive and just rely on the goodwill of people to sacrifice profits.
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What do you mean. He is a stable genius. Everybody said so. You are just jealous of his uber-mensch swagger.

Fake News! He is a bigly genius! His supporters are the biglyiest geniuses!

Trump hires illegal immigrants for his businesses? Shrug
Trump manufactures his items in China? Shrug
Trump chooses Putin over his own defence agencies? Shrug
Trump pays porn stars to have sex with him? Shrug
Trump has to give 12 billion dollars of tax payer money to farmer because of his own daft trade wars? Shrug
Trump moved american troops out of South Korea, despite N.Korea continuing with its nuclear weapons? Shrug
Trump attacking USA's closest allies? Shrug
Trump praising dictators around the world? Shrug

Honestly, the only thing that will get the trumpettes out of Trump Defence Syndrome is he became a black or hispanic person overnight, or if he converted to Islam. That's about it.


Another issue that people are ignoring is how stories that the administration don't like, no matter how much evidence there is, they just shrug off as fake news. How is that good for democracy or american politics? A story about you that you don't like that has months or years of evidence, research and reporting? Don't worry, just call it fake news and the lemmings will fall in line.


Another issue that people are ignoring is how stories that the administration don't like, no matter how much evidence there is, they just shrug off as fake news. How is that good for democracy or american politics? A story about you that you don't like that has months or years of evidence, research and reporting? Don't worry, just call it fake news and the lemmings will fall in line.
Yeah that's great and all but our team is winning so suck it libcucks


Another issue that people are ignoring is how stories that the administration don't like, no matter how much evidence there is, they just shrug off as fake news. How is that good for democracy or american politics? A story about you that you don't like that has months or years of evidence, research and reporting? Don't worry, just call it fake news and the lemmings will fall in line.

But this happens on BOTH sides!! Why are you being disingenuous by pretending this is one sided?

Trump hires illegal immigrants for his businesses? Shrug - THIS IS IMPORTANT WHY??
Trump manufactures his items in China? Shrug - THIS IS IMPORTANT WHY??
Trump chooses Putin over his own defence agencies? Shrug - MADE UP FEELS no facts
Trump pays porn stars to have sex with him? Shrug - NO this is AWESOME!!
Trump has to give 12 billion dollars of tax payer money to farmer because of his own daft trade wars? Shrug - Again your feelings no facts
Trump moved american troops out of South Korea, despite N.Korea continuing with its nuclear weapons? Shrug!! HAHA you are desperate, you are right South Koreans must hate him PMSL!! what a fucking thing to throw in!!
Trump attacking USA's closest allies? Shrug - For long term political gain? not just because of your feelings and again how will this impact Americans?
Trump praising dictators around the world? Shrug - what being diplomatic? no way - he shuld have put putin in a headlock and ddt's him like Obama did to the Saudis, and Chinese right? PMSL - stop clutching at straws and at least make some decetn claims!! this shit is too easy and you rely on your feels too much.

You would be excused for being ignorant if you did the same to Democrats - can you list somethings that are equally outlandish on both sides? I can do both since I can think critically. You cannot so can only see one side! that;s the TDS!

Remember if everything you say is true then you have NOTHING TO LOSE - Trump will lose in a landslide
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Another issue that people are ignoring is how stories that the administration don't like, no matter how much evidence there is, they just shrug off as fake news. How is that good for democracy or american politics? A story about you that you don't like that has months or years of evidence, research and reporting? Don't worry, just call it fake news and the lemmings will fall in line.

Well its works because American are that fucking stupid they actually believe fake news! Russia-gate proves that! Why wouldnt politicians use it to their advantage. GOP use it to herd their sheep and the Dems use it to heard their sheep too. Whats the big deal?
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But this happens on BOTH sides!! Why are you being disingenuous by pretending this is one sided?

Trump hires illegal immigrants for his businesses? Shrug - THIS IS IMPORTANT WHY??
Trump manufactures his items in China? Shrug - THIS IS IMPORTANT WHY??
Trump chooses Putin over his own defence agencies? Shrug - MADE UP FEELS no facts
Trump pays porn stars to have sex with him? Shrug - NO this is AWESOME!!
Trump has to give 12 billion dollars of tax payer money to farmer because of his own daft trade wars? Shrug - Again your feelings no facts
Trump moved american troops out of South Korea, despite N.Korea continuing with its nuclear weapons? Shrug!! HAHA you are desperate, you are right South Koreans must hate him PMSL!! what a fucking thing to throw in!!
Trump attacking USA's closest allies? Shrug - For long term political gain? not just because of your feelings and again how will this impact Americans?
Trump praising dictators around the world? Shrug - what being diplomatic? no way - he shuld have put putin in a headlock and ddt's him like Obama did to the Saudis, and Chinese right? PMSL - stop clutching at straws and at least make some decetn claims!! this shit is too easy and you rely on your feels too much.

You would be excused for being ignorant if you did the same to Democrats - can you list somethings that are equally outlandish on both sides? I can do both since I can think critically. You cannot so can only see one side! that;s the TDS!

Remember if everything you say is true then you have NOTHING TO LOSE - Trump will lose in a landslide

You just shrugged off everything I said you would.


Now that they've said the magic word, "Fake News", Trump supporters will refuse to believe it. Or they will say it's no big deal.

This is the world we live in now, where there is a choice of whether or not you believe in facts. Depressing.
The media is at fault for that.


You just shrugged off everything I said you would.
By shurgging off do you mean not paying attention to your feelings and only want to see facts - then yes! Im sure less troops in Korea is going to lead to war, and things he has done while not in politics really relevant ot you. Why do you care who he sleeps with? why is this so important? can you tell me who Hilary has slept with - do we need sexual lists of people fucked who before they are a politician. You have responded with nothing of note. Not one of your talking points will have ANY effect on the net election or even more importantly negatively to Americans. How does Trump using China to make Trump items two years ago going to help you in 2020? How will this impact your life? will you not buy more Trump hats or less? I want to know EXACTLY how this impacts your life.
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Cheating on your wife/open marriages are degeneracy, there's a moral imperative to discourage these acts.

Ah so your feelings are impacted by his morality - thanks for clarifying that there are no facts or actual results of any of this - you feel morally outraged !! Are you a devout Christian? ! It did not matter when Bill was fucking Monica in the white house but it does now! You must have posted the outrage when a rapist might be entering the white house? Can you link to any posts that show you doing the same or are you a hypocrite and just playing partisan games ?
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Ah so your feelings are impacted by his morality - thanks for clarifying that there are no facts or actual results of any of this - you feel morally outraged !! Are you a devout Christian? ! It did not matter when Bill was fucking Monica in the white house but it does now! You must have posted the outrage when a rapist might be entering the white house? Can you link to any posts that show you doing the same or are you a hypocrite and just playing partisan games ?

I think you might want to recheck who you're replying to here and tone down the spaz a bit.
A flag.

Made in china...

Perhaps a visit to the trump derangement syndrome thread is in order.
From my perspective, the problem is not that the flags are from china. But the fact denying that those flags are made from China. Calling it "fake news".

“We have made it clear all along that all of our merchandise is 100% made in the USA. Any vendor who claims to have a relationship with us otherwise is lying or violating our protected trademark rights. This applies to all of the recent fake news about Made in China products for the 2020 campaign.” - Michael Glassner, the campaign’s chief operating officer called the story “fake news.


Fox Mulder

It is a bit dumb to make campaign flags in China when it's against your whole slogan, but it's just flags at the same time. He's still been hitting them with billions in tariffs, which is what his base will actually care about.


From my perspective, the problem is not that the flags are from china. But the fact denying that those flags are made from China. Calling it "fake news".

“We have made it clear all along that all of our merchandise is 100% made in the USA. Any vendor who claims to have a relationship with us otherwise is lying or violating our protected trademark rights. This applies to all of the recent fake news about Made in China products for the 2020 campaign.” - Michael Glassner, the campaign’s chief operating officer called the story “fake news.


Yeah and when it's proven that the administration is lying and manipulating it's base they just shrug it off. They don't care that the Trump administration has such a low opinion of them.
It's amazing how hard campaigns and politcians work to make sure all their materials are sourced properly from USA mfgs.

This fuckhead does this as acting potus and it's ayy whatever.
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Yeah and when it's proven that the administration is lying and manipulating it's base they just shrug it off. They don't care that the Trump administration has such a low opinion of them.

Though since I use snopes to factcheck here's what they have to say. The only way you can find proof is by finding who place the order for the flags. So MR. Glasser might be right unless proven otherwise.



Various news accounts have shown factories in China producing "Trump 2020" items and quoted factory officials as stating they had seen a surge in orders for such items in the first half of 2018 (prior to the implementation of announced U.S. tariffs).

Whether any of the "Trump 2020" items manufactured in China were ordered by, or produced on behalf of, the Trump re-election campaign itself is unknown.

In the spring of 2018, President Donald Trump announced he would be imposing tariffs on more than 1,300 types of products imported from China. The move brought significant scrutiny, including claims that clothing had been excluded from the list of taxed products in order to benefit the president’s daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump, whose clothing line has in the past sold products manufactured in China. (A few months later, Ivanka Trump said she would be closing down her clothing company.)

In July 2018, various news accounts reported that in anticipation of the implementation of those tariffs, customers in the United States and elsewhere were ramping up their orders for one Chinese-made product in particular: President Trump re-election campaign items.

The reports gave rise to speculation that not only was the president’s re-election campaign itself ordering campaign items produced in China rather than in the U.S., but that they were attempting to mitigate against the increased costs that would come with the tariffs by pushing for the quick completion of those materials — moves that would provide a double dose of irony for a politician who has famously emphasized prioritizing American jobs and manufacturing.

Some news reports contained ambiguous phrasing which created the impression (without explicitly stating such) that the Trump campaign had ordered the production of Chinese-made campaign flags. For example, the New York Post described materials being manufactured in Chinese factories as “Trump’s re-election banners,” while USA Today called them “Trump’s 2020 banners.”

Elle magazine similarly described the merchandise as “Trump’s 2020 re-election flags,” while adding a disclaimer about the identity of the customer who actually ordered them: “While it is not confirmed that Trump’s campaign ordered the flags, who else besides Sean Spicer is really that hype about the dude?”

On 27 July, Vermont senator and 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was more direct and explicit in accusing both the president himself and his campaign of having ordered the Chinese-made banners and flags. In a Facebook post, Sanders described the items as “flags for President Trump’s campaign” and accused the president of ‘opting for’ cheap foreign labor:

Trump 2020 merchandise — Made in China

In a 3 July 2018 interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Li Jiang, a factory owner in China’s Zhejiang province, said that “We also make flags for Trump for 2020,” but this comment was ambiguous about whether the merchandise was ordered by the Trump campaign itself.

On 19 July 2018, the state-run Chinese newspaper the Global Times quoted the owners of two more factories in Zhejiang as saying that in recent months they had faced an increased volume of orders for flags bearing the campaign slogans “Trump 2020” and “Keep America Great.”

Both the Reuters and Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agencies reported on a fourth factory, this one in China’s Anhui province, which had been pumping out Trump 2020 flags and banners at a higher rate than usual, with Reuters quoting a factory manager as stating that her “buyers are located in both China and abroad” and that “she doesn’t know if they are affiliated with Trump’s official campaign or the Republican Party”:

At the Jiahao Flag Co Ltd in Anhui province, women operate sewing machines to hem the edges of “Trump 2020” flags the size of beach towels, while others fold and bundle them for delivery. The factory has turned out about 90,000 banners since March, said manager Yao Yuanyuan, an unusually large number for what is normally the low season, and Yao believed the China-U.S. trade war was the reason.​
She says the buyers are located in both China and abroad and she doesn’t know if they are affiliated with Trump’s official campaign or the Republican Party. Her factory has been making Trump banners since the time his tag line as a candidate was “Make America Great Again”, highlighting an irony of his hardline on trade with China. “Sales have been great ever since 2015,” she said.​
Both Reuters and AFP included clear photographic and video evidence in their reports, so it’s clear that Trump 2020 merchandise ordered by someone was being produced in at least one Chinese factory as of July 2018:
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