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Donald Trump Would Love 'Special Person' Sarah Palin On His Team

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New Hampshire Voters Explain the Appeal of Donald Trump
Jul 30, 2015 7:45 AM UYT
A Bloomberg Politics focus group of Donald Trump supporters in the Granite State helps illuminate the billionaire's rise in the polls.

When asked to cite Trump's positions on a variety of issues, many of in the group were less able to articulate where the candidate stands.

Specifically, he said he'll put a wall on the southern border,” Roger, who works with the elderly, said. “When you talk about common sense, that's a common-sense thing to do.”

We are off to a good start.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Eating pizza with a damn fork, like "real" 'Muricans.



I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is so fun to watch from outside the US.

I don't know, there is a non-zero probability that this could bite us all in the ass. For instance:

1) Trump nominates Palin has his running mate. (Unlikely, but he is insane after all).
2) Trump/Palin wins the Republican nomination. (Not unlikely).
3) Just before the election, the Democratic candidate loses support due to some massive scandal.
4) As a consequence and against all odds, enough people vote for Trump/Palin as "the lesser of two evils".
5) We are all fucked.


He said work in the Administration in some capacity guys, that does not mean VP slot. That has been done and it's unlikely to be repeated.
I thought he was supposed to be shrewd. Palin tanked McCain, no one wants her anywhere near DC.

Palin tanked McCain because McCain is even-keeled and dare I say moderate by modern GOP standards. Trump will get along with her swimmingly. He doesn't want the kind of voters she'd repel.
Trump with Palin as his running mate would be the best thing ever.

American politics is a million times more entertaining than over here, ha.
He said work in the Administration in some capacity guys, that does not mean VP slot. That has been done and it's unlikely to be repeated.

she quit her job of being Governor because she wanted to sell some books and make money pretending to run.

she deserves to never be seen again in the public eye.


I know it's crazy but I honestly think Trump may win the GOP nomination. This is insane but when I here some conservatives talk about him I want to cry. I feel like Charlton Heston in the Planet of The Apes.

People really do agree with him. The question is if it will be enough.

Let's wait until the debates before seriously considering that. No one knows what his positions are on anything, if he has any positions on anything, and his popularity is mainly due to his public persona and media presence.


funny I thought Trump was being the bombing target for the rest of the party. But now I don't know anymore. I think he's going for the gold ring.
The GOP presidential primary election is already entertaining us all. And we still have a whole year more to go. How crazy can it get?


I have to admit as a Canadian part of me would love to see him win. I would be sad for humanity but there would really be no defense for "Stupid American" stereotypes.


He knows she is an idiot. He only said such nice things because he's on a show called "The Palin Update." No White House job for Palin.
I have to admit as a Canadian part of me would love to see him win. I would be sad for humanity but there would really be no defense for "Stupid American" stereotypes.
Will you be laughing when he invades Canada for your oil. And for a new beaver to put on his head.


The two of them would be a fascinating ticket to watch campaign. Lots of folksy witticism, finger pointing, maybe fireworks too. No policy talk because that would boring.
Say what you like about his public speaking and alcohol issues, George Bush Jr is a very intelligent man - in terms of being well-read and politically canny. The same cannot be said of Donald Trump.

He was an idiot politically, but he had handlers who knew how to shape his public image.

Trump seems to proud and sure of himself to let his handlers do the same.


He's leading in Florida 26% to Jeb Bush's 20%.
He leads in a national poll 20% to Jeb Bush's 10%.
Both published today.


First up, and the juiciest, is one by the Saint Petersburg Times. It shows Donald Trump leading field and beating Jeb Bush 26% to 20% in FLORIDA. The poll has a very robust sample of over 1900 respondents -- likely primary voters -- encompassing all major Florida media markets which makes it as reliable (MOE 2.2%) as any poll you are going to get.



In case anyone was wondering, prospective voters dig Trump because he's so loud spoken:


"Honest politician" is a selling point, even if the person is honestly abhorrent or unjustified. Straight talking and business savvy is not a combo too many other candidates have. It would be foolhardy to dismiss his campaign momentum right now, the rest of the GOP field is weak and reeling.


Say what you like about his public speaking and alcohol issues, George Bush Jr is a very intelligent man - in terms of being well-read and politically canny. The same cannot be said of Donald Trump.
both are about the same, I don't believe there's any Donald Trump will become president but it's a sad presidence when george bush jr had been elected twice and he is one of the worst presidents in history.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Why is there a show called "The Palin Update" that isn't hosted by Palin? Does it just update its viewers on what Sarah Palin has been up to?


Meh, he's only in the lead right now because Jeb Bush's eventual primary voters are still scattered around other candidates.
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