I'm so happy Team Anime is back, minus Bone 7.
Spoilers: they don't qualify for tiIm ready to watch them throw at ti
Ee better be at ti when im at tiSpoilers: they don't qualify for ti
compendurm when ?
New hero is gotta be water spirit.
Oh yea no water themeWhat makes you think that?
I'm not noticing any water themes.
Oh yea no water theme
How much involvement to get to 150 (and the underwater terrain) without spending a cent on whalepoints?
whats the verdict on this year's compendium? fair or greedy?
whats the verdict on this year's compendium? fair or greedy?
Gold LS immortal but no MK immortal![]()
Also, CM has too many items. The only slot where she doesn't have an immortal/arcana/expensive item is her arm.
Also also, the hell is this Trivia channel and why is it so bad
I got the rare brood drop along with monkey king immortal. I dont play either of those heroes FeelsBadMan
This is my first rare item drop does anyone know if it will be of value?
I might have to learn to play me some Lifestealer.
What's the trivia points for?
mai waifu
Is 10k the limit?if you get 1,000/5,000/10,000 right you get 250/500/1000 Compendium points.
It's moreso for something to do between games.
The questions vary from easy to hard so it's a mix.
what is this campaign thing I am hearing about?
are you sure act 2 is battle pass level locked?