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Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons announced



What game is character on the right from? S SlimeGooGoo


I was thinking of creating a post on this video, which looks at the series as a whole over the past 30 years...gotta agree with the art-style with this upcoming release...why not take a leaf out of Streets of Rage 4? It would have perfectly suited the game!

Talk about weird Modus sponsors his video and they are also publisher?, for this new double dragon. :pie_thinking:

As for the game. The art style looks a little meh not really my thing.
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As a Double Dragon fan and a lover of good pixel art, this is a no for me, dawg.

And of course we can't have Marian as a princess in distress anymore in this time and age.

She was fantastic in River City Girls, but makes no sense here.


Most modern day pixel art doesn't really look like how old games did or how they would have naturally developed. I'm not exactly sure why people can't or won't emulate it properly though.
They have it backwards.
They try to emulate the good old days and get those pixel look nice, while back then artists tried to get rid of the pixels as much as they could and look realistic ("realistic" in the sense that emulated reality and/or comics/cartoons that had no pixel limitations). And those limitations added to creativity immensely.
Modern artists interested in pixel art and retro feels, need to rethink their process - all of them.

This is an AMAZING documentary about it, I strongly suggest watching it:

(The whole channel is amazing, btw)
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...is this bizarro world? How did I end up here?

Double Dragon is basically the Template for a brawler, before the developers go in and give it its own twist and mechanics.

it's just the most bland brawler imaginable, the bare minimum of what the genre can offer.

it's the tasteless chewing gum of side scrolling beat em ups.

Neon was way better than any Double Dragon before that, and this one already looks better than them as well.

it's the Street Fighter 1 of its genre... it layed down the groundwork, but without the fun. and somehow the sequels never tried to add anything but better graphics, until Neon came along.

the best Double Dragon game before that was Battletoads vs Double Dragon, and that was only fun if you played the Battletoads
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it's the Street Fighter 1 of its genre
Again, is this bizarro world? SF1 was fucking amazing (and it's still a fun game).

And Double Dragon 1 is a masterpiece that still shine bright today. My favourite Beat'em Up, I replay it every now and then and I always have a blast.
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Again, is this bizarro world? SF1 was fucking amazing (and it's still a fun game).

it's the worst game in a sea of games that are hundreds of times better.

and Double Dragon is the same. sure, if you look at it in isolation, if your never played a single other games in its genre, it's decent enough.

but after playing the plethora of better brawlers it's just so stale and boring, and the mechanics feel stilted and devoid of dynamism.

Street Fighter 1 is the same, it feels so much worse than even its sequel, let alone the improved versions of it.
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Imagine we fuckin have PS5’s, Series X’s and 4090’s and developers producing 16 bit bullshit like this. It works for some games but this ain’t it.


Don't like the style, looks worse than the original lol.

Double Dragon 1 and 2 were like the coolest games to own on the NES as a kid.. Reminiscing the days when I used to have to blow hard and try all sorts of shit to get the cartridges to work haha


Not too thrill with the art style. It looks like it was made for Gameboy Advanced.
Considering Double Dragon Advance is still one of the best em ups of all time that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not that this is going to reach those heights but still. Such a shame we'll never get a DD collection with Advance, Zeebo, and the iphone game.
Don’t particularly care for the art style and I think the original games actually look better, but it looks fun and I’m willing to try it out. Big Double Dragon and beat-em-up fan here.
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Most modern day pixel art doesn't really look like how old games did or how they would have naturally developed. I'm not exactly sure why people can't or won't emulate it properly though.
That's easy: it's cheaper to do it he easy way (pixel textures on a modern 3D engine). There's also that modern devs probably don't know how to do it the original ways.
They always choose the " Scout Pilgrim " route for these types of games , looks slow & boring

nothing will top Streets of rage 4 !
Scott Pilgrim was fun, but SoR4 is still fantastic and more beat em ups should take notes. I started playing it again recently and it's excellent. Easily the king of the genre.
I think people here wouldn’t be so annoyed at the art style if this were on a GBA or Nintendo DS.

All this whining and nostalgia baiting is one of the many reasons why more and more modern pixel artists don’t bother anymore and just go 3D. It’s too difficult to try and win over the hearts and minds of people stuck in the past, and younger audiences don’t really care as much. So who’s left to win over?


Considering Double Dragon Advance is still one of the best em ups of all time that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Not that this is going to reach those heights but still. Such a shame we'll never get a DD collection with Advance, Zeebo, and the iphone game.

Not to say DDA art was bad but the art style generally look like something from GBA title.

I am a bit surprised why they didn't let Wayforward handle it as they did an excellent job with River City Girls especially when that game had Bimmy and Jimmy Lee cameo.
Pretty disappointing, they missed the mark both in terms of graphics and gameplay. I feel DDA and DDII remake for TurboGrafx CD capture the essence of DD the best; a fast, no-nonsense brawler with dirty moves. I'm not seeing any of that in this trailer. The artstyle is lame and the moves lack punch (Billy looks like he's dancing with those kicks). DD is not about long combo's, aerials, unite attacks, bouncy enemies and collecting coins to purchase upgrades. Also random special forces guy is a big question mark.
Feels a bit tragic, yet totally in line with the franchises legacy of poor sequels, ports and remakes.


I'll probably check this out, even if the art style is eh, it could be so much worse. It looks more like Scott Pilgrim than anything Double Dragon-like, especially the use of pixel art and even some of the exaggerated animations. Would've loved to see them do something like the thumbnail art, or something more... I dunno, not overly cartoon-y?

The gameplay looks fun though, and I will always have heart for beat 'em ups.
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