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DOW Chemical gave $1 mil to Trump administration, asks them to ignore damning study

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AP Exclusive: Pesticide maker tries to kill risk study (from @AP) https://apnews.com/a29073ecef9b4841b2e6cca07202bb67
WASHINGTON (AP) — Dow Chemical is pushing a Trump administration open to scrapping regulations to ignore the findings of federal scientists who point to a family of widely used pesticides as harmful to about 1,800 critically threatened or endangered species.

Lawyers representing Dow, whose CEO is a close adviser to Trump, and two other manufacturers of organophosphates sent letters last week to the heads of three of Trump's Cabinet agencies. The companies asked them "to set aside" the results of government studies the companies contend are fundamentally flawed.

Dow Chemical wrote a $1 million check to help underwrite Trump's inaugural festivities, and its chairman and CEO, Andrew Liveris, heads a White House manufacturing working group.

The industry's request comes after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced last month he was reversing an Obama-era effort to bar the use of Dow's chlorpyrifos pesticide on food after recent peer-reviewed studies found that even tiny levels of exposure could hinder the development of children's brains. In his prior job as Oklahoma's attorney general, Pruitt often aligned himself in legal disputes with the interests of executives and corporations who supported his state campaigns. He filed more than a dozen lawsuits seeking to overturn some of the same regulations he is now charged with enforcing.

Pruitt declined to answer questions from reporters Wednesday as he toured a polluted Superfund site in Indiana. A spokesman for the agency later told AP that Pruitt won't "prejudge" any potential rule-making decisions as "we are trying to restore regulatory sanity to EPA's work."

The letters to Cabinet heads, dated April 13, were obtained by The Associated Press. As with the recent human studies of chlorpyrifos, Dow hired its own scientists to produce a lengthy rebuttal to the government studies.

Over the past four years, government scientists have compiled an official record running more than 10,000 pages indicating the three pesticides under review — chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion — pose a risk to nearly every endangered species they studied. Regulators at the three federal agencies, which share responsibilities for enforcing the Endangered Species Act, are close to issuing findings expected to result in new limits on how and where the highly toxic pesticides can be used.
Drive by with pesticides if old
EDIT: whew
Rachel Maddow covered this a few weeks ago, transcript here:

So, here again is the – let`s look at that photo op one more time – this
is the CEO of Dow Chemical is on the left side there. What the president
is doing in this photo-op is signing an order to broadly append the way
public health and safety get protected by the government. The president
was signing the executive order for agencies to start wholesale deleting
health and safety regulations.

And watch what the president does when he finishes signing the thing.


Andrew, Dow Chemical? I think maybe, right?



MADDOW: Give the pen to Andrew, Dow Chemical. Pleasure working with you.

That was the president rolling out Executive Order 13777, enforcing the
regulatory reform agenda and thanking by name Andrew, CEO of Dow Chemical,
for all the help.



Home of the free.
If you got the cash.
I mean, putting profits and bribery above 1800 endangered species is totally disgusting, but these are the kind of people Trump has chosen to surround himself with and he doesn't give a fuck about any kind of environmental science, so I'm sure he'll have no qualms in granting their wishes.


That response from DoW though

Rachelle Schikorra, the director of public affairs for Dow Chemical, said any suggestion that the company's $1 million donation to Trump's inaugural committee was intended to help influence regulatory decisions is "completely off the mark."

"Dow actively participates in policymaking and political processes, including political contributions to candidates, parties and causes, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws," Schikorra said. "Dow maintains and is committed to the highest standard of ethical conduct in all such activity."

Haha, sure


Seriously, something needs to be done about these bribes when the opportunity's available. This shit is literally killing the world.
Seriously, something needs to be done about these bribes when the opportunity's available. This shit is literally killing the world.

If a serious curbing of corporate corruption doesn't happen when the Dems are in power again the end result will be bloodshed.


I get the feeling that the press release could be:

"Hey America, we're BRIBING your President to change laws that will make your lives worse. Do something!"

And nothing would change.


I get the feeling that the press release could be:

"Hey America, we're BRIBING your President to change laws that will make your lives worse. Do something!"

And nothing would change.

I mean, that is basically what it says, but half the country will just parrot "Damn straight! Fuck those insects, we need to worry about people!" not even reading it also causes brain damage in people.


Pruitt declined to answer questions from reporters Wednesday as he toured a polluted Superfund site in Indiana. A spokesman for the agency later told AP that Pruitt won't "prejudge" any potential rule-making decisions as "we are trying to restore regulatory sanity to EPA's work."
Party of evil


I mean, that is basically what it says, but half the country will just parrot "Damn straight! Fuck those insects, we need to worry about people!" not even reading it also causes brain damage in people.

If it does cause brain damage in people, isn't that an entirely different lawsuit for the company regardless of what the white house rules?


I wouldn't consider myself a tree hugging hippy, but reading something like this... If I met one of the fuckers behind it, it would be hard to not punch them in the throat. Seems like those in power don't even try to hide how corrupt, unethical, racist, sexist, and downright slimy they are.


The industry's request comes after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced last month he was reversing an Obama-era effort to bar the use of Dow's chlorpyrifos pesticide on food after recent peer-reviewed studies found that even tiny levels of exposure could hinder the development of children's brains.

Fuck me, this is some horrendous, straight up evil shit.
Over the past four years, government scientists have compiled an official record running more than 10,000 pages indicating the three pesticides under review — chlorpyrifos, diazinon and malathion — pose a risk to nearly every endangered species they studied.

DOW wasted its money. The Trump administration will ignore the findings for free.
Rachel Maddow covered this a few weeks ago, transcript here:


So, here again is the – let`s look at that photo op one more time – this
is the CEO of Dow Chemical is on the left side there. What the president
is doing in this photo-op is signing an order to broadly append the way
public health and safety get protected by the government. The president
was signing the executive order for agencies to start wholesale deleting
health and safety regulations.

And watch what the president does when he finishes signing the thing.


Andrew, Dow Chemical? I think maybe, right?



MADDOW: Give the pen to Andrew, Dow Chemical. Pleasure working with you.

That was the president rolling out Executive Order 13777, enforcing the
regulatory reform agenda and thanking by name Andrew, CEO of Dow Chemical,
for all the help.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Lawyers representing Dow, whose CEO is a close adviser to Trump, and two other manufacturers of organophosphates sent letters last week to the heads of three of Trump's Cabinet agencies. The companies asked them "to set aside" the results of government studies the companies contend are fundamentally flawed.

Dow Chemical wrote a $1 million check to help underwrite Trump's inaugural festivities, and its chairman and CEO, Andrew Liveris, heads a White House manufacturing working group.

Literal bribery.

This is so fucked.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Just for comparison this chemical chlorpyrifos has been banned in the UK as well as a result on an EU review.

Dow protecting markets with lax regulation, starting with the US but will pull this trick elsewhere. Congratulations for electing someone who knows nothing about environmental policy so these guys will get free reign.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Just for comparison this chemical chlorpyrifos has been banned in the UK as well as a result on an EU review.

Dow protecting markets with lax regulation, starting with the US but will pull this trick elsewhere. Congratulations for electing someone who knows nothing about environmental policy so these guys will get free reign.
From the Wikipedia article:
Chlorpyrifos was used to control insect infestations of homes and commercial buildings in Europe until it was banned from sale in 2008.[72] Chlorpyrifos is restricted from termite control in Singapore as of 2009.[73] It was banned from residential use in South Africa as of 2010.[74] In 2010, India barred Dow from commercial activity for 5 years[75] after India's Central Bureau of Investigation found Dow guilty of bribing Indian officials in 2007 to allow the sale of chlorpyrifos.[76]
Fuck all these sleeze balls that put money money money before reality, science, and innate morality.

And you have to be a piece of shit to vote for these assholes.
$1 million? Sounds pretty low, lol. But honestly, this is absolutely damning.

This. Carcinogenicity studies will generally cost well over a million dollars. This is a Doctor Evil move. I imagine a staffer having to point out that it's not the 70's and multinationals like Dow make billions of dollars.
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