Your deciding to speak out publicly and authoritatively about medical matters makes you sort of anomalous among movie actors.
You know, you get to a point where you say enough is enough. People are being misled, badly cared for, and needlessly damaged by the attitudes prevalent in American Medicine, movie actors among them.
Like whom?
Well, take for example Christopher Reeve.
Who suffered massive spinal cord injuries in a riding accident.
Exactly. Now here is a man, and I care about Christopher Reeve because I think he is an incredibly talented man. But look at him; where has his career gone?
I, uh, hate to be the one to tell you this, but Mr. Reeve passed away last year.
You're kidding.
I wish I were.
Dammit. That is devastating to me--Could I get some more iced tea?--It's painful because I know if I'd spoken out earlier, he could've been saved. That's the tragedy of it. Well, it is what it is.
What is your Medical schooling background? Isnt it true you dropped out of High School?
Its true that I dont have a diploma from an American High Schoolbut what the Medical community doesn't want you to know is that the most highly-respected Medical minds in Europe or other countries dont have US High School diplomas either.
Yes but..
As you may recall, I played a Doctor in 'Eyes Wide Shut.' Now this was a long shootKubrick, you know, God rest his soul, butanyway, I was absolutely immersed in this charactera licensed, practicing Doctorfor, as I say, well over a year. So its not like I dont have the experience, or know how these guys think.
Do you have anything more to say about Post-Partum Depression?
Just that I'm sorry things were taken the wrong way. I adore Brooke. I just think she's the victim here. The Medical Community is playing on women's tendency to be needy and want fixing. So they say 'Take this pill.' Let's face it, women have a lot of mental problems in general. They're always saying 'I'm depressed, I lack energy, I can't pay attention. I fear social situations. I'm tired of living this lie.' But trapping them into a life of medication isn't the answer. Of course, question it and they rally to defend pills like battered women defend their husbands. Bitches are stupid. I say that with love and understanding.
:lol :lol