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Dragon Age 4 development was reportedly rebooted drastically in late 2017


After shifting a majority of the Dragon Age team to work on Anthem, work on the series' fourth installment was essentially restarted two years ago.

Now that Anthem officially released earlier this year, BioWare’s next project that is slated to arrive is that of Dragon Age 4. The fourth installment in the fantasy RPG series was revealed late in 2018 at The Game Awards via a teaser trailer.
As of now, there isn’t a whole lot to see of the project, mainly because it’s still so early in development. However, a fourth Dragon Age game has been worked on at BioWare for years at this point but because of shifts in direction,

In a new report from Kotaku, it was revealed that BioWare has worked on Dragon Age 4 in one way or another since the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition’s final piece of DLC in 2015. Because of more pressing matters at BioWare though, the team working on DA4 was forced to move off the project multiple times.

In October of 2017, a few months after Casey Hudson returned to the company as GM, BioWare and EA opted to cancel Joplin and move a vast majority of the team over to working on Anthem. In the months after this move, Laidlaw himself also ended up leaving BioWare to eventually join Ubisoft.

A small group then began working on a new Dragon Age project which would now be codenamed Morrison, which is what DA4is in its current form. Morrison is said to offer more live service components compared to Joplin and is being built from the same tools and codebase as Anthem. As of now, it’s unclear just how many of the ideas from Joplin will then be reworked into Morrison. It’s also unclear just how integrated online and live service elements will be in the finished game.

As of now, it seems like Dragon Age 4 development is still very early and the vision of what the game will eventually become is still hazy. Some sources within BioWare expect DA4 to change quite a bit in the coming years, which makes it all the more strange that the studio decided to even tease the game so early.

Credit: DualShockers
Source: Kotaku


Gold Member

If they can't learn from mistakes this one makes strike 3 for Bioware/EA. Not buying shit from them again until there's a split.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
game or bioware. which will EA choose?
Could be both. I think they will keep Bioware around for a bit to see if they can turn around Anthem, but I don't see them dumping more money into another project.
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What’s happening at BioWare ffs?! Anthem is garbage and I lost all my faith in it especially after the last article and now this? The game will release full of shit and then they’ll say ummm yeah we didn’t work on it a lot we just did it in 15 months

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Just... make... a real... mass effect...

I’ve said it before, a ME trilogy would be easy money and make fans happy. But I would be more than happy for a mass effect 4. I don’t even care about how you get me there, timey wimey bollocks if you have too... but being back with my boy Shepard commander is all I care for. Either make a 4, make a trilogy re-release, or just finish the story and leave it.


I was worried during the announcement that they might do some “live services” mess.
It looks like I’m loosing all my interest in this game. Call me back once Bioware plan to do a good game again.
Well after now knowing about the dev cycle for Anthem and how it had problems and only really started development in 2018, this isn't surprising.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Morrison is said to offer more live service components compared to Joplin and is being built from the same tools and codebase as Anthem.
And no lessons were learnt.

Unless, EA rebooted it again recently after their restructuring (mentioned in their financial report)? If they have any business sense left, they would have.


This might sound ignorant, but how difficult is it to make a video game? Can't they just plan it out, follow the plan and make it in a reasonable time? I know it's complicated, but everyone else seems to be able to do it. Ubisoft games are pretty dull but they come out like clockwork.


Gold Member
Between current Bioware's incompetence and failing leadership and EA's mandate of everything having to be an online service I have pretty much zero interest in this.

Regardless of the "it might turn out fine" stance Schreier takes here, at this point it's almost a given that It's going to be another online only, loot focused coop game. Best case scenario it will be a decent Diablo Clone, worst case it's another Anthem.
When the fanbase reacts negatively they are going to go for the usual damage control tactic by promising that "Story is totally still an important element" and "you can beat the story playing solo if you want" while neglecting that the entire game from its very core is not what fans wanted.

What’s happening at BioWare ffs?! Anthem is garbage and I lost all my faith in it especially after the last article and now this? The game will release full of shit and then they’ll say ummm yeah we didn’t work on it a lot we just did it in 15 months

Well from the article it seems like the leadership at Bioware is completely incompetent and have big issues with both planning and decision making.
Then comes EA to make things even worse by forcing everyone to use Frostbite (which apparently sucks for everything except FPS Dice games), and demanding everything is built as a "live service".

And when both the publisher and developer suck you get shit like Andromeda and Anthem

Just... make... a real... mass effect...

I’ve said it before, a ME trilogy would be easy money and make fans happy. But I would be more than happy for a mass effect 4. I don’t even care about how you get me there, timey wimey bollocks if you have too... but being back with my boy Shepard commander is all I care for. Either make a 4, make a trilogy re-release, or just finish the story and leave it.

The current higher ups at EA would rather die than sell you a game you pay for once and can beat in 30-40 hours.
If it's not going to have you playing for months and hundreds of hours while spending extra money on microtransactions they don't want to hear about it
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Yeah and that pisses me off...

I’m 35. I was playing quake and quake 2, and getting cover CDs with free content on them. Not one map, or a skin... massive total conversions and full on expansion packs... for free.

This world we live in where you have to pay to do anything now is fucking disgusting... that’s why the games I’ve enjoyed the most this gen have all been simple straight forward affairs. I don’t need that shit, I’ve got a kid, a wife, a life. I just want to play a game, beat it, and stick it on the shelf to come back to another day...


That is the reason why I said Bioware needs to be shut down before they ruin another IP. I thought Origins was fantastic. Dragon Age 2 was bullshit and 3 tried to go back to more older roots but in the end failed. But at least they tried. This sounds like Anthem with dragons. And yes Bioware needs to be closed. VERY FAST


That is the reason why I said Bioware needs to be shut down before they ruin another IP. I thought Origins was fantastic. Dragon Age 2 was bullshit and 3 tried to go back to more older roots but in the end failed. But at least they tried. This sounds like Anthem with dragons. And yes Bioware needs to be closed. VERY FAST

Prefer if they cut all ties with EA.

Extremely talented studio managed by extremely incompetent people.


There are two distinct possibilities:

  1. The game never comes out, EA shuts down Bioware.
  2. The game comes out and it's shit, EA shuts down Bioware.

Anandon all hope.
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By the way things are now, it would be merciful of EA to just shut down Bioware

Why would EA do that? A crappy game with constant transcations like Anthem will make more for EA than any single player gem like Dragon Age Origins. This is the sad reality of AAA studios now.


Why would EA do that? A crappy game with constant transcations like Anthem will make more for EA than any single player gem like Dragon Age Origins. This is the sad reality of AAA studios now.
That’s what is frightening for me. And we can see it in Anthem. EA is selling skin/color swap at crazy high prices and some people look happy to buy them.

If they make money with game like Anthem, they’ll continue this way.


There is a 5% chance of Bioware ever putting out a good game again. You can just look at all of their releases over time and see the decline taking place. Something happened internally and the rot has taken over.
Dragon Age: Origins is still one of my favorite games. I really liked the world BioWare created. After Dragon Age: Inquisition, it seemed like BioWare had a vision and direction where they were headed. I had hoped they were going to take what they’d learned, and mix it with the feedback they got, and make a game that felt like a true follow up to Origins. It really is a shame BioWare squandered so much of its talent and IP. It’s too bad Microsoft can’t buy BioWare out from under EA and let them make the games they want to make.

Maybe that’s too naive. Both Anthem and Mass Effect: Andromeda were disasters of their own making. EA or Microsoft, the results would probably have been the same.


Well from the article it seems like the leadership at Bioware is completely incompetent and have big issues with both planning and decision making.
Then comes EA to make things even worse by forcing everyone to use Frostbite (which apparently sucks for everything except FPS Dice games), and demanding everything is built as a "live service".

And when both the publisher and developer suck you get shit like Andromeda and Anthem
Yeah true. I never understood why in the first place they were forced to use Frostbite. Obviously it’s not working for anything other than FPS and I’m sure they knew that during Anthem development
It really fascinates me how people are still desperately clinging to a faint hope that Bioware can change from the traversty they have become the past few years. Newsflash games are not made by Money or branding games are made by passionate people and Bioware has decidedly fired or turned those who still needed the pay depressive anxiety ridden people. So why are people still hoping for a turn when non exists? Pathetic!
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At this point I don't even care about this game cause the people that formed Bioware and delivered best rpg's in gaming are not there anymore,and I will not be surprised if this game will be "a live service" following with a "roadmap"


This is so depressing. I admit being something of a Dragon Age fan, and while Inquisition certainly had issues, I still enjoyed it. And after Trespasser, the plot was set out for a really epic sequel.

....and now this. It seems to be in pre-production (still!), but I really don't have much optimism in what they will come up with. If they ever will, after Anthem I think the future of BioWare as a studio is far from certain.


I expect this game to get canned.
Nah, it'll get released, because they sunk too much money into it. Just expect a similar metascore to Anthem. ;)

It really seems like BioWare and EA have enormous problems with planning new projects and organizing their development. We all joke about EA finally pulling the plug on BioWare, but DA4 actually has a real chance of being their last game.
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I watched angry joes recap on schreiers article and if half of that is true, I have no faith in dragon age 4. It's kinda sad because the franchise once had potential, but if bioware is as incompetent as indicated, the game is lost.



If they can't learn from mistakes this one makes strike 3 for Bioware/EA. Not buying shit from them again until there's a split.
Even if Bioware get to split from EA it won't change anything. It could even be worse without funds provided by the editor. As it was highlighted most of the decisions for Anthem, if not all, were on the studio and not the editor.

And to be frank, most of the people that worked on the games that made Bioware's reputation are no longer there. Thus the evolution of the studio in an unexpected way. They changed the vision they had for their games. Maybe they also wanted to have à slice of the cake provided by live services but were not ready structurally nor technically to handle the changes in the company.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
EA just got too big. Focus shifted from making a good game to maximising profits. Never going to end well.


I’m not sure what to think of this. Inquisition was horrible, an absolute slog with janky gameplay and a trash narrative with trash characters. Both andromeda and anthem are better games honestly.
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It stiff baffles me why the hell won't they just make Neverwinter Nights in DA setting. Just make a singleplayer RPG, add GM and mission building tools and then sell assets packsm, items and new adventures as a part of live service, bassicaly copying supplements and figurines from tabletop version


The "Bioware Magic" at it again. But the term might have switched meanings since Andromeda and it's not about the game coming together anymore...
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