Crying over your favorite character not being in the game will not get them in the game
Crying over your favorite character not being in the game will not get them in the game
Crying over your favorite character not being in the game will not get them in the game
GS would be fine as well, it would kill me inside a little bit though.Another Gohan's in but we don't know which one. I'm assuming it'll be Ultimate Gohan or Great Saiyaman.
I got 18. I'm happy.
Give me Ultimate Gohan, and the rest could be GT characters for all I care.
so what? let people grieve. i'm laughing now but when kid goku doesn't get in i'm gonna cry
Forgot to post here. Requoting.
Ok, crusade here we go.
If you guys feel like helping, I tweeted at bandai to get their attention, any like and retweet will help.
You'll never love anything as much as Slaythe loves Android 17.
Honestly, after Super it's obvious 17 is the best Android. It's a crime he's not included. 16? Only useful to unlock Godhan's power. 18? Meh. 17? Gimme.
18 is objectively the best. I'm sorry.
No wonder you love 17, you kind look like him lol.
Gotrunks?Androids 16 and 18 are the right choice. Very happy with this news.
Now I need Tien, Yamsha, Broly, Gotrunks and Gogeta to have all the characters I want![]()
Honestly, after Super it's obvious 17 is the best Android. It's a crime he's not included. 16? Only useful to unlock Godhan's power. 18? Meh. 17? Gimme.
But Piccolo is in this.Ya'll acting as if there's a lot of cool, relevant Z characters to put in instead of Super characters.
SSGSS as separate characters is lame but I'll take something like Black instead of jobbers like Raditz, Ginyu or Dabura any day.
Why are people complaining about characters? They haven't revealed them all yet, and its still a long way till its out.
Why are people complaining about characters? They haven't revealed them all yet, and its still a long way till its out.
One's playable and the other isn't :^)Your opinion is wrong. One day you'll see the light.
The fact that Android 16 made it pretty much tells me that Android 17 is either gonna get announced later or will be coming later as DLC. Would be really stupid of Namco to NOT put him in down the road.
I believe this is his name in France.Gotrunks?
17 is totally making it in, so what if hes part of somebodys moveset? This is a game where a yellow Goku can fight a blue Goku at the same time, lol
Lets hope the SSB characters have a reason to be there, if theyre just more powerful variants than regular SSJ then its a pretty big waste. Also LOL that they didnt use the RoF costumes but you gotta cut corners at some point, I guess.
If that's the case and 17 appears as a standalone, than that would undermine 18 a lot. They put themselves in a corner here thanks to this.
Forgot to post here. Requoting.
Ok, crusade here we go.
If you guys feel like helping, I tweeted at bandai to get their attention, any like and retweet will help.
Also Majin Vegeta is totally happening. As is SSJ4 Goku and SSJ4 Vegeta. The floodgates will be opened and they can't fucking help themselves but to pump 6000 different versions of Goku in every fighting game.
I don't know if anyone pointed it out, but it looks like one of Vegeta's supers is him pummeling the enemy into the ground1like he did to Black.
I don't know if anyone pointed it out, but it looks like one of Vegeta's supers is him pummeling the enemy into the groundLooks like they might be pulling from the Future Trunks he did to Black.
Also we finally have a good 18 model in a game!
I don't know if anyone pointed it out, but it looks like one of Vegeta's supers is him pummeling the enemy into the groundLooks like they might be pulling from the Future Trunks he did to Black.
Also we finally have a good 18 model in a game!
Seems they're basing the SSB versions from after the ToP arc.
Nah, SSB Goku & Vegeta isn't really a surprising choice, doesn't we'll every little variant, especially not something like Majin Vegeta lol
Can we show some appreciation to the most wholesome Android of them all making it in the game?
If SSB Goku and Vegeta aren't extras and actually take up roster space from other characters, then that's a legit knock against the game. No reason it can't be an install super.
If SSB Goku and Vegeta aren't extras and actually take up roster space from other characters, then that's a legit knock against the game. No reason it can't be an install super.