Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
It's an ornitology checkbook adventure.
I laughed at this more than I should have. ;P
It's an ornitology checkbook adventure.
SSJ4 is the coolest transformation ;_;
Chances of Super Buu appearing?
Better than the blue form shenanigans.No GT filth allowed.
No 17 is a shame, but maybe he'll be DLC down the line.
Doubt it.
Three Buus is too much. Super Buu is too defined by his absorptions. Kid Buu offers a fairly unique physique (short), and is the final villain of DBZ.
Better than the blue form shenanigans.
Oh, that 10x blue kaioken.
So long "Gold freeza first appears on Resurrection of F, so there's still no Super 'shit' in the game" crowd.
I was hoping this was purely DBZ.
Ah yup the random Gt shade, the hating of's a Db thread in the year 201
Like I said where's my boy he's not in game is trash
The boy actually has moves both physical and ki based he gotta be inGotenks? Hopefully he's in, he's like the most interesting Saiyan for a game like this
The boy actually has moves both physical and ki based he gotta be in
This man knows what's up.SSJ4 is the coolest transformation ;_;
Chances of Super Buu appearing?
SSJ4 is the coolest transformation ;_;
I don't know why people are thinking this means no SSJ4.
Lmao, they put 16 instead of 17? That's an incredibly dumb decision.
SSJ GokuI just realized that a team of three Gokus would be pretty funny
Lmao, they put 16 instead of 17? That's an incredibly dumb decision.
I just realized that a team of three Gokus would be pretty funny
16 is a nice surprise. Did they set the base roster before learning of the Universal Survival Arc?
Still waiting on that Beerus confirmation.
Give vegeta his final shine attack at least. Final flash isn't some big revelation for his blue form lol
18 was a given, since she's pretty much the most important female fighter, but I think the issue with her is despite that position, she really never fought that much, and overall didn't have much to work with. Making her have team up attacks with 17 was probably a way to mitigate that. Maybe down the line we'll see a 17 version of her where 18 is the assist character, but who knows.
16 was probably picked because he's unique, and probably is filling in the grappler niche. Maybe he'll have a self destruct attack and maybe it will work this time.
yeah sadly this is what i figured was gonna happen with 17
it's strange that 16 got in, i figured he was the least likely of the 3 to get in
It is still officially called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.
It is still officially called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.
What's said >>> what's written.It is still officially called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.
Can I get this vegeta as a skin plz