Between that and some dragon/human slash fanfic I stumbled across a few years back on usenet the whole concept of dragons is ruined for me now.
Yea, the village of Twaterwalli sent forth the village idiot to
slay the dragon.
Unfortunate for the village Sir Peckerwood the Limp Wristed thought the "s" was silent. :lol
Screw that, and no - I don't mean <bishoptl>
Odoul: I'd be perfectly happy if Cavia kept slogging at the Drakengard concept on the Playstation 3, just so they could densely populate the battlefield with hordes of enemies that I could fly over and bake with my dragon.
Some of the theory in the special would make for interesting game play mechanics as well. Such as flame and flight being powered by the same hydrogen bladders.