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Dream journals... anyone keep them?

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I've meant to do it for some time because i love remembering my dream adventures, and because i hear keeping a journal increases your Lucid dream occurances, which are the ultimate experience in life IMO

I finally started one this morning thanks to a cool dream i had. I think it was influenced by Skies of Acradia, since i was flying around in some sort of air ship when i discovered a tower being hit by a tornado. anyway, i slid down the tower deep into the earth and discovered an ancient civilization. fun stuff.

anyway, dream journals, who keeps them? how long? ever go back and enjoy your old adventures? have you noticed an increase in Lucid dreams as a result?



i've kept a very sporadic one. i find that it definitely helps with dream recall, which is notable because i am notoriously bad at remembering my dreams.

from what i've been able to write down, i do find myself reading them from time to time, but i've found that the biggest asset of the journal is the recall itself. it seems to program in your head that you definitely want to remember your dreams so you can at least write it down. plus, during the act of writing, you start remembering more things that you might normally not notice if you were to just think of it.

keep it up, especially if your main goal is for lucid dreaming. once you've got dream recall down pat, i believe that will help the pave way to lucidity.


My dreams usually involve other people I know, so I end up writing them an email the next day like, "I had a dream about such and such, you were in it." I don't delete emails usually, so I've got them all there from the past 2.5 years or so.


Here's a funny dream I had last night that I remember very clearly:

John Travolta and I were holding up this couple in their own house to steal their dishwasher. I handcuffed them and put them in their bedroom while he busts out a laptop and takes a picture of the dishwasher and puts it on eBay. I was like "uhh, this thing looks like a piece of crap" (the dishwasher is the one we used to have in our house when we just moved it, it was puke green and lacked the dial on the front)

John Travolta: No way man, it's state of the art
Me: If you say so...

Just then the wife comes out of the bedroom dangling the handcuffs that she got out of, only now she's Demi Moore in her underwear (??)
She seemed harmless so I let her roam around in her undies, but then her hubby comes running out (this time played by Will Ferrell) and yells in J&SBSB fashion "FREEZE NOBODY MOVE!"

I pull out my gun and yell "DROP THE GUN MOTHA FUCKA" (I now realize I'm Samuel L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction or something)

Ferrell drops it and does his funny I'M A PUSSY look

It gets kind of fuzzy after that, I think Demi changed into that Dushku chick who's on FOX, and I refused to help Travolta carry the dishwasher out....


I hardly dream (Or that I can remember) so No. And when I usually do have a dream that I can remember, I usually don't forget about them.

way more

I've kinda learned how to remember the dreams I want to. The first couple of seconds after I wake up I try to recall if it is worth holding on to.

Like last night I dreamnt I was playing an Evil Dead game in an arcade. The controlls were like that skateboard game combined with a severed hand which you had to move to punch zombies.
I always wake up thinking, "Wow, that dream was bad ass. I'm not going to forget it this time." And then like two minutes later I can't remember what the fucking thing was about.
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